Wu Qiang still looked arrogant. He walked out of the interrogation room triumphantly under the escort of Xiao Ma.

Looking at the tall and sturdy back of the other party, Team Leader Wang secretly made up his mind that he would never let him eat the food cooked by Jiang Chen after the case was concluded.

Only prisoners who were obedient, well behaved, and willing to reform and make meritorious contributions to their crimes would have the opportunity to taste Jiang Chen's food.

When he first tasted Jiang Chen's cooking skills, Team Leader Wang was going to transfer him directly to the police canteen. It was a waste of talent to use such amazing cooking skills to feed prisoners.

But after thinking it over again and again, he gave up the idea.

Jiang Chen could indirectly manage the prisoners by cooking in the prison canteen.

Maybe at that time, he could ask them to help make meritorious contributions to their crimes and point out evidence of crimes, which would be much more useful than the police canteen.

Once you have eaten the food cooked by Jiang Chen, you will definitely be addicted and will never forget it.

In order to continue to eat it, they decided to rack their brains to perform well.

They dare not contradict the people in the police station.

It can also reduce management costs.

It is really killing two birds with one stone.

This is a really great idea!

After a while, Xiao Ma appeared at the door and asked,"Team Leader, are we really only going to keep him for two days?"

"Starve him for dozens of hours, and he will naturally confess."

Not eating for more than 40 hours can indeed make a person dizzy and even unconscious.

But... it's not as exaggerated as Team Leader Wang said, right?

But Xiao Ma also knows the character of their captain, who is particularly stubborn and stubborn. No one can change what he is determined to do.


Xiao Ma can't think of any other way to make Wu Qiang obedient and confess if he doesn't do this.

Wu Qiang, who was detained in the solitary confinement room, was still very unconvinced. He kept kicking the door and cursing at the outside of the door.

"Do you have the guts to lock me up now?"

"I tell you that I was the only one who stole those cultural relics!"

"I don’t have any accomplices at all?"

"Don’t think that if you don’t give me food, I will listen to you obediently?"

"What do you think I am? Do you think I am a pig?"

No matter how bad he said, Captain Wang did not send anyone to deal with him.

Scream a few more times!

The louder you scream now, the more exciting the scene will be in two days.


Hundreds of prisoners in the three prisons hold a morning meeting every morning.

It is around 7:30, but today there was a special situation, which caused the morning meeting to be delayed to 10:30.

Everyone stood neatly and quietly on the playground, waiting for the police officer's speech.

After a while, Xiao Zhao walked onto the stage. He looked at everyone present, paused for a moment and said:"Without rules, there will be no order."

"When each of you entered prison, you were given a manual and asked to memorize the contents of the manual by heart."

"As long as you strictly follow the instructions in the manual, no one will bother you."

"But some people just don't listen, they break the rules."

Everyone was a little confused.

It seems that they haven't seen anyone who dares to make trouble in public recently?

They all seem to be behaving quite decently.

Who on earth is so bold as to knowingly break the rules?

You know, if they don't behave well in prison, they may face increased sentences.

This is what people in prison fear the most.

Just when people were confused, Xiao Zhao continued,"I want to be here today to focus on criticizing the people in Prison No. 2. They have all made unforgivable mistakes!"

"However, their attitude of admitting mistakes was relatively good. They accepted the criticism very sincerely, and each of them wrote an 8,000-word review!"

"At the morning meeting today, the warden of the No. 2 prison represented all the members and made a self-reflection in front of all of us. I hope that others can learn from it!"

The people in the No. 1 and No. 3 prisons were completely shocked.

What the hell!!!

No way?

How could they have thought that the people who made mistakes this time would be those in the No. 2 prison?

It can't be that serious?

What did they do to make Xiao Zhao and the others so angry?

The most important thing is that all the members have to write a seven or eight thousand word review?

It's a bit outrageous!

Recently, the people in the No. 2 prison have been very obedient and worked very hard. Several sewing machines have been stepped on and broken. They are about to be named model workers!

But suddenly something like this happened?!

It's really hard to understand.

Lao Qiang touched his chin and looked at the stage, and said with some pride:"I said that they have been performing so well during this period, it must not be because they want to go to the cafeteria early, right? Most likely they made a mistake and want to be forgiven by the people above to avoid extra punishment."

Lao Qiang has always been confused about why they work so hard.

Last time he asked, Wang Xiaolong told him that it was to work hard and line up for meals early. Lao

Qiang has always been skeptical about this answer.

Sure enough, they were all criticized today!

They must have made some serious mistakes and were afraid of being held accountable by their superiors, so they wanted to work more seriously.

Strive for leniency if you confess and be strict if you resist!

In the end, they were still caught, and today they had to make a self-criticism in public!

Seven or eight thousand words per person, not a small number.

Wang Xiaolong stood on the stage and couldn't help wiping the corners of his mouth. He had no choice but to think of the meal Jiang Chen cooked.


He said sincerely:"I, Wang Xiaolong, am here today to make a sincere self-examination. I am sorry for the country, sorry for the people, and sorry for this beautiful society!"

His self-examination this time was very serious, and his attitude was more sincere than when he confessed his guilt.

There was no way to be insincere, and he had to eat steamed buns as hard as stones every day!

"I am simply ungrateful, unforgivable, conscienceless, and have done all kinds of bad things. Everyone deserves to kill me, and I deserve to die. A scum like me, if I don't change, I have no right to stay in prison!"

Seeing that every word Wang Xiaolong said was sincere, as if he had violated the law of heaven, people couldn't help but get nervous.

What kind of great things did the people in Prison No. 2 do?

They are ungrateful and deserve to be killed by everyone?

Isn't it too exaggerated?!


Wang Xiaolong, you just read the self-criticism, why do you keep wiping your mouth for no reason?

What's the matter, do you want to eat the paper I wrote the self-criticism on!

Then Wang Xiaolong continued:"I shouldn't be so ignorant of humility and scramble for food with my roommates. This is an act that destroys unity and friendship. It is not worth promoting and should be severely punished!"

"Stealing food is a crime, it destroys our friendship! And it makes the police officers worry about it, it's really wrong!"

Lao Qiang:"ヾ(???)?|???|!" other people:"=(●???●|||)!"

Just to grab a meal, you wrote so many words of self-criticism?

The most important thing is... you wrote it so seriously?

Oh my god... this is too outrageous!

Oh my god, what did I see?

We have been looking forward to it for a long time, and the result is...?

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