After getting Xiao Zhao's permission, everyone was excited, but they no longer rushed forward. They looked at each other and found that they were all swallowing their saliva.

It was obvious that everyone was hungry and was particularly greedy.

However, when they thought of his warning just now, they really didn't have the courage to return to their old ways. After an unknown amount of time, Wang Xiaolong spoke first:"So, let's all go to the cafeteria in the current formation."

"Remember this, you are not allowed to cut in line. When you go to get food later, you must queue up in an orderly manner... I believe... the food in the cafeteria is so delicious... there must be a portion for everyone."

Wang Xiaolong, who had been hungry for a long time, couldn't help drooling when he thought of the delicious food in the cafeteria. Everyone also agreed with his proposal.

It's not that they don't want to grab it, but they really don't dare to grab it.

Seeing that everyone walked towards the cafeteria in a uniform, quiet and orderly manner, everyone was trying their best to restrain their patience, swallowing saliva as they walked.

It seems that they are really greedy and can't resist it!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhao was still confused.

He was very curious about how much magic the food made by the prison chef had on them?

This group of prisoners have committed some crimes to a greater or lesser extent, and their personalities are usually weird.

It is really difficult to manage them in an orderly manner. As a result, Xiao Zhao only said two words today, and let all of them obey and never say anything.

The most important thing is that people have consciously changed their bad habits. place.

It's really outrageous!

The new chef in the prison seems to be more able to discipline prisoners than the police officers, and he doesn't even need to do anything.

He can also make them obedient.

There is no other way. Everyone had to eat coarse food and hard life before. Everyone cherishes the food made by Jiang Chen. The taste is superb and they will never be able to eat it when they go out in the future.

If they offend someone in the police station, they can transfer Jiang Chen with just one sentence. He is their living god!

As long as Jiang Chen can't leave, let alone ask them to write a review and correct their bad habits, even if they are asked to become a moral model, that is no problem.

Out of curiosity, Xiao Zhao also decided to go to the cafeteria to see if it is really as exaggerated as they said? No matter how good the chef in the prison tastes, how good can it be?

He followed behind Wang Xiaolong and others, Originally, I thought that after walking for a distance, everyone would return to their normal state when they were about to reach the cafeteria.

But... until they arrived at the cafeteria door, Wang Xiaolong and the others were particularly obedient and sensible.

There was no crazy rush as before. Under his unified command, everyone lined up neatly to enter.

Lining up neatly is a matter of eating early or late. If everyone rushes to grab the food, it will become a matter of whether they can eat it or not.

The moment they arrived at the cafeteria door, the rich fragrance hit their noses, and Xiao Zhao's body was stunned for a moment.

He was not very hungry at first, but he could not resist the aroma of twice-cooked pork.

His mouth was drooling like crazy, and he kept drooling. Looking at Lao Li and Lao Zhang, they had already ordered a dish each and started eating next to them.

The prisoners next to them glanced at him from time to time, their expressions full of eagerness and envy, the twice-cooked pork was crystal clear, golden in color, slightly curled, with just the right amount of fat on it that was not greasy.

Combined with the green peppers and dried chilies inside, the green and red, golden-yellow meat slices were placed in between, perfect like a work of art, and just looking at it was enjoyable.

So fragrant!

Not only does it smell good, it tastes even better!


Xiao Zhao was swallowing his saliva frantically, he stared at Lao Li blankly, his body somewhat out of control. It seemed that his attention was all attracted by the dish of twice-cooked pork, and he couldn't help but walk over.

Staring straight at it, he was trying his best to control himself, but the temptation brought by the meat was too strong, and he couldn't resist it at all!

Lao Li quickly protected his plate, stepped aside and said with a vigilant face:"If you want to eat it, go get it yourself, don't think about us!"

"Just let me have a taste, please!"

Xiao Zhao couldn't cut in line blatantly. There were more than a hundred people in front of him. It would be a waste of time to wait slowly at the back.

He was so anxious that he wanted to jump up and down. The color and fragrance of the twice-cooked pork were all attracting and tempting him, making him eager to put it in his mouth, chew it carefully, and taste its deliciousness.

At this moment, the questions that had troubled Xiao Zhao for many days were finally answered. He finally understood why the temperament of the people in Prison No. 2 had changed so much recently.

Not only were they very active in their work, but they were also much more obedient on weekdays and rarely contradicted him.

It turned out that everything was related to Jiang Chen!

But think about it, the prison has found such an awesome cook. If they don't behave well, turn over a new leaf, and repent from the bottom of their hearts, what if Jiang Chen is transferred away?

This kind of treatment is not only not allowed in the prison, but even their police team leader may not have it.

""Just let me try one piece... slurp... I promise not to eat too much."

Seeing Xiao Zhao's pitiful appearance, Lao Li reluctantly handed the chopsticks to him. After he took it, he quickly picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork and put it in his mouth without saying a word.

The pork belly was cooked at just the right temperature. The surface was slightly crispy, but the inside still retained the light softness of fat, and it was definitely not greasy.

The moment the teeth bit down, you can clearly feel the meat fragrance splashing under the lips and teeth, followed by the fragrance of green pepper blending into it. The two complement each other, without overshadowing each other, nor does it exist, in appearance and in spirit.

The two flavors combined together, as if it is a brand new taste, the meat is tender, plump, and delicate, and the fragrance of green pepper is fully injected, spicy and fresh, without lacking. It 's so delicious that it makes people want to cry!

This, this, this...

It's too delicious!!!

What kind of craftsmanship can make such a delicious twice-cooked pork? Pot meat?

If he were a prisoner, he would definitely behave better than Wang Xiaolong and the others. He would definitely be scared and afraid that Jiang Chen would leave. If such a chef left, where could he find him?

He wanted to eat a second piece, but Lao Li grabbed the chopsticks and quickly hid aside to prevent Xiao Zhao from snatching it directly.

It looks delicious, smells delicious, and tastes even better!

Xiao Zhao couldn't wait to line up. He kept rubbing his palms and his mouth was drooling crazily.

From now on, I will also come here to eat at noon!

This is much better than the police canteen?!

In the future, he won't have to be so troublesome to manage the prisoners. If anyone doesn't listen, just starve him for a few days, or use Jiang Chen to threaten them.

Make sure they are obedient! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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