Lao Zhou was very considerate. He took out a lighter and lit the cigarette for him. He smiled and said,"This case is indeed very difficult. The people above take it very seriously."

"Since your group can't do anything, why don't you let us do it? I promise that within two days, I can get the truth out of him."

The cigarette that had just been smoked for two puffs was immediately taken out of Lao Wang's mouth and thrown into the trash can without saying anything. He looked Lao Zhou up and down, and the latter felt a little guilty and smiled awkwardly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I was wondering why you suddenly became so generous and even offered me a cigarette. So you were waiting for me here?"

Old Zhou slapped his thigh and said,"Isn't this also for your own good? Anyway, you can't think of a solution? I'll help you solve the problem. When the case is solved, you won't be held responsible, and everyone will be happy."

"I already have a solution, so you don't have to worry about it."

Although his stomach was bloated from eating not long ago, Team Leader Wang couldn't help but salivate when he thought of the meal Jiang Chen had cooked.���Gurgle

"So fast?"

Team leader Wang patted his chest and said,"Of course, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to interrogate Wu Qiang now."

"See if he confesses or not."

Looking at Team Leader Wang's back, Officer Zhou was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong. A few hours ago, he went to ask Team Leader Wang's team members, but there was no progress.

But now he has an idea.

Isn't it too exaggerated?

Wu Qiang, who was staying in the interrogation room, simply took two bites of the lunch box, threw the chopsticks aside, put his legs on the table again, and looked defiant and complacent.

He didn't believe that Team Leader Wang could really come up with a way to pry his mouth open.

"Wu Qiang."

After a while, the back door opened, and standing in front of him, Team Leader Wang narrowed his eyes and said,"I'll give you one last chance, will you confess or not?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

Wu Qiang replied:"I did everything by myself, why do you want me to confess? You can kill me or chop me up, it's all up to you!"

"When we're out there, the most important thing is loyalty. Do you think you can make me betray my brothers just by saying a few nonsense to me?"

"It's just a daydream!"

He looked at Team Leader Wang with a little expectation, hoping to see the exasperated look on his face. This was Wu Qiang's favorite thing to do.

He loved to see others look like they couldn't stand him but couldn't do anything about him.

But Team Leader Wang's performance afterwards made Wu Qiang feel helpless. He nodded seriously and said,"Okay, you can go down now. I believe what you said and I won't interrogate you any more."

Wu Qiang:"???"

Why is the script different from what he expected?

Are you police officers so irresponsible?

There are only two days and forty hours left, but you don't ask any more questions now.

The sudden gap made Wu Qiang feel a little overwhelmed.

Before, they had used all their tricks, intimidation and inducement in front of him, hoping to make him confess and get leniency, but it was all in vain.

It's only been a few hours and his temperament has changed drastically.

Isn't it a bit abnormal?!

He couldn't believe it, and tentatively said:"Are you really not going to ask again?"

"Didn't you tell me that you stole it by yourself? Why am I asking you so many questions?"

"Don't worry, we won't torture you, the evidence obtained in this way is useless, and the people above may even hold us accountable."

Wu Qiang was even more confused.

It looked like he was not joking.

He was really going to hastily close the case.

For some reason, Wu Qiang, who should have been happy, now had an indescribable feeling in his heart. He couldn't tell what it was. He just felt... something was wrong.

He sneered and said,"That's better. Wouldn't it have been over earlier? You must delay time with me."

"Xiao Ma."

Team leader Wang called out to the door, and a young police officer came in and asked,"What do you want to tell me, team leader?"

"Put him in the detention room and don't give him any food or water until 12:30 noon the day after tomorrow. Then bring him here."

"Got it!"

Wu Qiang was actually amused when he heard this. He couldn't help laughing and said,"I was wondering why you suddenly wanted to hastily close the case. So you were waiting for me here? You didn't think that you could make me confess to you by starving me for a day or two, did you?"

"Stop thinking about it, okay? We have been through all kinds of situations, let alone being hungry for two days, I wouldn't be afraid even if I was hungry for a week."

Young man, you are really naive!

Previously, Team Leader Wang had the same idea as Wu Qiang, thinking that Jiang Xue's idea was a fantasy and not worth believing at all.

But now that he has witnessed the magic of Jiang Chen's food with his own eyes, his ideas are different.

Human instinct for survival is most obviously reflected in food. If a person does not eat for more than twenty-four hours, the feeling of hunger will be particularly strong.

Forty-eight hours will almost make him dizzy with hunger.

After being hungry for more than forty hours, a person's will will gradually disintegrate, unless the person's will is really strong and terrifying, he will not be moved by food.

Therefore, in the age of hunger, there will even be cannibalism.

Food is extremely important to people.

If you give him a pack of instant noodles after he has been hungry for a day or two, he will probably Ji would eat with gusto. At that time, people only had one requirement for food, which was to fill their stomachs, and they didn't care about the taste at all.

This is a signal sent by your body's instinct, which cannot be diverted or controlled by your will.

Unless you are strong enough to go against your instinct, otherwise... you can basically resist food.

Ordinary food is like this, let alone Jiang Chen's food?

The more rampant he is now, the better.

Let's wait and see if he can still be rampant in two days.

The most important thing is that Jiang Chen at that time will cook his best dishes.

Maybe Lao Wang can also taste some.

Judging from Wu Qiang's smug look just now, after the case is decided, lock him up and never let him eat the food cooked by Jiang Chen.

It's best to just let him watch every day and not let him eat.

It's a waste of food!

"Team leader."

Xiao Ma next to him was also a little confused and said,"Is it really okay to do this?"

"You'll be right if you listen to me. Lock him up first."

"Yes, team leader!"

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