The two looked at each other and smiled. They reached a consensus at the same time. They must go to work tonight and cannot take free money like before.

Isn't it torture for them to get paid directly without going to work?

As two policemen who love their work, how can they allow themselves to degenerate and slack off at work.

Xiao Dong patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder and couldn't help but admired:"Brother, you are really my good buddy. You didn't forget me when you had such delicious food."

"Of course."

Xiao Chen replied with a smile:"I came here for a meal yesterday, and the taste was absolutely amazing. I finally understood why Lao Li and Lao Zhang would rather work more than ten hours in a row than go home."

"The same thing would happen to me!"

They put the bowls and chopsticks in the designated place, took the handover registration book, and came to Lao Zhang and Lao Li.

"Officer Zhang."

Xiao Chen said with a smile:"You two can go home after filling out the forms."

Hearing this, Lao Zhang stood up suddenly.

""Xiao Chen!"

He said seriously,"What do you mean? You don't want me to work overtime, right?"

"I tell you I love going to work, I like working, if anyone doesn't let me work overtime, I will be angry with them today."

Xiao Chen was also a little dissatisfied

"Officer Zhang, you guys can't play like this? You guys have to take all the classes, so what should we young people do? We should exercise more. You have to give us a chance."

"Besides, you have been working fifteen or sixteen hours every day for the past few days. It’s our turn today, right?"

"Why do you take all the classes for free and let us get paid?! I tell you this is impossible!"

"We will never be such police officers!"

The prisoners around were not surprised to see this scene.

What they said was so high-sounding and nice, such as loving their jobs and wanting to work overtime, which was pure nonsense. Are n't you here just for Jiang Chen's cooking skills?

If it was Lao Wang's dark cuisine, I guess you would have gone home in minutes.

Jiang Chen's arrival changed the entire alert order. Not only did the prisoners become obedient, but even the police's work enthusiasm was greatly improved.

It seems that rewards are much more motivating than punishments.

The atmosphere on both sides was a little hot and tense, and no one was willing to give in. They were all determined to work this shift today!

Xiao Chen said a little unhappy:"Working fifteen or sixteen hours a day, why should you live such a good life?"

"Think about us. We don't have to work, but we have to get paid. You old veterans can't bully us newcomers like this."

Lao Zhang rolled up his sleeves and said,"Why, you are not happy to take a paid vacation for free? It's not like we can't do this job anyway. Why should we let you do it?"

"I told you I have to go to work. If anyone doesn't let me work sixteen hours, I will be angry with him today!"

It seems that this matter will not end well today.

The wives of Lao Zhang and Lao Li are both real kitchen killers. Their cooking skills cannot be said to be bad. Anyway, they have nothing to do with being able to eat. They still have to cook after returning home every day. Anyway, working in the police station is not very tiring, and there are such delicious foods every day?

Working seven or eight more hours, what's wrong?

Seeing that no one of them would give in, Jiang Chen knew that he could not stand idly by. He put the cooking spoon aside and walked forward and said,"Now you have two choices?"

They may not listen to others, but Jiang Chen is different. After all, he controls the power of eating in the entire cafeteria. Everyone wants to stay here, isn't it because they like his cooking skills?

Everyone smiled and looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

He touched his chin and thought about it and said,"First, the four of you will take turns to work, two people in a group, and one group will work for one day. In this way……"


They interrupted Jiang Chen in unison.

If the rotation system is really adopted, doesn't it mean that two people in a group may not be able to eat Jiang Chen's cooking one day?

Once you have seen the sea, all other waters are but puddles; except for Wushan, all other clouds are but mists.

If they have not tasted Jiang Chen's cooking, it is barely acceptable for them to eat food in restaurants outside.

But after experiencing the baptism of Jiang Chen's cooking, it is difficult for them to eat simple meals.

If they have the opportunity to eat every day, of course they want to fight for it.

Now they finally understand why the prisoners in the prison are so obedient and sensible.

Choosing between dark cuisine and Jiang Chen's food, they know what decision to make with their eyes closed?

"Then let's go with the second option. The four of you will work together for sixteen hours? And then wait for the police to take over in the evening?"

"This should be okay, right?"

Their eyes lit up.

This was a good idea. It would allow the four of them to eat Jiang Chen's meals, and for two meals at a time. Everyone smiled and felt happy, and relaxed a lot.

"No problem."

Xiao Dong quickly agreed:"Just do as Chef Jiang said."

"But there are conditions for eating here. Go and help wash the dishes and mop the floor."

They immediately stopped hesitating and started to work. The division of labor was very clear. Lao Zhang and Lao Li were responsible for washing the dishes, while Xiao Chen and Xiao Dong were mainly responsible for cleaning the floor.

Jiang Chen himself returned to the lounge, took a novel from the bookshelf, made a cup of tea next to him, and drank it slowly.

Stealing half a day of leisure from the busy life is better than living a god!


At this moment, outside a western restaurant, a beautiful young woman with a graceful figure stood at the door of the restaurant, looking at the heavy rain outside, her eyes full of resentment.

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