Bai Ling'er was now enjoying the delicious food. She was still unaware of Yaoyao approaching quietly. She closed her eyes and was particularly intoxicated.

It was this familiar taste!


So delicious.

Bai Ling'er couldn't understand why a cook who cooked in prison could have such powerful and exquisite cooking skills?

He made the simplest and most common home-cooked dish, fish-flavored pork shreds, taste like delicacies from the mountains and the sea. She could eat this dish alone for a month without getting tired of it. The sour fish-flavored pork shreds soup wrapped every grain of rice, completely stimulating the freshness, fragrance, light sourness, and sweetness in the mouth, stimulating every taste bud to the extreme.

It was so delicious!

Just as she was about to pick up the spoon and taste the second spoonful, she found a hand reaching out and snatched the cutlery from her hand, and then ate several mouthfuls of rice in the bowl in a whirlwind.

A moment later, Bai Ling'er heard the sound of enjoyment. She looked up and saw her best friend Yaoyao, who gave her two thumbs up and nodded vigorously.

"Delicious, so delicious!"

Yaoyao said quickly:"How can there be such delicious food?!"

She was about to taste it again. She hadn't eaten enough, and Bai Ling'er would definitely not let her succeed. She pointed outside and said:"Look, your boyfriend is lying on the window?"

Yaoyao turned around quickly to look, Bai Ling'er quickly used a trick to divert attention, snatched the spoon from her hand, and ate it with relish without saying a word.

Yaoyao realized that she had been fooled, but she could still hold back!

She turned around again, and the two of them were fighting over it. The fish-flavored pork shreds, which tasted great to begin with, seemed to have become even more delicious under the fight between the two.

About half a minute later, the two of them ate up a portion of rice cleanly, without even a grain of rice left.

But they were not full.

Yaoyao originally thought that Bai Ling'er was exaggerating, but who would have thought that what she said was actually all true.

The combination of this rice and the fish-flavored pork shreds is simply indescribable and can be called a unique one.

Yaoyao, who originally didn't have a big appetite, felt that with the fish-flavored pork shreds, she could have at least two or three bowls of rice. No, no, no, it should be five or six bowls of rice.


"Xiao Chen."

Yaoyao couldn't help asking,"Can you tell me? How did you make this meal?"

"How come it's so delicious!"

Xiao Chen said with a hint of pride.

"This is all because of our chef Xiao Jiang's good cooking skills. You don't know that since he came to our prison, our prisoners have been as obedient as they can be."

"Now I work more than ten hours a day just to eat in our prison. I must have done so many good things in my previous life to be able to work in such a police station."

Yaoyao was a little embarrassed and asked,"Well... is there any now? I don't feel full."

"No, this amount of food is not enough for us to eat. It’s already a great effort for me to be able to take some out."

Yaoyao’s face was full of disappointment. She couldn’t help but sighed a little dejectedly.

Her eyes lit up, as if she remembered something, and she couldn’t help but said:"By the way, can I go to your prison too? Bring my boyfriend with me?"


Xiao Chen was in a dilemma. He knew very well how attractive the food in their prison was. What if he let them go in once and they wanted to go there every day?

"Sorry! This is not my decision. Besides, even if you do go in, you still have to pay for the meal."

"It doesn't matter."

Yaoyao said:"Today we were at an Internet celebrity restaurant, and we didn't eat anything yet. We spent six or seven hundred yuan. The taste was bad, but the service attitude was not good."

"It's only right to pay for such delicious food."

Xiao Chen hesitated for a while and said,"Then I'll tell our chef Xiao Jiang tomorrow. If he agrees, I'll take you in. If he doesn't say so, I won't make the decision casually."

"What if he doesn't let me eat it, wouldn't that be a loss of both the wife and the army?"

""Okay, okay, no problem!"

Yaoyao nodded vigorously in front of Xiao Chen, her face full of joy and excitement, her heart full of anticipation.

Finally, I know where to take my boyfriend to play in a few days. I will go to visit the prison with him!

Such a unique date location and an ingenious date method, it's really sweet to think about it!


A bright moonlit night

"Great, great!"

Jiang Xue, who was sitting in the car, had a happy smile on her face and was about to jump up with excitement.

"Tomorrow we can eat Huadiao drunken chicken, spicy crayfish, red roast fish, and what I am most interested in, stir-fried beef."

Wu Qiang is the one who is starving these two days, but Jiang Xue is the one who is greedy.

Although the food made by Jiang Chen is still delicious, but... when Jiang Xue thought of his cooking skills, he suddenly felt that fish-flavored pork shreds were not so delicious.

Every day when he went to work, he hoped that time would pass quickly.

Tomorrow he will be able to eat the dishes that Jiang Chen carefully prepared.

Just thinking about it makes him feel happy!

"Do you need to be so excited?"

Jiang Xue said with a grin,"Old classmate, you don't understand, do you?!"

"Life without food will be meaningless. Only when I can eat delicious food every day can I be happy!"

"Get up early tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up and we'll buy groceries and cook!"

"No problem."

Jiang Chen opened the car door. After a moment, he remembered something and asked,"By the way, have you told your team leader to inform his team members that we have prepared delicious food for them tomorrow afternoon?"

Jiang Xue clapped her hands and said,"Sorry, I forgot about this. Don't worry, I will call the team leader right away and ask him to inform them.""

"OK, go to bed early tonight"


After Jiang Chen left, Jiang Xue sent a message to Team Leader Wang, and then drove home happily.

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