Seeing that other prisoners had already gotten their food, Xiao Zhao was anxious and sweating. He kept standing on tiptoes, and his tongue was about to swallow it.

The rich aroma kept stimulating his taste buds, and his tongue was drooling. Seeing others eating with relish and enjoying it, he felt even worse.

Why is it so slow?!

The team moved forward little by little, and it was finally his turn after about six or seven minutes.

Fortunately, there was just a little left in the basin. He took the plate and quickly found a place after finishing it. He carefully observed the surroundings, fearing that someone would plot against his meal.

He first ate two pieces of twice-cooked pork in big mouthfuls. It was spicy and fragrant, with a long aftertaste. The fat and lean meat slices were chewy, and the spicy taste of the green pepper was just right.

One bite made people's appetite open, and he quickly had two mouthfuls of rice, which was particularly satisfying.

It was so cool!

It was really so cool!

Their police station did a great thing by hiring such an awesome chef, and they can enjoy it as well.

The most important thing is that Jiang Chen can completely restrain these previously disobedient prisoners. Anyone who dares to violate discipline and fight again will be put in solitary confinement without any discussion.

He will not be served at meals.

It is estimated that after this meal, they will complain bitterly and regret it.

After eating the twice-cooked pork, he tasted a piece of potato chips. The surface was crispy and golden in color. The aroma of potatoes was fully stimulated, and the flavors of various ingredients had been completely infused into it.

The aroma lingered for a long time, and gently biting open the potato chips, followed by a mellow and soft breath, soothing the entire mouth and lips.

Every dish was delicious.

There was only one piece of twice-cooked pork left. He picked it up reluctantly with a comfortable look on his face. Just as he was about to put it in his mouth, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"" Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao!"

He opened his eyes and saw that it was Xiao Chen, who was sitting in front of him, looking at him pitifully, and kept wiping the saliva from the corners of his mouth.

He couldn't help but say:"That...hiss...can you give me a bite?"

Xiao Chen came to the cafeteria a few minutes ago. When he smelled the rich and fresh fragrance, he was almost stunned. No matter what, he didn't expect that there would be such an ultimate delicacy in the world.

Originally, Xiao Chen had his eyes on Lao Zhang and Lao Li, but the two of them were stingy and didn't want to give him a chance.

In the end, some dishes were taken away by Xiao Zhao. When he wanted to eat, he couldn't be shameless, so he could only ask for some from his familiar new colleagues.

There was no way, it smelled so good!

"No way."

I finally got the last portion, if I give some to Xiao Chen, what will he eat?

""If you want to eat, come early tomorrow. It's your fault for not coming to work. This is the meal I got with my own ability. Why should I share it with you?"

Xiao Chen said pitifully,"Since we were college classmates, can you let me have a piece?"

"What a joke, even brothers have to settle accounts, let alone we are just college classmates."

Xiao Chen continued:"You really won't give me any food?"


He clenched his fist, stood up and said,"Lao Zhao, we are college classmates, please don't force me."

"If you do this again……"

"What's wrong?"

He almost cried, staring at the last piece of twice-cooked pork on his chopsticks and said,"If you do this again, I will ask you to"

"Please, I will……"

Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Chen rushed forward at lightning speed, opened his mouth, and bit the piece of meat just right.

Just like a chicken pecking at rice, the accuracy and speed were both so perfect that it was outrageous.

Xiao Zhao only felt the chopsticks tremble, and when he looked again, he found that the last piece of twice-cooked pork on it had disappeared long ago. Xiao Chen opposite him was enjoying himself, sitting on the chair and showing his intoxication.

"It's so delicious!"

Now Xiao Chen finally understood why Lao Li and Lao Zhang refused to change shifts. They wanted to let them have a rest, but they still got angry with him.

If it was him, would he be willing to work this kind of shift every day?

With so many delicious foods, working more than ten hours a day was nothing.

It's not a big deal at all!

"Isn’t it delicious?"

Xiao Chen nodded vigorously and said,"It is indeed delicious. To be honest… I have eaten in many restaurants before, but compared with his cooking skills, they are far inferior."

"I really don't know where Jiang Xue found this chef, his skills are too good, right?"

Xiao Chen agreed,"Starting tomorrow, I will come to work every day. No matter what Lao Li and Lao Zhang say, I will not let them take over my shift."

"From now on, I will be angry with whoever lets me rest or doesn’t let me go to work!" As expected, delicious food makes people crazy.

The prisoners in the prison have become proactive, obedient and sensible. Even the police are more passionate about their work than before.

But think about it, when you go back home, you still have to eat some simple meals, but here you can enjoy the ultimate enjoyment of delicious food.

What’s the point of going to work?! After all the prisoners finished their meals, they were very conscious. They stood up neatly and put their plates in the designated places. Under the leadership of Wang Xiaohu, they returned to their respective dormitories in an orderly manner.

After a while, Wang Xiaolong came to Xiao Zhao again:"Officer Zhao, please give us paper and pen!"

Xiao Chen asked in confusion:"What do they want these things for?"

"Write a self-criticism!"

Xiao Zhao said proudly,"Each person will write an 8,000-word self-criticism, which will be read out at the morning meeting tomorrow. They must reflect on their mistakes in front of everyone."


Xiao Chen was stunned.

An 8,000-word self-criticism? What mistakes did they make that they had to write so many words?

The most important thing is... all the inmates in Prison No. 2 have to write it?

This is a bit outrageous!

Ignoring Xiao Chen's shock, Xiao Zhao said,"Okay, I'll get you paper and pen later."

"You must fill it out carefully and reflect deeply on your mistakes!"

"Got it!"

After Wang Xiaolong left, Xiao Chen came forward and asked,"Brother, what mistake did they make?"

"We almost had a fight over food!"

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