It is true that money makes the world go round.

If not, it only proves that the money given is not enough.

Originally, Smith was really struggling and hesitant about whether to agree to the other party's conditions.

But... when he heard the number, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He only needed to go over to help others and get 400,000, and he could work less for half a year.

With such a large sum of money, it means that he will probably be able to solve a lot of problems and troubles in the future.

He felt excited just thinking about it!

Smith's attitude returned to its original respectful state, even more so than before.

He came to Jiang Xue with a smile and said,"No problem, of course no problem"

"Dear Miss Jiang, when can we go there?"

"I also want to see who this chef is who is so valued by Miss Jiang?"

"I guess his cooking skills must be very good!"

Thinking of the food Jiang Chen cooked and his unparalleled superb cooking skills, Jiang Xue���The corners of her mouth were drooling.

Although she knew that this was not good and would affect her image, she just couldn't help it.

There was no way, Jiang Chen's cooking skills were really great.

Jiang Xue smiled gently and said,"What you just said is right, his cooking skills are really good."

"Well, there’s no point in saying so much, let’s go over there quickly, and then you’ll know how great his cooking skills are!"


He didn't say anything else, and nodded in agreement in front of Jiang Xue.

The scene that happened next brought Smith an even stronger shock. He originally thought that Jiang Xue would just let him, a Michelin chef, help Jiang Chen.

But one was far from enough in her mind, and then she found six or seven chefs to help Jiang Chen.

This really shocked him so much that his scalp was numb! He didn't know what to say?!

Just for the cost of helping the chef, she paid a full six or seven million!

I have to admit that the other party was generous and generous, which was really shocking!


As for everyone's reaction, it was exactly the same as Smith's, and there was not much difference at all.

When they first learned about it Everyone was very angry at the news, feeling that their professional dignity was challenged and insulted.

But when Jiang Xue kept raising the stakes and raising the price again and again, everyone agreed. Is there anyone in the world who can't get along with money?

He invited a total of ten Michelin three-star chefs, and any one of these chefs is a well-known figure in the food industry.

But now they all have to obey the arrangement of being a prisoner!

If this were to be spread out, I don't know how many people would be shocked.

But there is no way! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Who asked them to take other people's money now?

Jiang Xue stood in front of everyone, clasped his hands in front of his chest, with a gentle smile on his face.


Jiang Xue said seriously and calmly:"I will guarantee in front of you that you will see the greatest and most powerful thing in history!"

"He is also the best and most amazing chef!"[]

"His cooking skills will refresh your worldview. I hope you will all obey his arrangements."

"Just do whatever he tells you to do."

Anyway, everyone has received enough money, so no matter what he says next, people will not talk back to him.

Just do whatever you want, right?!

He smiled gently and said,"Everyone, now welcome our chef with warm applause."

Each of them was indeed very enthusiastic, with eyes full of expectation, wanting to see what kind of person today's chef is.

The moment they saw Jiang Chen, they were all stunned.

No matter who saw this scene, they were dumbfounded?!

They 407 never thought that this time the chef would be so young and handsome, and looked like he was only in his early twenties.

The skills of a chef often require practical accumulation.

The younger people are relatively not as good as the older generation!

Originally, they thought that the next chef would be a Taishan Beidou-level existence.

But he is just a young man!

And a young man who works in prison?!

This has brought a certain degree of psychological gap to them invisibly.

It's not their fault. Anyone who encounters the same situation must be a little shocked and incomprehensible.


Smith, who was standing far away, said in disbelief,"Are you sure what you said just now is true? Are you not kidding us?"

"Smith, do you think I'm the kind of person who would joke about something this important?"

"Everything I said is true"

I love you:

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