Under normal circumstances, it would be a good thing for someone to visit him in prison. He would definitely be enthusiastic and run out without saying a word.

The food in prison is very bad and life is boring. People who come to visit will most likely bring something, which may be food, fruits, or books or novels.

However, Zhang Xiaohu, who learned the news today, was not happy at all.


Who is coming to see him?

Isn't this a waste of his time?

If he goes out now, he will definitely not be able to finish his work ahead of schedule today, and he will have to queue up behind to grab food.

I guess he can only eat leftovers.

"What are you still doing standing there?"

Lao Li patted his head and said,"The one who came to see you is your girlfriend. It seems she brought you some food."

"OK, I got it."

Zhang Xiaohu felt better when he learned that it was his girlfriend who came.

Originally, his family was poor and he could barely make ends meet, but his girlfriend had always stayed with him and they had a deep relationship and were very affectionate. They had originally thought about being down-to-earth, working hard together, saving money to buy a house and get married. But when people are going to be unlucky, they will get stuck in their teeth after drinking cold water. They might be destined to be poor.

Whichever company they go to, that company will go bankrupt!

By chance, the two of them accidentally got pregnant, and as a result, his wife became a mother overnight. Seeing her belly getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Xiaohu couldn't help it and had to take a risk. He decided to rob a mobile phone, thinking of selling it for some money, holding a simple wedding with his girlfriend, and then returning to his hometown to build a house and live a stable life.

But it was his first time working and he had no experience at all, plus... Wang Xiaolong, the head of the staff, was unreliable. The two of them were well-equipped and had real guns and bullets. They robbed a bunch of model machines under surveillance video.

In the end, they were arrested and sentenced to two years on the grounds of attempted robbery and threatening the lives and safety of the general public.

The person Zhang Xiaohu felt most sorry for was his girlfriend. She had been displaced with him and lived a miserable life for half her life, without a single day of peace.

When she was out with him before, she never had the chance to have a good meal.

As for the delicacies like those in prison, don't even think about it.

Oh, if only she could have a taste of prison food.

He came to the door and dialed his girlfriend's number through the window. When Wang Cuicui saw Zhang Xiaohu, her eyes lit up and she was very excited. She said,"Xiaohu, how have you been in there during this time?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Zhang Xiaohu replied:"Cuicui, let me tell you, our prison has a new chef recently, and his cooking skills are comparable to those of a five-star hotel chef."

"No, no, no, it should be called eight-star. His cooking skills are extraordinary. I really hope you can come in and stay for two days!"

"After tasting the food, you probably won't want to go out anymore? To be honest, if this chef keeps working, I really hope I can stay for two more years."Anyway, I won't make much money out there, and I won't have the chance to eat delicious food every day.

Wang Cuicui:"……"

She looked at her boyfriend in disbelief. Was there something wrong with her ears or his brain?

Is it okay to invite your girlfriend to jail?

This move is even more coquettish than that of Ellie wearing Pinru's clothes!

"Why don't you say anything?"

Thinking of the braised pork made by Jiang Chen, Zhang Xiaohu couldn't help drooling. He swallowed and said,"Really, what I just said is the truth. I didn't have the chance to take you to eat good food before. Now I really want to treat you to prison food. The taste is really amazing!"

"I now realize that the best thing I have done in the past twenty years is to grab that batch of mobile phone models."

"You see, we used to work honestly, but something like this would happen or something like that would happen, and we couldn't save any money anyway."

"I'm in jail, guess what? The food is better than the rich and powerful."

"If you have eaten the food in our prison once, you will know that what I said is true."


Yes, yes, yes!

He must be crazy.

Who in his right mind would say such a thing?

Wang Cuicui looked at her boyfriend who was talking so eloquently and felt particularly distressed. Being in prison almost made him an idiot.

She said with some sadness:"Husband, you must have suffered a lot in there, right?"

"Don't worry, you will be able to come out in half a year. I have saved some money, and I will take you to the hospital to check your head."


Zhang Xiaohu was very excited when he heard this, and he stood up.

Seeing his actions, Wang Cuicui felt a little guilty. She must have hurt him by speaking too directly.

Even if she found that he had a problem with his brain, she shouldn't have said it in front of him.

Normal people probably don't want to be considered crazy by their girlfriends, right?

"Husband, don't get me wrong, I just think your current thinking is a little abnormal, that's why I said that.……"

He put his hands on the table and asked,"Do I only have six months to get out of prison?"

"Yes, right?"

Wang Cuicui looked at Zhang Xiaohu and said,"Husband, are you very happy? When you are released from prison, we can get a marriage certificate."

"No way?!"

Zhang Xiaohu seemed a little sad. He sat down on a chair with a dejected look and said,"How come it's only half a year? I don't want to go out so soon."

Wang Cuicui:"……"

No, what the hell is going on today?!

There must be something wrong with one of them.

"Husband, I will be released from prison in just six months, isn’t that a good thing?"

"Besides, the offense you committed last time was not serious. If you had come out earlier, maybe……"

"Stop talking."

He lay on the table with a look of dejection and said,"Why didn't I steal a real phone? If it was a real phone, I might be sentenced to two or three years."

"Now I will be released from prison in just six months, so how will I eat in prison in the future?"

Wang Cuicui:"(⊙o⊙)"

Why is it that every word you say is always beyond my expectations?

Is being in prison an addiction?


Zhang Xiaohu said seriously:"I was useless before and couldn't lead you to live a good life in prison, but I have to at least solve my own problem. I have to find a way to negotiate with the higher-ups and try to stay in prison for a longer period of time."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of myself!"

Cui Cui:"〣(oΔo)〣!"

Then he hung up the phone, turned around and left resolutely, leaving Wang Cuicui, who couldn't be more confused.

Am I dreaming?


I must be dreaming, this is definitely not true!

Although my husband is poor, he is not a super stupid guy!

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