Put the pot on the stove and light the fire directly. When the pot is hot, add a little oil. Add the shredded pork and stir-fry. Be sure to pay attention to the control of the heat. The frying time of the meat should not be too long, otherwise the meat will become dry and old, and the taste will be greatly reduced.

When the shredded pork turns white, pour it out to drain the oil.

Then boil the water in the pot and blanch the shredded carrots, shredded green peppers, and a small amount of shredded fungus and other side dishes that have been prepared in advance.

It will take about 30 seconds to complete this step, and then pour out the side dishes to drain the water.

Add a proper amount of oil to the pot and proceed to the next step. After the oil is heated, add the indispensable chopped green onions, ginger and garlic. As soon as they are fried, put the side dishes and shredded pork into the pot.

The strong aroma of fish-flavored shredded pork begins to rise from the pot, and it is tempting.

Seeing that the time is almost ripe, Jiang Chen added a proper amount of hot sauce, and after the red oil is fried, put in the side dishes and shredded pork.

Stir-fry for about half a minute, and pour the prepared sauce into the pot.

Next is the last and most important step of the fish-flavored pork shreds, which is to cook them over high heat to reduce the sauce.

The fish-flavored pork shreds are sour and sweet, but the sweetness should not be too strong, otherwise it will be greasy and affect the taste of the pork itself, and it will taste weird. It must be just right.

The sourness should not be too strong, otherwise it will taste like vinegar.

If you want the sourness to be moderate, delicious with rice, long aftertaste, and lingering fragrance, the last step of reducing the sauce is the most important.

After completing the last step, you can turn off the fire, and then take out the pork shreds and put them in a bowl. In half an hour, it will be time to eat again.


At this time, the door was opened, and Jiang Xue and Team Leader Wang rushed over impatiently.

They smelled the smell of fish-flavored pork shreds from a distance.

Team Leader Wang likes this dish very much. He has loved it since junior high school. He didn't expect that Jiang Chen would make it today.

This made him very excited!

Team Leader Wang still did the same thing. He filled a bowl with rice and then put a large spoonful of fish-flavored pork shreds on it.

The tender green peppers and red peppers, as well as the black fungus shreds, were wrapped in a rich and fresh aroma.

The delicious and long-lasting sauce, red, flowed down from the top and fell on the rice, which was extremely appetizing.

He picked up the spoon and couldn't wait to take a big mouthful.

The rice covered with soup entered his mouth together with the fish-flavored pork shreds. With a light bite, the sour taste collided in his mouth.

Jiang Chen finally used high heat to collect the sauce. The heat was particularly precise and wonderful, making the sour and sweet taste of the fish-flavored pork shreds just right, and it was very appetizing to eat.

But it was definitely not to the point that this taste would conflict with the essence of a meat dish itself.

Delicate, soft, mellow, rich, sour, and sweet. It was also mixed with a little bit of spiciness from time to time. The last bit of spiciness became the finishing touch, which ordinary fish-flavored pork shreds did not have at all.

But it was not very strong, just a little bit, which made it stand out among the two sour and sweet flavors.

It makes people eat more aftertaste. The black fungus was crunchy when chewed, and the green and red peppers were fried just until they were cooked.

Eating a bowl of rice like this was like being a living god!

Jiang Xue next to her was not polite either, she ate with great joy, not caring about her image as a rich and beautiful woman. Not long after, Zhang Xiaoyu also ran over. She ate while exclaiming in admiration!!!

Now, the happiest and happiest time of the day for them in the police station is when they come to Jiang Chen for lunch at noon and in the afternoon.

It’s so cool!!!

The three of them ate a lot of rice before they were satisfied, and put the bowls and chopsticks in the sink next to them.

""Little brother."

Team leader Wang patted his chest and said,"Your shredded pork with fish flavor is really delicious!"

"too delicious"

"By the way, I heard from Xiaoxue before that you are going to cook a few delicious dishes tomorrow to reward the people in our group?"

"That's right."

Jiang Chen replied:"Isn't it just that we have to interrogate the prisoner? I definitely can't cook home-cooked dishes, so try to make something delicious."

"Not only can it induce him to confess, but it can also reward you. I have also heard about the impact of that case. You have all been very hard during this period."

When Team Leader Wang heard Jiang Chen say this, he was moved. He held Jiang Chen's hand and said with some emotion:"Little brother, thank you so much."

"Don't worry, we won't let you work in vain, and let Jiang Xue pay for it when the time comes!"

Jiang Xue:"???"

No, why are you involving me again?

"By the way, how is the prisoner now?"

Team Leader Wang smiled and said,"He has been hungry for a day and a night, and we only gave him two bottles of water. Now he is very irritable and keeps kicking the door, asking us to give him something to eat."


Jiang Chen said calmly:"It should be almost done tomorrow."

"I really hope this trick works."

Team leader Wang smiled bitterly and said,"If he still doesn't confess, I guess we can only hastily close the case, but the people above will definitely not be satisfied with this matter."

"After all, they have many accomplices!"

Jiang Chen said calmly:"Give it a try, I will try my best to bring out the best of my cooking skills."

"OK, please, little brother."


A person's will is usually linked to his physical fitness. When he is full and energetic, he will not take temptations and threats to heart.

But when he is extremely hungry, food will become the first choice in his brain.

This is the characteristic of biological evolution, and it is not affected by human will.

Therefore, people who have been hungry for a long time or in years of famine can do anything for food, even killing each other and cannibalizing their compatriots.

What's more, it's just to let Wu Qiang betray his brother?!


Bai Ling'er, who was following behind Xiao Chen, was so exhausted that he was panting and sweating. He supported his knees with his hands and couldn't help but said,"Can't you wait for me?"

"Why are you running so fast?"

Xiao Chen said anxiously,"If we don't hurry up, we won't be able to get in line?!"

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