The sky was clear and cloudless.

Jiang Chen got up on time as usual, washed up, had breakfast, and looked at the time. It was time to go to work.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a familiar scene. Jiang Xue was smiling and looking at him expectantly. A luxury car stopped at the door with the door open.

Just waiting for Jiang Chen to get in.

"You came so early today?"

Jiang Xue laughed and said,"If you are not active in eating, there must be something wrong with your brain. You have to make delicious food today, can I come earlier and faster?"

"We both still have to go to the market to buy food!"

Jiang Chen fastened his seat belt after getting in the car.

"Did you lose the menu I gave you before?"

Jiang Xue patted her chest. Jiang Chen took a look subconsciously. This girl is really good at growing flesh. She is thin where she should be thin, and fat where she should be fat. She is not stingy at all.

"Don't worry, I know it by heart."

"Let's go."

Thinking of the food she was going to eat today, Jiang Xue became full of energy. She stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car rushed on the road like an arrow escaping from danger. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the vegetable market.

Both of them were very good-looking, and they looked very well matched when they walked together. In addition, they came to buy vegetables on time every day. In just one week, the uncles and aunts in the vegetable market successfully remembered them.

Taking the menu to the chicken place, Jiang Xue pointed to the rooster in the cage and said,"Uncle, can you give me five chickens?"

""I'm so scared that Jiang Xue didn't dare to look at the old man who was about to chop the chicken onto the chopping board. She turned her head away and almost bumped into Jiang Chen's chest.

The chicken clucked and soon stopped moving on the chopping board, lying there unconscious.

As the old man put the chicken into the bag, he said,"Little girl, to be honest, you really have good taste when you buy chicken from me."

"Each of my chickens has been fed for about two and a half years. I feed them delicious food every day and let them exercise from time to time, so that the meat can be kept firm, tender and delicious."

Jiang Xue saw that the chickens had been loaded, turned around and asked curiously:"Do chickens exercise? How do they exercise?"

"Of course it's basketball, right?"

Before the old man could answer, Jiang Chen, who was standing behind Jiang Xue, spoke first. The old man selling chickens across from him slapped his thigh and said in surprise,"Little brother, how did you know? I asked them to play basketball?"

Jiang Xue was stunned and even more surprised.

Jiang Chen actually guessed it right?!

"I can tell from the name of your shop."

Jiang Xue looked up and saw the name of the shop, frowning slightly. The big characters on it were indeed very eye-catching - Xiao Heizi Chicken Shop!

Not to mention the name, it was really recognizable.

After they bought the chicken, they went to the vegetable market to buy beef, fish, and Jiang Xue's favorite crayfish.

When you eat lunch in prison later, you must eat less and save your stomach for delicious food in the afternoon.

Spicy crayfish, Huadiao drunken chicken, these dishes made Jiang Xue drool just by listening to them.


While Jiang Xue was looking forward to buying vegetables in the market, Wu Qiang, who was locked in the confinement room, was feeling particularly irritable.

He was like an angry beast, constantly roaring in the confinement room.

Normally, if a person does not eat for ten hours, the stomach will have slight cramps, and will make gurgling sounds constantly.

It will be very uncomfortable and produce a very strong feeling of hunger.

After twenty hours without eating, the stomach will feel empty, and even have symptoms such as slight dizziness.

After thirty hours without eating anything, the feeling of hunger will become more intense, the stomach will twitch and shake from time to time, and basically dizziness, fatigue, and instability will occur.

After forty hours without eating, not only will the person have no strength, but his mood will also be affected and he will become particularly irritable.

Wu Qiang was originally very burly, and he usually had a large appetite, and he would have six or seven bowls of food for one meal. Now he has been hungry for more than forty hours, and his abdomen is constantly twitching. It feels so uncomfortable.


Wu Qiang punched the door, but he didn't have much strength and only made a slight sound.

"Give me something to eat?!"

"I want to sue you for abusing prisoners? What you did is illegal? There are clear regulations against lynching!"

"Are you trying to force a confession out of me?"

"I'm telling you, even if I confess, my words won't count."

"You are going too far!"

"You are depriving me of my human rights!"

Team leader Wang stood by the window and tapped the glass gently with his hand. Wu Qiang saw this and dragged his burly body to the window with great effort.

"Hurry up and give me something to eat!"

He gritted his teeth and said,"I told you if you don't give me something to eat, I will sue you!"

"You are abusing lynching. If your superiors find out, they will definitely not let you off!"

Team leader Wang spread out his palms and asked,"Abuse of lynching, what evidence do you have? Do you have any scars on your body? Did we beat you? Or... did we use other methods to force you to confess?"

"I don't think so, right? I just asked you to go without food for two days and two nights, isn't that normal?"

"It seems that there is no clear legal provision that requires you to be treated to delicious food and drinks, right?"

Wu Qiang gnashed his teeth in anger.


His stomach twitched again, and Wu Qiang clenched his fists and cursed:"Don't think you can make me confess and betray my brothers by using this method"

"I tell you there is no way!"

"Isn't it just skipping two meals? What's the big deal?"

"I just won't tell you. Anyway, there's only half a day left before the deadline."

"By then, whether you like it or not, you must put me in jail and convict me!"

"I was the only one who stole those cultural relics?! Bite me if you dare!"

"Is this the only low-level way you can use to torture me?"

"I just won't say it!"

Team Leader Wang sighed helplessly.

"Well, I've given you a chance, don't regret it later."

Looking at Wu Qiang's arrogant face, Team Leader Wang didn't mind at all. The more arrogant he is now, the better.

Looking at his frustrated look, he was probably starving to death.

Now his steps were weak, his eyes were dull, and his temper became more and more irritable, which meant that his body functions were also at the end of their strength.

He really wanted to know if he could still shout so loudly later.

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