Bai Ling'er couldn't run any longer. She shook off Xiao Chen's right hand and panted.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Bai Ling'er said,"No... I mean, do you really have to run so fast?"

"Listen to me, my wife."

Xiao Chen grabbed Bai Ling'er's hand again and advised earnestly:"I tell you, the food in our prison is very popular. If you go a little later, it will probably be gone."

Bai Ling'er: I'm really speechless!

Who among my family members understands? My boyfriend actually took me to the prison to eat their prison food, and he was very enthusiastic! It's out of the ordinary!

Now Bai Ling'er regretted it a little.

If she had known this, she shouldn't have followed him here.

""Forget it, go ahead."

Seeing Xiao Chen's attitude, Bai Ling'er believed what he said yesterday. It didn't seem like he was joking. If it was fake, how could he run so desperately? He ran away faster after stealing food than after robbing?

"No way."

Xiao Chen put Bai Ling'er on his back and said,"How can I not share such delicious food with my wife?"

"I must take you over there to try it!"

As he said that, he immediately quickened his pace, and walked briskly. Bai Ling'er bounced all the way on his back, and her particularly attractive figure was undoubtedly revealed. It was really one wave higher than the other, and the waves were surging!

Seeing that the other party was out of breath and sweating profusely, Bai Ling'er felt a little distressed. She took out a tissue and was about to wipe her boyfriend's sweat, when suddenly... she smelled the fragrance in the air.

The sour and sweet smell of fish-flavored pork shreds awakened her taste buds all of a sudden, and Bai Ling'er's right hand froze in mid-air.

She looked up and found that she and Xiao Chen had arrived at their destination, and there was a long queue of prisoners in the cafeteria.

Every prisoner had his back straight, and they were standing in a military posture, not saying a word, and were quite quiet. Even when they saw such a beautiful woman like Bai Ling'er coming in, they didn't look away. She stared at the front.

In the cafeteria, all that could be heard was the sound of people eating and praising. The prisoners lined up, and no one was talking to each other.

They also followed the standard of not talking while eating and not talking while sleeping!

Bai Ling'er was dumbfounded?!


Was she really in a prison?

Not the army!

Why did she feel that the quality of the prisoners nowadays seemed to be quite high?

However, what attracted Bai Ling'er the most was the aroma that permeated the air and aroused her appetite. The scent of fish-flavored shredded pork lingered for a long time and appeared before her eyes. She greedily captured every ray of fresh fragrance in the air.

Suddenly, she felt that the previous fatigue seemed to be swept away at this moment.

Seeing Wang Xiaolong eating with relish, sweating profusely, and a happy look on his face, Bai Ling'er was actually a little envious.

"Husband...hiss...I'm so happy to be in prison here...what conditions do I need to come in?"

The most important thing about a dish is its color, aroma, and taste.

This dish of fish-flavored pork shreds looks particularly tempting, and the aroma is also rich and lingering. Needless to say, the taste is naturally delicious.

Bai Ling'er wants to have a chance to come in and experience life.

"I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Xiao Chen smiled and said,"I'm telling you, since our chef came, the prisoners in the prison have been as obedient as they can be."

"Ask them to write a self-criticism, and they do it very quickly. They don't even try to avoid it. Each of them writes 7,000 to 8,000 words."

"The speed of work has increased, the efficiency has improved, and the quality has also improved. The most important thing is that if you look at them now, they are united and friendly, helping each other. How can it be like being in prison?"

"He is simply a model citizen!"

Bai Ling'er nodded blankly, staring blankly at the window in front of her, wiping the saliva from the corners of her mouth from time to time, feeling a little embarrassed.

How embarrassing!

I said I didn't want it!

But so much saliva flowed out!

Is it really a bit shameful?!

Seeing the team in front slowly moving forward, it was finally their turn. Xiao Chen rubbed his hands, impatiently, he quickly took the plate and put it in front of Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen was about to serve him food again, he saw Bai Ling'er standing behind him and said,"Do family members have to pay extra?"

"Could Chef Xiao Jiang be more flexible?"


Jiang Chen said firmly:"It's fine if you come here to eat while working in the police station, but isn't it a bit too much to bring your family members here?"

"Okay, how much does it cost?"


When Xiao Chen heard fifty yuan, he breathed a sigh of relief. The price was not expensive at all and was quite fair. He quickly took out the money and put it next to Jiang Chen.

Finally, it was Bai Ling'er's turn. After ordering a dish, she quickly followed Xiao Chen and sat down on the chair. The fish-flavored pork shreds were delicate and rich. The bright red soup was evenly wrapped on each piece of pork, fungus, green pepper, and carrot. It was perfect like a work of art.

Pick up a chopstick of fish-flavored pork shreds and feed it into your mouth with rice. When it touches the tip of the tongue, a faint fragrance instantly comes, awakening every taste bud. After a moment, the sweetness hidden inside suddenly emerges again.

The two flavors overlap with each other, which is particularly layered, complementing each other without conflict, giving the taste buds the most extreme A fine enjoyment.

But what really amazed Bai Ling'er was that behind this dish, there was actually a hint of spiciness that was barely noticeable.

Very, very light!

But as long as you taste it carefully, you can still feel it. This hint of spiciness is simply the finishing touch, which instantly increases his taste and the degree of eating with rice by several levels.

Sour, sweet, crispy, fresh and delicious.

Even a chef in a five-star hotel probably can't make this cooking skill?

Is it really just a simple shredded pork with fish flavor?


If I could have this treatment every day, Bai Ling'er would want to come in and stay for two days. Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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