Bai Ling'er watched the couples on the street being affectionate, while she was alone at the door of the western restaurant, and was almost drenched by the rain. She felt very upset.

It was okay that the person she was waiting for didn't show up after more than an hour, but he didn't answer the phone call!

What does that mean?! They had already made an appointment to go to the western restaurant with her to eat steak, but now there was no one in sight.

She took out her cell phone and dialed Xiao Chen's number directly.

Sure enough... there was no answer!

Her beautiful face was covered with dark clouds. If Xiao Chen was in front of her now, she would make him explain it to her!

Can she still live like this?!

It was okay that he broke the appointment! It was okay that she was drenched!

The key point was that he didn't answer the phone call?!

Bai Ling'er decided not to wait any longer. Without saying a word, she pushed the door and entered the western restaurant, and ordered the most expensive steak and red wine here.

The steak tasted good, but it tasted like chewing wax in Bai Ling'er's mouth, and she couldn't taste it at all.

Instead, she felt more and more sad?!

What happened?!

In the past, Xiao Chen was quite reliable. They would never miss a date. Even if something happened, they would let her know in advance. Why didn't he even say hello today?!

He just left her here alone?

After finishing the meal, Bai Ling'er went to pay the bill, and then her cell phone rang. This time she deliberately didn't answer it, and waited for the other party to call two or three times before she finally answered the call reluctantly.

She asked,"What's the matter?"

"Did you remember to call me? Did you forget to have a western meal with me?"

"It would be fine if you didn't come, but you didn't even answer the phone? What on earth are you doing? Is your work so busy? So busy that you don't have time to answer the phone?"

Xiao Chen smiled awkwardly and said,"I'm so sorry, baby, our duty schedule has been changed today. I received the news and have to go to work temporarily. I will make it up to you tomorrow and I will definitely treat you to a delicious meal, right?"

"What delicious food to eat?"

Bai Ling'er became more and more angry as she thought about it,"Do you know that I made a reservation for this western restaurant a month in advance? Their business is very good, and you can't eat at any time."

"It's okay."

Xiao Chen on the other end of the phone was very confident, as if patting his chest and saying:"I promise that the food I treat you to will taste much better than that Western restaurant."

"Bring you here to eat the prison food in our prison!"

"I'm telling you about the spicy chicken cubes. It's absolutely delicious when eaten with rice. No steak or fried chicken can compare to it. Although I haven't eaten the steak from that restaurant, I can be sure that it's not as good as the food in our prison."

"I can’t take it anymore. I’m drooling just talking about it."

Bai Ling’er: Anger value increased by 100,000!

At the same time, confusion value also increased by 10,000.

What the hell did I hear?!

My boyfriend doesn’t want to come with me. He worked hard to make a reservation for a long time at a western restaurant. He wants to take me to a date in prison.

Invite me to eat prison food?!

Can you do something more unreliable?

Bai Ling’er took a deep breath and tried not to be too angry.

Calm down.

You must be calm.

She forced a smile and said,"Chen Guangyu, if you don’t give me a reasonable explanation for what happened today, don’t come to me in the future."

Then she hung up the phone.

When she returned to her shared house, Bai Ling’er became more and more angry. She pushed the door open and sat on the sofa. She threw her bag aside and looked at the makeup on her face that had been wet and smudged by the rain. She felt even more aggrieved.

After a while, the door of the room was pushed open, and her bestie Yaoyao poked her head out and asked,"What’s the matter? Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?"


Bai Ling'er said angrily:"You don't know, today he and I made an appointment to eat Western food together, and I made a reservation for that Western restaurant a long time in advance."

"In the end, he didn't come. That's fine, he didn't even say hello to me. It's okay if he didn't say hello, maybe he was too busy, I understand, it's okay, I don't blame him"

"I called him five or six times later, but he never answered?"

Yaoyao was a little shocked and said,"No, didn't your Xiao Chen obey you before? No matter what you asked him to do, he would do it. What's going on now?"

"Can you please listen to what I have to say first?!"

Bai Linger continued,"Those things are not the most outrageous, and they are all within my understanding. I can even let him go and forgive him."

"After all, he is a policeman and it is normal for him to have his own work to do!"

"But... do you know what he said later?"

Yaoyao shook her head. She looked at Bai Ling'er expectantly. The latter took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible:"Later he told me that in order to express his apology to me"

"She wanted to sincerely apologize to me and decided to take me to their prison to eat prison food tomorrow!"

"He also said that the prison food tasted much better than the western restaurant I booked!"


Yaoyao couldn't help it after hearing this, and all the water in his mouth spurted out. He was shocked and unbelievable, looking at Bai Ling'er with extremely surprised eyes. He even wondered if she was hallucinating?

No way?!

Is there really such a weird male pervert in the world?

""He... is he kidding?"

No wonder Bai Ling'er was so angry. Any of the above situations would become a fuse if they occurred in a couple.

Bai Ling'er encountered all of them. It would be fine if she had full buffs, but who knew that Xiao Chen was not enough and wanted to hit her hard again.

The way to apologize is to let Bai Ling'er go to jail?!

This... will anyone believe it if I tell others?

"I also thought he was joking, but he became more and more excited as he spoke, and I even heard him drooling on the other end of the phone?"

��Tell me, if you encounter this kind of situation, can you not be angry?"

Yaoyao was stunned, completely stunned.

It was indeed the first time she encountered such a strange and incomprehensible thing!

It was really puzzling!

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