I just signed in at the system not long ago and unlocked three home-cooked dishes, namely green pepper and potato shreds, tomato scrambled eggs, and stir-fried cabbage.

The ingredients I bought can just make these three dishes.

A big pot meal is always the most challenging for a chef's cooking skills. The more dishes you cook, the higher the requirements are for seasoning and overall heat control.

Fortunately, there are three big pots in the prison kitchen, which means that he can turn on the fire and cook three dishes at the same time.

Cooking one by one is too slow. The most important thing is that the first dish will get cold when it is cooked and affect the taste. Then it will not get a good review value, and there will be no way to buy gifts in the system mall.

Jiang Chen first washed and peeled the potatoes, then cut the tomatoes into pieces, washed the cabbage, cut it neatly into even-sized pieces, put it in the bucket and wash it again.

Light the fire, start the pot, heat the oil, and the onions, ginger, garlic, dried chili peppers, chicken essence, salt and other seasonings have been prepared long ago.

After the oil boils, Jiang Chen put the onions and ginger in first and stir-fry them to bring out the fragrance.

The clear sound of sizzling echoed throughout the prison, and a faint fragrance filled the air.

Jiang Chen put a few more dishes into the corresponding pots. Now he has mastered the cooking skills and the observation of the heat.

Therefore, even if he stir-fries three dishes at the same time, he can do it in an orderly manner without any panic. The most important thing is that the taste will not be bad at all.

After a while, the aroma of the three dishes suddenly became strong and fragrant, mixing with each other, making people salivate. The light sour taste of the tomato itself, intertwined with the fragrance of the egg, overflowed in waves, and the pot lid covering it seemed to fall off at any time.

Jiang Chen came to the tomato and egg and took a deep breath. The dormant taste buds seemed to wake up completely in an instant. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and drooling uncontrollably.

This smell smells so good!

Since his cooking skills improved, Jiang Chen also likes the dishes he cooks. The taste is unique. Not only is it very delicious, but most importantly, it is very healthy.

When the tomato and egg were almost done, Jiang Chen opened the lid of the pot. The crystal clear, agate-like, red tomatoes and yellow eggs were mixed together. They were covered with a very rich soup, evenly and delicately, which made people's appetites grow.

The aroma of tomato and egg was originally very strong. When the lid was opened, the smell of the whole kitchen was covered by it.

Stir-fried Chinese cabbage and green pepper and potato shreds had to retreat in front of tomato and egg.

Jiang Chen put a piece of egg into his mouth, and the first thing his tongue felt was the light sour taste of tomato juice.

There was also a light sweet aftertaste, but the sweetness was not strong and passed away in a flash.

Then the fresh fragrance of the egg burst in the mouth and filled the mouth in an instant. The aftertaste was long, appetizing and sour, and it was so delicious that it made people's eyes shine.

Tomato and egg really go well with rice!

Jiang Chen had just eaten a bowl of noodles not long ago, and now he can't wait to try it himself!

Then he opened the green pepper and potato shreds next to it, which were almost done. Green pepper and potato shreds, this dish must not be fried for too long, and the potatoes must not be fried too soft.

Otherwise, once the starch inside comes out, the green pepper and potato shreds will lose their original crisp taste. They must be fried until they are cooked.

In this way, the taste of green pepper and the fragrance of potato itself can be perfectly intertwined and blended, without conflicting with each other, and taste better.

He picked up a chopstick of green pepper and potato shreds, and the fragrance of green pepper first bloomed in his mouth. The crispy taste of potato shreds made people linger, and a light spicy aroma perfectly occupied the mouth.

Don't say it, the taste is really good.

Tomato scrambled eggs and green pepper and potato shreds, one sour and the other spicy, are extremely appetizing.

There are at least 120 to 130 prisoners in Prison No. 2. If everyone has ten praise points, there will be 1,200 to 130 today.

I don't know what good things are in the system mall?

Jiang Chen had tasted the stir-fried cabbage yesterday. There was no doubt about the taste. It was delicious and very delicious.

Jiang Chen served the three dishes and put them in a large bowl.

After checking the time, it was about 11:40. In a little while, it would be time for the prisoners to have dinner.

Looking at the delicious dishes, Jiang Chen folded his hands in front of his chest, revealing a satisfied look.


"Brother Long."

Standing up from his chair, Zhang Xiaohu came to Wang Xiaolong's sewing machine and said,"Let's go, it's time to eat."

Wang Xiaolong waved his hand and said,"You guys go eat if you want to. I'm not interested. I asked the brothers outside to get me several packs of instant noodles. I'll have instant noodles for lunch today.""


Zhang Xiaohu's face was full of envy.

Wang Xiaolong patted his head and said,"You don't need to be envious, kid. As long as you behave well during the morning exercise, everyone will have instant noodles."

"Remember, when you eat later, each of you should move closer and bring back some leftovers. Damn, the people in Prison No. 3 dare to bully our brothers, I will give them a taste of their own medicine."

Thinking of the taste of instant noodles, Zhang Xiaohu couldn't help drooling and swallowing his saliva. He nodded and said,"Okay, leave it to us."

As long as he can get a pack of instant noodles from Wang Xiaolong, he will do anything, even if it means sacrificing his appearance. Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Event time: April 29 to May 3)

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