"That's fine."

Anyway, I'm helpless now and can't find any other solution, so I just trust Jiang Xue for once.

He has been working on the case for several days and hasn't eaten seriously. Now he is exhausted.

At that time, several teams in the police station were competing for this case. The people above gave him the task. If he failed to complete it, it would be difficult to gain trust in the future.

Besides, the theft of cultural relics worth tens of millions has already been reported in the news and has been hyped up, attracting a lot of attention from all walks of life.

If the truth is not thoroughly investigated, their police station will definitely encounter a storm, and he may not be able to keep his position as team leader.

Jiang Xue's heart was very big. He hummed a little tune all the way and was in a particularly happy mood, which was in sharp contrast to the lifeless mood of Team Leader Wang.

About ten minutes later, the two came to the back kitchen of Prison No. 2. The kitchen door was closed. From time to time, the sound of cooking could be heard from inside, and a faint fragrance floated out from the crack of the door.

It was that faint fragrance that... It immediately attracted the attention of Team Leader Wang. He froze for a moment, and then his whole body straightened up.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The fragrance in the air became stronger and stronger, with a long aftertaste, and it filled his nose, stirring his internal organs.

Recently, because of the case, Chief Wang has not had much appetite, and he only eats a few bites in the cafeteria.

But this fragrance... made him want to feast on it in an instant, and the saliva in his mouth kept secreting, almost flowing from the corners of his mouth.

It smells so good!

Why does it smell better than the cafeteria in the police station?

No, this is really the chef prepared for the prisoners in the prison?

Are they crazy?

Equip the prisoners with such a good chef?

Although he hasn't tasted the food yet, just by smelling the aroma, Lao Wang can be sure that the taste is extraordinary.

Noticing Lao Wang's change, Jiang Xue showed a confident and complacent look and said,"How about it, Team Leader, did I lie to you just now?!"

"This tastes pretty good, right?"


Team leader Wang swallowed and said,"Jiang Xue, where did you find your chef?!"

"How come we didn't know before that there is such a great chef in the prison, and most importantly, he cooks for the prisoners?"

She replied with a smile:"That's my old classmate. I didn't know he was such a good cook before. Not long ago, he opened a restaurant and it just went bankrupt, so I thought of letting him come to work in our police station."

So that's it.

Now Team Leader Wang has long forgotten about the case. He didn't eat enough for every meal before, and his stomach was empty. The aroma that came to his face made his stomach churn constantly.

He couldn't wait to taste Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

"Come on, let’s go in and take a look!"

""Okay, no problem."

Jiang Xue and Team Leader Wang opened the kitchen door. Without the door blocking them, the aroma inside was released freely, floating back and forth in the air.

Both of them were enveloped by the thick smell, their faces full of intoxication and enjoyment.

Jiang Xue had not eaten the meal made by Jiang Chen for a full hour and a half, and she was eager to show off a few bowls of rice.

As for Team Leader Wang, his body was even more stiff and he couldn't walk.

He didn't feel hungry at first, but now every cell, nerve, and taste bud in his body seemed to be completely revived.

His mouth was uncontrollably, and he kept pouring out He was drooling, but he had no chance to wipe it.

The previously suppressed hunger was now even more intense, causing his stomach to twitch again and again.

The body's instinctive reaction was not controlled by his will at all. Even though Team Leader Wang knew that this was not right, he still couldn't resist.

It was as if an invisible hand was pushing him forward slowly.

He couldn't help himself and slowly approached Jiang Chen. Today, he was making spicy fried chicken.

This was a Sichuan dish, and it was also Jiang Xue's favorite dish. When they went shopping in the morning, they bought a lot of chicken.

Although he knew someone was coming in, Jiang Chen still But he didn't look back.

When cooking, you must be focused and attentive. Only in this way can the food have a soul and make people feel the ultimate deliciousness.

The spicy diced chicken he fried has reached the final stage.

The evenly sized diced chicken is mixed with the cut green pepper and red pepper. The surface is still covered with layers of golden yellow. It ripples back and forth in the pot, interweaving and blending with each other.

The aroma of the pepper and the deliciousness of the diced chicken are sublimated by the high temperature stir-frying. It is fresh, spicy, rich and delicious, and looks particularly appetizing.

Looking at the full pot of spicy diced chicken, Team leader Wang wanted to rush forward right now. He hadn't eaten enough for several days, and every organ in his body was completely mobilized by the fragrance.

You know, he had eaten something before, so he was not particularly hungry. In addition, his will was strong enough, otherwise he would not have the position he has today.

But when he faced Jiang Chen's delicious food, let alone resistance, he couldn't resist it at all.

His stomach even began to twitch slightly, and the saliva in his mouth rushed through like a burst river.

Now he doesn't care about the case! He just wants to taste the spicy chicken as soon as possible.

"How's it, team leader... Slurp... Doesn't it look delicious?"

Team leader Wang said while swallowing his saliva,"This chef is so awesome! It looks really good, doesn't it?"

Jiang Chen continued to stir fry as if no one was around. After about three minutes, he turned off the fire.

He then put a large amount of spicy chicken cubes into the pot. Only then did he come to his senses and noticed the two people behind him.

"The rice is there, you can try it!"

Seeing that the spicy chicken cubes were finally out of the pot, Team Leader Wang rushed to the rice cooker, without saying a word, he filled a large bowl of rice, and then used a spoon to cover the spicy chicken cubes on the rice.

The spicy chicken cubes were perfectly piled on the rice, covered with golden soup, the green and red peppers were bright in color, and the chicken cubes were fried golden, looking like a work of art.

He closed his eyes, trembling with chopsticks, and quickly took a big bite and put it into his mouth.

The first thing that came was the unique spicy taste of the hot pepper, which was extremely sharp and strong, bringing a lot of stimulation to the mouth.

However, in this spicy taste, there was also a trace of numbness, and the spicy and spicy fusion came one after another. After a while, the fresh fragrance of the chicken cubes diluted the numbness, and then felt a trace of the spicy taste of the green pepper. Several flavors merged, intersected, and collided in the mouth, and it was so delicious that it made people want to cry.

It's great!!!

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