It's over, it's over.

As expected, there are two different types of people sleeping in the same bed.

It's fine that Xiao Chen is abnormal, but now Bai Ling'er has also been criticized!

Yaoyao is too tired to complain.

Prison is also a dating place?

What's the matter, should we apply to the higher-ups to turn Xiao Chen's prison into a 5A scenic spot, and promote it well?

Bai Ling'er was talking excitedly.

Yaoyao was confused, and her clear eyes were full of confusion.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Bai Ling'er asked,"Why, don't you believe me?"

""Big sister, please don't mess with me, okay?"

Yaoyao's mentality was a little broken.

She sat dejectedly on the sofa and said,"I was going on a date with my boyfriend today, but I got ripped off at an Internet celebrity restaurant. I was very upset."

"Why are you still telling me all this nonsense? If you keep doing this, I suggest you break up with Xiao Chen. He is almost making you stupid."

"It's not Yaoyao."

Bai Ling'er was a little anxious, and she grabbed her best friend's right hand and said sincerely:"Really, everything I said just now is true. With our relationship, how could I be willing to lie to you?"

"I used to have a prejudice against prisons, but when I went on a date there today, I opened the door to a new world. You must be brave enough to try new things in life. I tell you, if they don't change this cook, sooner or later this prison will be famous all over the country."

"If we go there now, when the prison becomes popular, we will be die-hard fans, which is great. It makes me happy to think that my favorite prison will be known by many people one day.

She laughed twice and couldn't answer the other person's question.

I really didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go to bed first."

After lying in bed for an hour or two, Yaoyao opened her eyes and found Bai Ling'er standing at the door. She stood on tiptoe with an anxious look on her face, looking towards the corridor entrance. She seemed to be waiting for something.

Could it be takeaway?

"Did you order takeout again?"

Bai Ling'er shook her head vigorously and said,"No, I'm waiting for my husband to bring me food."

"Wait for your husband to deliver it?"

Yaoyao tidied up her messy hair and asked with confusion in her eyes:"If you are hungry, can't you order takeout outside? Do you have to wait for your husband to deliver it to you?"

"You don't understand, Yaoyao."

Bai Ling'er sighed and said,"Is the food outside edible? The food in my husband's prison is still delicious. I will ask him to bring it to me every day in the future."

"By the way, I told him today to prepare more. I will give you some when the time comes. I guarantee you will not regret it after eating it."

Since Bai Ling'er came home this afternoon, she has been muttering to herself, repeating the same words in front of her.

He always emphasizes to her how good the food tastes and how much she will regret not eating it.

Yaoyao's ears are almost callused.

She sat dejectedly on the sofa, turned on the TV, took out her mobile phone, and browsed the latest attractions out of boredom.

Her boyfriend finally took a leave to come back, so she must take him to a fun place to play. Today's Internet celebrity restaurant made both of them feel unhappy. They went back to their respective places early.

Tomorrow she must choose carefully and must not make mistakes again.

She After looking around for more than half an hour, he found that most of the attractions were similar to the Internet celebrity hotel. He felt a little irritated and threw his phone aside.

His eyes fell on the door and he found that Bai Ling'er was still waiting anxiously. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Her best friend is really... a little unexpected.

Just when Yaoyao was confused about this, she suddenly saw a figure rushing over in the corridor. It was Xiao Chen with a lunch box in his hand.

Xiao Chen was panting with fatigue, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He was out of breath, and quickly put the lunch box on the table and said:"I'm sorry, honey, I'm a little late for work today. Don't worry, the food is still hot, you can eat it while it's hot."

"Thank you, husband!"

Thinking of the taste, Bai Ling'er couldn't help blinking her lips, her eyes full of anticipation. She was about to open the lunch box and then asked,"By the way, didn't I ask you to bring me an extra portion?"

"I want Yaoyao to have a taste too?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, he touched his head and said:"I'm sorry, the food in our prison is so delicious, I fought hard to get this portion"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I promise to bring you an extra portion."

Bai Linger swallowed her saliva and said with some disappointment:"Okay"

"I'm sorry, Yaoyao, there's only one portion today, and it's not enough for me to eat, so I may not share it with you.

She waved her hand and said,"You eat it, you eat it, I'm very sorry for your meal."……"

Before she could finish her words, her graceful body suddenly froze on the sofa, with a look of surprise on her beautiful face and astonishment in her eyes.

The strong aroma immediately filled the living room, making her almost lose her eyesight. She sat on the sofa like a puppet, staring blankly ahead.

Her dormant taste buds and her not-so-good appetite were fully aroused at this moment, and she couldn't help swallowing her saliva. Her eyes were also attracted by the dish on the table. The fish-flavored pork shreds were bright in color and rich in aroma, and they looked very appetizing at first glance. They were neatly placed on the plate, evenly and delicately covered with soup, and paired with a bowl of white rice, which made people almost unable to walk.

This taste... is really fragrant!

No, do you call this prison food?

It's really brought out from prison.

No way?

The slap in the face came as fast as a tornado. Yaoyao, who had previously said that she would never be interested in eating in prison, walked towards Bai Ling'er blankly.

An idea suddenly popped up in her mind.

I must take my boyfriend to prison tomorrow.

This taste... is not much better than that of a popular restaurant?!

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