"It's useless. We have tried many methods before but none of them worked.……"

Jiang Xue suddenly stopped talking, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she stared at Jiang Chen blankly, as if she understood something.

She immediately grabbed his arm and said,"Old classmate, what do you mean? Starve him for two days, and then……"

"The food I cook tastes OK, so it should be fine."

After not eating for more than 40 hours, even if they see ordinary food, no matter how ordinary it tastes, as long as it can fill their stomachs, they will treat it as delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

Not to mention the food cooked by Jiang Chen. Even though they had just eaten a lot not long ago, they still had their mouths watering when they recalled the taste of the braised pork. If they had it now, they would definitely be able to have several more bowls of rice.

When he is so hungry that he is dizzy and his stomach is growling, and then the food is placed in front of him, the big guy will definitely cry with greed.

At that time, he can only look and smell but not eat, which is simply the greatest torture in the world. They are a little horrified when they think of such a scene.

Jiang Chen's move is really poisonous!

"Great, old classmate!"

Jiang Xue immediately felt that the idea was feasible. She patted his shoulder and said,"Why didn't we think of it before? Don't worry, if you succeed in getting the information out, I will definitely reward you well!"

"I am so proud to have a classmate like you!"

But Zhang Xiaoyu still had some concerns. Jiang Chen's method was not impossible, but the key was whether the people above them would agree to it.

After several days of interrogation, there was still no result. Their team leader and team leader kept urging them. There were only 72 hours left. They had to spend two more days in solitary confinement. Simply starving him was probably a waste of time in the eyes of the higher-ups.

"I'm worried about Xiaoxue……"

"Let's go, let's go!"

Jiang Xue put her hands on Zhang Xiaoyu's shoulders:"Let's go find the team leader now. I'll tell him if there's anything, and he will definitely agree."

With that, the two of them left the lounge. After they left, Jiang Chen read the novel for a while and felt a little tired.

He put the book aside, took the blanket next to him, covered it with it, lay on the recliner, and dozed off for a while.

It was just over half an hour after he woke up. It was already 3:30 in the afternoon, and he could prepare dinner.

They bought more than 100 kilograms of pork in the morning, and now there are still a few dozen kilograms left. Fortunately, the price of meat has dropped recently, otherwise, with one or two thousand yuan a day, they really can't buy much. After having braised pork at noon, Jiang Chen decided to make a new dish in the evening. Anyway, he has enough points and can exchange them for the cooking methods of any home-cooked dish at any time.

Looking at the plump pork belly, he touched his chin and thought for a moment, and decided to make twice-cooked pork next.

Twice-cooked pork is like braised pork, which is very delicious with rice, but the premise is that the meat must be cooked well. Many restaurants The meat in the chicken and the hotel all have one thing in common.

That is, there is a faint fishy smell, which is difficult to get rid of completely. If you don’t deal with this strange smell, no matter how good your cooking skills are, it is impossible to make the twice-cooked pork delicious.

The Longguo area is vast and rich in resources, with a wide variety of delicacies. For the same dish, the customs in each place are different, and the taste is also very different. The same is true for twice-cooked pork. There are at least dozens of different ways to cook twice-cooked pork in dozens of regions across the country.

However, it can be generalized that the Sichuan twice-cooked pork is more popular in all parts of the country. It is fat but not greasy, and the aroma lasts for a long time. When paired with green peppers, it is definitely a veritable rice killer.

Wash the pork belly and put it in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and be sure to put in green onions, cooking wine, and ginger slices to remove the fishy smell before officially cooking.

Otherwise, the taste of the pork itself will remain, and it will be difficult to eat. Tasting the fragrance of twice-cooked pork, no matter how light the peculiar smell is, it cannot be ignored.

The next step is to cover the pot and cook for twenty minutes.

The afternoon sun fell quietly, hitting the stove, and circles of halos rippled out. Looking at the white steam slowly coming out of the stove, steaming up in circles, Jiang Chen felt calm and at ease.

After a while, a gurgling sound began to come from the pot, and the lid that was originally tightly closed trembled slightly.

The aroma of pork belly began to spread from the edge of the pot, and finally filled the entire kitchen.

Opening the lid of the pot, Jiang Chen poked it with chopsticks and easily submerged the chopsticks in it.

The pork belly has been fully cooked, and it is scooped out with a funnel and set aside for later use. Rinse it with cold water again, and when the meat is cooler, it can be easily cut and placed on the chopping board.

A kitchen knife flew up and down in his hand like the wind. The fan made a rhythmic sound.

In a blink of an eye, the cooked meat was cut into evenly sized slices, with fat and lean, slightly curled, and still emitting bursts of heat.

Then the classic three-step operation was carried out. Heat the oil in the wok, put the pre-cut pork belly in, and stir-fry it back and forth.

When the pork belly slices curled up slightly on both sides and showed a light golden color, the heat was enough, add the bean paste and black beans, and stir-fry the red oil.

Quickly add the green pepper, as well as the appropriate amount of soy sauce and salt, stir-fry for a few minutes, wait for the aroma of the pepper and the aroma of the pork belly itself to interweave and blend in the pot, and perfectly combine, and then it can be successfully served.

When the heat was enough, Jiang Chen turned off the fire and opened the lid of the pot. The thick aroma came to his face, which made him, who had just eaten not long ago, suddenly have a great appetite. His abdomen was churning and his saliva was secreted crazily.

He couldn't help wanting to eat again.

The twice-cooked pork in the pot was crystal clear in color and rich yet delicate in aroma.

The colors of various ingredients are perfectly combined.

The light golden pork belly, green bell peppers, and light red dried chilies are spread out at the bottom of the pot, layer by layer, and the aroma is better than the last.

He quickly picked up the chopsticks and tasted it first.

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