Xiao Chen was the only one left in the office. Outside, the sunset was all over the sky, and the evening glow was burning. He touched his chin with his hand and fell into deep thought.

His intuition told him that it was wrong!

No matter how much you love your work, your body will not be able to bear working for sixteen hours a day. Even if the work content is easy, you will reject it psychologically.

Besides, that job is boring. Who would be willing to work overtime every day?

And he asked for it!

And he doesn’t want overtime pay? Xiao Chen took the initiative to ask for a shift change , but they not only refused but also had a very bad attitude, as if letting them rest would cost them their lives!

This is very wrong!

There are only two possibilities for this situation. Either they have some secrets hiding from me?! Or... they have a bag in their heads and really think that going to work is fun. Obviously the second one is not true. Lao Li and Lao Zhang are both normal people. Then what is their purpose of taking the initiative to work overtime in the prison cafeteria? No, I must sneak over tonight to take a look. Closing the door of the office, Xiao Chen slowly walked towards the prison kitchen.


In the workshop.

Xiao Zhao held a baton, his expression serious, looking at the prisoners in Prison No. 2 with an unfriendly face.

Although they had completed their work in advance, they were still kept in the workshop.

Because their competition was too fierce before, some people even almost fought directly in order to line up quickly.

This made Xiao Zhao extremely dissatisfied with their performance!

Don't they want to eat early?

Then just keep them?!

Good performance in prison is the first priority, everything else is useless, so what if they work so hard?

If they fight and abuse each other at every turn, increasing their management costs, he must treat them more strictly.

You quarreled for the first place to line up for dinner, so I will let you wait here.

You can't eat.

Let's see what you can do?

Seeing that it was already past five ten, Wang Xiaolong was almost crying.

Of course, Xiao Zhao had only been here for a short time and had little experience in dealing with such emergencies. He didn't know how to manage them.

This was the only way he could think of at the moment.

As for asking these prisoners to admit their mistakes, Xiao Zhao felt that it was unrealistic. For a rookie police officer like him, it was good enough if he didn't talk back.

How could he take the initiative to bow his head?!

But at this moment, Wang Xiaolong suddenly said:"Officer, it was indeed my fault. I was wrong. I was really wrong!"

"I will definitely change next time, don't worry, I promise in front of you!"

"I will write a 2,000-word self-criticism when I go back tonight!"


Xiao Zhao was a little confused.

Although the sentences of the people in Prison No. 2 were not long and they only made some relatively minor mistakes, it was still somewhat troublesome to manage them on a daily basis. In addition, Xiao Zhao was a new policeman and they had many conflicts before. It was harder than climbing to the sky to get them to admit their mistakes.

As a result, today, they were simply left in the workroom to eat later, and they took the initiative to admit their mistakes?

And they were willing to write a self-criticism?!

Is it so easy to manage prisoners?

No, it can't be!

Wang Xiaolong and the others have not been slacking off recently. They were sweating while working. They were hungry, and when they thought of the delicious food made by Jiang Chen, they felt bad.

College students go to the cafeteria They are very active and walk very fast while eating, let alone them?!

This makes them feel anxious and worried, and every extra minute is like staying in hell!

Everyone kept swallowing their saliva. If they had known this would happen, they should have been orderly and courteous to each other. Why did they have to conflict in the workshop just because they had to queue up early

? Now it’s not worth it, and they have lost both the wife and the army.

They have all made up their minds that they will never do this when eating in the future.

They will definitely listen to them!

Before Xiao Zhao could give an answer, Zhang Xiaohu beside him also raised his hand and said,"Yes... Officer Zhao, we must change our minds and admit our mistakes sincerely. I am really guilty and should not have conflicted with my cellmates just because of queuing up.""

"I am willing to write a 3,000-word self-criticism after I go back!"


Actually, it's not that serious?

Seeing that his cellmates who usually liked to argue with him were suddenly so obedient, Xiao Zhao was a little at a loss. It seemed that they were not joking.

Were they really going to do this?

"I am willing to write 5,000 words as long as Officer Zhao allows us to go to dinner right now, and we promise not to make any mistakes again in the future!"

"To Officer Zhao, we are human and to make mistakes... Please, let us go quickly? We should never have done anything wrong!"

Originally thought that he could be the first to line up to work in the wheat field, but who would have thought that this would backfire.

It's not that Xiao Zhao didn't want to agree, but he was too shocked by everyone's straightforward performance and couldn't react in a short time. Isn't this too obedient?!

Suddenly someone said,"I'll write an 8,000-word self-criticism and read it in front of everyone at the morning meeting tomorrow, okay? Can we go?"

"We all write eight thousand words!"

"Officer Zhao, please... please be kind!"

"After writing the self-criticism, we will all go on stage to read it tomorrow."

This group of people knew very well that their future food was in the hands of Xiao Zhao. If he was not happy to say a few words to the people above and transferred Jiang Chen away, they would have to live a life worse than death.

To contradict Xiao Zhao?

Are you kidding?

What Xiao Zhao said now is what it is?

No matter how many words of self-criticism they are asked to write, no matter where they have problems, they will definitely change!

And they will change from beginning to end, from the inside out, seriously and sincerely!

Seeing that some of them even had tears in their eyes and wanted to cry, Xiao Zhang was directly confused and dumbfounded. Anyway... he didn't understand it very much.

Did I hear it wrong?

Or did they say it wrong?

Everyone was silent, waiting for Officer Zhao's decision. Seeing that they kept swallowing their saliva and looking at themselves with pleading eyes, they looked like a teacher who was very obedient.

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a while, but decided to nod and agree

"OK, let's go eat first!"

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