Bai Ling'er has a great figure, and she is very strict with her diet. She has always been very restrained.

But today she completely opened her stomach. In the face of such delicious food, body management should be thrown out of the window, and it's all just a passing cloud.

Life is about eating and drinking!

The food and dishes Jiang Chen prepared for her were already quite a lot, but Bai Ling'er was not full at all, so she went to get another full plate. She ate everything on the plate in a whirlwind, with an expression of enjoyment and intoxication on her beautiful face.

It's delicious!

It tastes great!

I really envy Xiao Chen, who can eat it every day. Compared with the taste in their company cafeteria, it's a world of difference.

Putting the plate in the designated position, Bai Ling'er sat opposite Xiao Chen and asked with a smile:"Husband, I have a question for you?"

"What's the problem?"

Bai Ling'er asked,"Um... does your company have any other positions that need to be recruited? Can I apply for them?""


Xiao Chen, who was drinking a drink, sprayed out the contents of his mouth. He looked at Bai Ling'er in disbelief and subconsciously put his right hand on her forehead to measure it. She doesn't have a fever!

Why did she suddenly start talking nonsense?

Isn't it obvious that she is joking?

This is a police station, not a real company.

Come and go as you please?

How is it possible?

Xiao Chen said with some embarrassment:"Wife, I can help with other things, but this one is really not possible."

"Besides, it doesn't mean that you can eat Chef Jiang's dishes every day just because you come to work at the police station. Don't worry, I will pack a portion for you every day."

"What do you think?"

Bai Ling'er was somewhat helpless and could only nod in agreement.

After a moment, her eyes lit up and she continued,"Husband, do you think I can stay in your prison for a few days?……"

"Stop joking, okay? I'm afraid you won't want to leave after you come here and sit there."

He interrupted Bai Ling'er and said in a somewhat speechless tone:"Isn't it just a meal? I'll find a way to bring it to you, don't do unreliable things all day long"

"I knew you were the best, husband. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. If I had known the food in prison was so good, I would have definitely not reserved steak in advance that day."

"From now on, during holidays and dates, we can come to your prison to eat prison meals, right?"

""Okay, no problem."

Xiao Chen also agreed readily.


After returning home, Yaoyao looked at the slightly gloomy weather outside and felt even more unhappy. Today, she and her boyfriend lined up for an hour or two to eat at the most popular online celebrity restaurant in their area.

As a result, the taste was really hard to describe.

The small portion and bad taste were fine, but the most important thing was that the waiter's attitude was very bad, and the price was ridiculously expensive!

A bowl of rice actually cost ten yuan!

It was really outrageous.

As expected, online celebrity restaurants can't be trusted.

It's not easy to meet my long-distance boyfriend once. I wanted to have a good time today, but my mood was ruined and I didn't want to do anything else.

But my boyfriend's attitude was relatively good, and Yaoyao felt more comfortable when she thought of this.

Although I didn't have much fun today, my boyfriend was at least more reliable than Xiao Chen, and he didn't find some absurd reasons to shirk responsibility.

This is also the reason why she liked her boyfriend in the first place, he is responsible and responsible.

It is estimated that Bai Ling'er will definitely complain about Xiao Chen in front of her when she comes back today.

But think about it, Xiao Chen can make up any reason, but he has to find such a lame and incomprehensible explanation?

He said that the food in prison was too delicious and he didn't want to go eat steak with his girlfriend?!

Even if he was lying, he should have found a better and more appropriate reason, right?

A moment later, there was a knock on the door. Yaoyao walked up and opened the door. It was indeed Bai Ling'er.

But unlike what she imagined, her face was flushed and her eyes were filled with joy. She looked very happy. She did n't look angry at all.

Seeing this scene, Yaoyao asked curiously:"Ling'er, didn't you go to see Xiao Chen today?"

"Went? What's the problem?"

Yaoyao continued tentatively:"You found out that your boyfriend was cheating on you, aren't you angry at all?"

"Who told you that he was lying to me?"

Bai Ling'er shook her head and said,"I'm telling you, my husband is really good to me. He never forgets to give me something delicious."

"I don't know how to describe the taste of the prison cafeteria. It's so good. To be honest, if I were a prisoner in there, I wouldn't want to come out."

"You said that people live in this world just to run around for three meals a day, right? Since you can eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks in prison, who would want to come out and be exposed to the wind and rain?"

"The fish-flavored shredded pork has an amazing taste. I am drooling just thinking about it now. And the green pepper and potato shreds, I have eaten them many times before, but I never thought they would go so well with rice."

"The most important thing is that the people in the prison are all very obedient and of high quality. They line up very neatly and don't talk while eating. The atmosphere is really great."

"If anyone in my family commits a crime in the future, I will definitely go to their prison. If I go to their prison, I will definitely feel at ease, safe, and happy!"

"In the past, what I wanted to do most was to lose weight, but I tell you, today when I went to their prison, I ate several bowls of rice in one go."

"Now I'm hungry again, and I want to try it again, but I can't go to the prison every other day. To be honest, I feel... a little uncomfortable."

"If I had known the food in prison was so delicious, why would I have made a reservation for steak in advance? I am just stupid."|???|(ー_ー)!!"

No... did I hear it wrong?

Damn... can anyone tell me what I heard?

My best friend went to the prison with her boyfriend to eat, and after coming back, she kept praising how good the food was in the prison!

Looking at her, she even wanted to stay in prison for two days?

Family members, is there anything more outrageous than this?

"By the way, is your boyfriend here?"

Yaoyao nodded blankly.

Bai Ling'er continued to ask:"You haven't found a suitable date place yet? Why don't we go to the prison managed by my boyfriend?"

"It is really a great pleasure to have a date and dinner in their prison. Not only is the food delicious, but most importantly, it is very safe, as all the prisoners are prisoners."

"You can also take a close look at how the prisoners live. Isn’t it interesting?"

"If you haven't been to the Great Wall, you are not a true man. It's a pity not to eat in their prison!"

After a pause, Bai Ling'er continued to add, and even advertised their prison,"Really, don't miss it if you pass by, don't hesitate, don't linger, if you hesitate or linger, your boyfriend's trip will be in vain!"

"I really recommend you to try it!" Oh my god! What did you do to my normal best friend? Is Bai Ling'er still my good friend now? PS: Readers, can you give some flowers and votes? Have fun reading books on

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