Zhang Xiaohu left the communication room, walked briskly, his face full of anxiety, and hurried to the workshop.

Now he was only thinking about one thing, that is, he could only stay in prison for another six months!

He would be released in another six months?!

He stole a model machine worth thousands of yuan, but he was only imprisoned for a year and a half?

Is there still the law?

Is there still the law?

Why can't he be locked up for a while longer?

Thinking back to the braised pork he had at noon, his mouth couldn't help but drool. The taste was simply amazing, and he couldn't help drooling whenever he thought about it.

I don't know where Jiang Chen learned his cooking skills?

How come he is so awesome?

After he came to the workshop, he didn't waste any time and immediately worked hard at his post.


When the people from Prison No. 1 and Prison No. 3 came to the workshop, they found that Wang Xiaolong and others had completed 80% of their work.

It was estimated that in more than an hour, their work progress for today would be almost done.

Lao Qiang looked at this scene and was very confused!

What on earth are they trying to do?

It's really puzzling!

He put an apple sent by his family in his trouser pocket and walked to Wang Xiaolong, then tapped the table with his fingers. The latter was still working hard and didn't look up at him.

"Lao Wang, can I ask you something?"

Lao Qiang said,"As long as you answer two questions, the apple will be yours."

In prison, fruits, drinks, instant noodles are all rare items. In the past, when he heard the word"fruit", his eyes would light up and he would be full of blood.

But today, Wang Xiaolong did not raise his head, and did not dare to delay the progress of the work. He said directly,"Tell me what the question is, but you should take the apple yourself. I had a full meal at noon."

Lao Qiang:"???"

Did you have a full lunch?

Even with Lao Wang's dark cooking skills, you can still do it!

It's amazing!

I have to admit that the people in Prison No. 2 have strong vitality.

He was stunned for a while and said,"My apples are very fresh. Are you sure you don't want to try them? And if you really don't want them, I have instant noodles!"

"But it tastes like pickled cabbage!"

Wang Xiaolong stopped. Lao Qiang was secretly proud of himself. He knew that no one in prison could resist the temptation of instant noodles.

Especially pickled cabbage!

"Brother Qiang, go ask our brothers in Prison No. 2, who still eats instant noodles? Our new chef is so good!"

"He can't even have time to eat the food he cooks, but he's still interested in instant noodles. Isn't that crazy?"


Before Lao Qiang could react, he went back to the sewing machine, leaving him standing there alone.

Looking at the people in Prison No. 2 who were fully engaged in their work, Lao Qiang had an absurd idea in his mind.

Could it be that they worked so hard just to be able to line up for dinner earlier?

No, that shouldn't be the case!

No matter how delicious the food is, it can't be so exaggerated?

Besides, what is this place?

It's a prison!

Almost all the dark cooking masters can come here to spend money. Thinking of the porridge that is thinner than face washing water and the steamed buns that are harder than hammers, Lao Qiang can't raise any appetite.

As a result, the people in their Prison No. 2 like to eat very much.

In order to eat that meal earlier, they even went from lying flat to curling king!

Really, he couldn't understand it!

Back to his post, thinking of the conversation with Wang Xiaolong just now, he felt a little unreal.

He pinched his thigh with his hand, and the pain from it told him that he was not daydreaming.

"How is it, Brother Qiang?"

The man with glasses next to him stepped forward and asked,"Have you found out what's going on with them recently?"

It would be fine if it was just one or two people, but the key is that all of them are working so hard, there must be some unknown secrets behind them.

Lao Qiang took a bite of the apple and said,"I think I have found out the news, but... I'm not sure whether it's true or not."


He leaned back in his chair and stroked his chin and said,"They said that recently Prison No. 2 invited a very good chef, and the food he cooked tasted very good. They wanted to finish the work in advance so that they could line up to eat!"


This reason doesn't sound credible. No matter how good the food they hired is, how good can it be?

"Is he bragging?"

Lao Qiang shook his head and said,"I don't think he is bragging. He is not interested in my apples and pickled cabbage. Think about it, can most people resist this temptation?"

"If they hadn't eaten something more delicious, I think they would have tried to snatch this thing as soon as I took it out."

Glasses thought for a while and said,"Brother Qiang, what you said makes sense, but I still think it's fake."

"How about this?"

Lao Qiang had an idea," Let's find a way to sneak in this afternoon and go to Canteen No. 2 to see if what Wang Xiaolong said is true."

"OK, no problem."

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