Team leader Wang naturally didn't believe it.

Jiang Xue was a little unreliable, and he had asked her and Zhang Xiaoyu to interrogate Wu Qiang together.

He had thought that the latter was capable, and even if Jiang Xue was a big foodie, the two of them could work together to interrogate a prisoner.

Who would have thought that in just one or two days, Jiang Xue had led Zhang Xiaoyu astray, and the two of them actually discussed food during the interrogation?

This made Team leader Wang very angry!

Jiang Xue had not been in the job for a long time, and she had been in a privileged family since she was a child, and she had always been like a flower in a greenhouse. It was normal for her to behave like this, but Zhang Xiaoyu shouldn't have done that!

She had always been capable, decisive and steady, and had a good relationship with Jiang Xue before, but she had never failed at a critical moment.

How come she has become the same as Jiang Xue now? She has such a strong interest in food?

After criticizing them, Team leader Wang decided to go into battle himself. As an old criminal policeman, he was confident enough to pry the information he wanted out of Wu Qiang.

But the fact is that he was severely slapped in the face.���

He applied all his years of experience in the police force to Wu Qiang, appealing to his emotions and reasoning with him, but Wu Qiang remained unmoved. He insisted that he had no accomplices! He even challenged Team Leader Wang, which made him very angry!

However, their rules clearly stated that they could not lay hands on the prisoners, so Team Leader Wang had to endure it.

Even an old criminal policeman like him could not do anything to Wu Qiang, so he naturally doubted what Jiang Xue had just said.

"Xiaoxue, please don't get involved in this case. Just focus on counting the prisoners in the prison. We will naturally send people to complete the other tasks."

"Team leader."

Jiang Xue said:"You didn't even listen to my suggestion, how do you know it won't work?"

"This method was thought out by me and a friend after racking our brains for several hours. It will definitely solve the case. Then maybe our police station can get the title of this year's model police station!"This case has a bad impact, and the people above take it very seriously. If it is really solved completely, they will definitely be rewarded by the people above.

There is no doubt about this.

However, it is precisely because of the great impact that it will be more difficult to handle!

If it can be solved easily, wouldn't other police stations try to grab this case?

Why give the hot potato to them?!

"Tell me, what's the solution?"

Even though he knew Jiang Xue was unreliable, he couldn't think of a better solution at the moment, so he might as well try it out. Who knows if it will work.

"Team leader, let's lock Wu Qiang up and starve him for a day or two. This doesn't count as verbal or physical torture, right? It doesn't count as forced confession! Just let him drink water and don't give him any food."

"Then we put delicious food in front of him, which will surely tempt and torture him and make him tell the truth!"

Team Leader Wang:"(▔□▔)"

He knew that he shouldn't trust Jiang Xue. What good ideas could a rich second-generation come up with?

For a guy like Wu Qiang, he has seen all kinds of situations. Even if you torture him severely, he will probably not even blink.

Just starve him for two days, and then let him eat obediently, and you want him to confess?!

I know you are unreliable, but you are not that unreliable, right?


He was a little exhausted and said,"If you are really bored, then you can stay in the office and help organize the files, and don't bother me for no reason, okay?"

"Who do you think Wu Qiang is? Just because you gave him a meal, he would agree to your conditions? Why would we have dragged it on until now?"

Jiang Xue was not surprised by Team Leader Wang's reaction just now. Ordinary delicacies definitely have no appeal to him, and he would definitely not even look at them.

Not to mention being hungry for two days, even if he was hungry for a week, there was no way for him to compromise.

But Jiang Chen's delicacies were different!

Jiang Xue came from a wealthy family. She had eaten countless delicious foods since she was a child. She had even tasted the cooking skills of many internationally renowned chefs. She was definitely a person who had seen the world.

But she had no resistance to Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

Even the most ordinary home-cooked dishes, as long as they were cooked by Jiang Chen, would be irresistible and delicious.

Even if you had just eaten, you could still have two bowls of rice with Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

What's more, he had been hungry for a day or two!

Think of a way to add fuel to the fire and seduce him. Don't you believe that Wu Qiang was really a dead duck, and he was stubborn and refused to speak?

Facing such an extreme delicacy, he could only look at it but not eat it, which was a torture in itself. In addition, he had been hungry for a day or two, and his stomach was empty, just when he wanted to fill his stomach.

Just thinking about it made me feel excited

"Team leader, our prison has a new chef who is very skilled. The food he cooks is simply amazing. If you try it, you won’t doubt my method anymore."

Team leader Wang:"……"

I was already in a bad mood after a day's work, and you came up with this.

If you can't think of a reliable way, forget it.

Are you looking for a chef to tempt you? I think there is a little possibility.

What's the matter?

Do you think that the steamed buns harder than a hammer and the fried dough sticks harder than a steel pipe can have a fatal attraction to a hungry person?

Please, can you have a more normal idea?

""Go, go, go!"

Team leader Wang waved his hand and said,"I'll think of another way. Don't keep hanging around in front of me. I've been feeling very upset lately."

"Just come with me!"

Jiang Xue said pleadingly,"I promise in front of you that what I just said is absolutely reliable and I am not kidding you."

"If the chef's food is not tasty and it wastes your time, you can ask me to do anything."

Seeing Jiang Xue's sincerity, and thinking carefully about her past performance, although she is often unreliable, she is indeed a very honest person. Although her family is not short of money, they are not very thoughtful. Since she said so, I will go and take a look!

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