Jiang Chen picked up a piece of pork belly and put it in front of his eyes.

He looked at it carefully.

The slightly curled meat was steaming slowly.

The golden color of the meat itself was brighter and more attractive under the setting sun.

It was covered with a layer of golden and bright red oil.

Because it was stir-fried at a sufficient temperature, it would not give people any greasy feeling.

He put it in front of him and smelled it gently.

The aroma was thick and the aftertaste was long.

Then he put it in his mouth.

The meat was delicious and rich.

After being stir-fried, the aroma of the chili blended with the aroma of the pork belly.

The two were indistinguishable and tasted unique and delicious.

The aroma of the pork belly gently tapped the tip of the tongue.

After a while, the taste buds were fully awakened, followed by the aroma of the chili.

With a light bite, the whole person was much more energetic.

He chewed it carefully and swallowed it gently. He felt very warm in his abdomen, and the fragrance lingered on his lips and teeth, with endless aftertaste.

This dish is definitely a great dish for rice, just like braised pork!

It is even better than the braised pork. The chili added in it adds a bit of fragrance to the pork belly, and the chili itself is more refreshing because of the integration of the pork belly.

They complement each other and are perfectly combined. It tastes so good!

Jiang Chen, as usual, made a bowl of rice for himself and ate it happily.

Now that his cooking skills have improved, it is a great enjoyment to cook his own meals. He likes this feeling very much.

It's okay to eat well for three meals a day, but the key is that he can make a lot of money. As long as he is willing to use the points in the system, he can also buy a lot of things.

Of course, what makes him feel happiest is that he has a white, rich and beautiful friend like Jiang Xue.

She is also a big foodie.

If you want to make money, unlock a delicious dish and cook it for her. She will definitely not blink an eye if you ask for seven or eight hundred.

Such a day is so beautiful!

Twice-cooked pork is the main dish tonight. The remaining two dishes are potato chips and stir-fried cabbage, which will not take long.

The meal was almost ready, Jiang Chen scooped it up and put it in a bowl. He looked at the time and it was already 4:30. This surprised him. Why had no one come to the cafeteria today? What if they had finished their work long ago and couldn't wait to line up?

Could something have happened?


Lao Li and Lao Zhang, who were patrolling at the entrance of the cafeteria, smelled the aroma of twice-cooked pork from afar. Their mouths watered and they couldn't help but want to go in and eat right away. There was nothing they could do. Ever since they had eaten Jiang Chen's dishes, they were no longer interested in anything else.

The ingredients were obviously the same, and the dishes were no different, but why were Jiang Chen's dishes so delicious?

Sometimes you have to sigh that the gap between people is really huge!

They are both chefs, but Lao Wang's fried dough sticks can be used to beat people, as a hammer, and as a tool for jailbreaking, but they can't be eaten.

Jiang Chen's are quite the opposite!

Are they really willing to not take a holiday as long as they can eat Jiang Chen's meals every day?!

"Lao Li."

Lao Zhang touched his head and said,"Where did Chef Xiao Jiang work before? With such great cooking skills, he shouldn't come to our prison! The treatment in any restaurant is better than here."

"Shut up!"

Lao Li covered his mouth and said,"Wouldn't it be good for him to be the chef in our prison? If he leaves, where can we eat such delicious food in the future?"

"I'm just curious!"

Lao Zhang sighed:"It's a pity that my wife can't eat such delicious food. When I have the chance, I will definitely treat him to a meal."

"I was thinking about our wedding anniversary next month, should we invite her to the prison cafeteria for dinner?"


Lao Li put his right hand on Lao Zhang's head and said,"Brother, I said you don't have a fever, right? I advise you to mind your own business and go to a big hotel for your wedding anniversary, or cook it yourself."

"What women care about is not the taste, but the sense of ceremony. Who brings his wife to the prison to celebrate the anniversary and eat free meals?"

Old Zhang smiled and said,"You don't understand this, do you? My wife is different from others. She is a practical person. If she has eaten in our prison cafeteria once, she will probably come with me every year in the future."

"I say you……"

Just as Lao Li was about to continue talking, his pager rang, and Xiao Chen's voice came from the other end:"Lao Li, Lao Li, you can go home now, we will come over to hand over the shift right away."

Hearing this, he shuddered and said in a panic:"No need, Xiao Chen, you young people have just joined the company, you should rest for a while and wait until you get used to the work. It's okay for us to work a few more hours."

"You don't have to come over to hand over your shift, just be obedient!"

Xiao Chen on the other side couldn't help but said,"No, Brother Li, what's wrong with you guys recently? Aren't you tired of working fifteen or sixteen hours a day for several consecutive days?"

The patrol post in the prison cafeteria is a three-shift system, each shift is eight hours, and now Lao Li and Lao Zhang have to work sixteen hours a day to get lunch and dinner.

"I'm not tired, not at all. Go back and have a good rest. Don't worry, your salary will still be good. That's it for now. If you dare to call us off work again, I will be angry with you. I am a person who loves to work. Whoever doesn't let me work is destroying my beautiful life."

"You don’t have to hand over your shifts for the next month!"

Xiao Chen on the other end of the phone:"⊙▽⊙"

Damn, this is the first time he has seen someone addicted to work?

Although the work is not hard and the tasks are not heavy, you shouldn't be like this, right?

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Dong next to him and smiled bitterly:"They still don't want us to hand over the shift? They said that we just started working and may not be used to it yet, so let us rest for a while."


Xiao Dong was touched, and he grabbed Xiao Chen's shoulders and said,"There are still many good people in the world. Since he doesn't let us hand over the shift, I will go back to accompany my girlfriend."

"I can get paid even if I don't work. Is there anything so good in the world?"

Before Xiao Chen could say anything, Xiao Dong stood up and rushed out of the office.

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