The night was deep.

Outside the prison, the moon was bright and the sky was full of stars.

Wang Xiaolong, who was lying on the upper bunk, quietly poked his head out, took out the half-eaten fried dough stick that he had not finished eating in the morning from under his pillow, and knocked it against the bed board.

The fried dough stick was of good quality and could be used as a steel pipe in a few days.

It made a clear sound when it fell on the bed, and several brothers under the window also lifted their quilts one after another.

They all got out of bed quietly and gathered under Wang Xiaolong's bed.

"Brother Long, what's the matter?"

Wang Xiaolong spat and cursed:"Those guys in the No. 3 prison next door are too bullying. They don't take the people in the No. 2 prison seriously at all."

"Today we have a new brother who was caught and lynched by them!"

"What? This is too much!"

A fat man named Zhang Xiaohu said:"What did they do?"

Zhang Xiaohu and Wang Xiaolong came in together.

At the beginning, the two of them went to rob a mobile phone store together. They planned for this for more than half a month and bought a gun on the black market.

Determined to make outstanding contributions in robbery, the two rushed into the store and robbed it in a hurry. They took away forty or fifty... mobile phone models in one breath.

The two had no experience in robbery for the first time, and they were in a hurry at the time, so they had no time to distinguish between mobile phones and mobile phone models.

The total value was about two hundred yuan. Although their money was not much, the nature was extremely bad, and both were sentenced to one year in prison.

Wang Xiaolong said:"They actually let our new brothers eat their own meals. Do you think this is still something human?"

There is a rule in their prison that you have to eat as much food as you get, and you must not waste it.

The food prepared by the first few chefs, although bland, was still edible.

Then suddenly a master, Lao Wang, showed up, and the food he cooked was really shameful. It was so good that people couldn't eat it for three meals a day.

As a result, a few unscrupulous guys bullied the newcomers, and they specially prepared a lot of food, and asked the people in the prison to help them if they couldn't finish it.

Is this something a human being can do?

Zhang Xiaohu clenched his fist and said,"Damn, this is too much. We must avenge him tomorrow."

"Go to bed early tonight so that you can recharge your energy for tomorrow's work!"

"No problem."

As soon as he lay down, Wang Xiaolong seemed to remember something and said,"By the way, I think I heard that our prison has changed the chef? I wonder how his food tastes?"

"Brother Long."

Zhang Xiaohu crossed his legs and said,"How good can the food cooked for us be? My requirements are not high, as long as it is a little better than Lao Wang's."


Wang Xiaolong said with some complacency:"Behave well tomorrow. I have a few buckets of instant noodles here. As long as you satisfy me, one bucket for each of you!" Instant noodles are not worth mentioning outside, but they are hard currency in prison. They are very precious and most people can't buy them even if they have money.

If Wang Xiaolong didn't have strong connections, he wouldn't have been able to eat instant noodles.

That stuff can't compare to delicacies from mountains and seas, but compared with Lao Wang's cooking skills, it is definitely the best in the world.

Everyone's face was full of excitement, and they secretly made up their minds that they must teach the people in the No. 3 prison next door a lesson tomorrow.

It doesn't matter even if they beat them up and put them in solitary confinement!

When you go out for a walk, show them some color!

Let them know that the people in the No. 2 prison are not easy to bully!

If it's not for anything else, just for those buckets of instant noodles, then we must go all out.


The next day.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

The weather was very good today. Jiang Chen got up early, packed up simply, and drove to the prison to report.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, he saw Jiang Xue from a distance. She waved her right hand to greet him, her face full of enthusiasm, and she ran towards him excitedly.

The smile on her delicate face made her look particularly beautiful.

"I was still worried that you wouldn't come today."

Jiang Xue said:"Don't worry, we are old classmates, I will definitely try to get you some more benefits."

"But, you must not forget what you promised me yesterday?"

"Leave an extra portion for me when you cook!"

"No problem."

Jiang Chen followed Jiang Xue and soon they came to the prison kitchen. Although Lao Wang's cooking was not very good, he kept the kitchen clean. Even though he had resigned, he kept the prison kitchen clean and tidy. The stove was wiped clean without any oil stains.

The hygiene in this room was probably better than that of many restaurant kitchens.

"Dinner will be served in about an hour and a half. The vegetables have been bought according to your request. There are tomatoes, eggs, potatoes, and cabbage."

"I'll call their names first, please leave some for me later!"

Jiang Chen looked at the pile of ingredients in the corner and nodded slightly.

Perhaps it was because of the binding system, now he has an urge to try food when he sees it.

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