In the kitchen.

It doesn't take long to cook dishes for prisoners in the prison. Now Jiang Chen is becoming more and more skilled, and he can prepare several dishes in an hour at most.

The dishes used to reward the police team members are relatively rich and troublesome, so they need to be prepared in advance today.

Jiang Chen has made spicy crayfish, stir-fried beef, and red barbecued fish quite often, and he likes them very much.

Before he traveled through time, he often made them at home.

Therefore, there is no need to prepare them in advance.

Huadiao drunken chicken is different. Among the four dishes, it takes a little longer to make.

To unlock this dish, Jiang Chen used a full three or four hundred points, which shows that the production process is slightly more complicated than the other dishes.

Anyway, Jiang Xue had nothing to do this morning, so she helped Jiang Chen in the kitchen.

As a rich kid, she has never touched the water, but she can still do the most basic work.

For example, peeling garlic, washing dishes, mopping the floor...

Jiang Chen put a few clean, plucked chickens he bought into the pot, and poured clean water into the pot. The water just covered the chickens, not too much and not too little.

Then take the chicken out.

The purpose of putting the chicken in just now was to measure the depth of the water. It cannot be cooked directly in cold water, otherwise the chicken will have an odor.

Light the fire to boil water, and after the water boils, add the chicken and ginger slices, and cover the pot.

As the flame heats up, from time to time you can hear the sound of the lid and the pot colliding with each other, ping-pong, ping-pong, as if dancing, the sound is clear. After about fifteen minutes, Jiang Chen turned off the fire.

"Can you take the chicken out now?"

Jiang Xue stood beside Jiang Chen, blinking her bright and deep eyes, staring blankly at the chicken in the pot, without moving for a long time.

"Simmer for five minutes"

"Why do you have to simmer it for five minutes?"

Jiang Chen said,"Drunken Chicken with Sichuan Peppercorns doesn't require many seasonings, but it has extremely high requirements for the quality of the chicken itself. In the process of cooking it, both the heat and the time are crucial."

"The purpose of stewing for five minutes is to lock in the juice and fat in the chicken, so that the meat will be more tender when eaten."

"Although chicken tastes good, it is cheaper than pork. A big part of the reason is that most people don’t know how to cook chicken, which makes the meat tough and not as tender and smooth as pork."

"Every step must be perfect. Although the five minutes of stewing is short, it is definitely the finishing touch.

Jiang Xue nodded, not quite understanding, and swallowed her saliva. Although she didn't understand what Jiang Chen was talking about, it sounded very advanced.

"Have you prepared the ice water I asked you to prepare?"

""Okay, I'll be right there."

A large basin of ice water was placed on Jiang Chen's right hand side. He opened the lid of the pot, took out the whole chicken, and put it directly into the ice water prepared in advance.

The moment the steaming chicken touched the ice water, the heat dissipated a lot.

Looking at the tender white chicken, Jiang Xue, who had just had a full meal not long ago, felt the urge to feast on it again.

"Why put it in ice water?"

Jiang Chen replied:"Putting it in ice water can make the chicken skin crispy and elastic, make it easier to shape the chicken pieces after cutting, and lock in the freshness of the base."

"Got it."

Jiang Chen cleaned the other pot, then continued to pour water into it, and then opened the Huadiao wine he had bought in advance.

The most important seasoning for Huadiao drunken chicken is naturally Huadiao, otherwise it would not be named this way.

If inferior Huadiao wine is used, the taste of the cooked chicken will be very poor, and most importantly, there will be no freshness or fragrance. Once this dish loses its soul, it will be no different from ordinary chicken.

Huadiao wine is best to use the Huadiao wine from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, which is the most authentic. However, with Jiang Xue, a little rich woman, around, there is no need to worry about money.

One chicken will take about two to three taels of wine, and a total of five chickens will take more than a pound of Huadiao. Then add star anise, pepper, scallion, and salt. You can add a little more salt. Some.

You must put less chicken essence, or even no chicken essence at all, turn on low heat and cook until the marinade is slightly boiling.

Remember that you must not use high heat at this moment. If the fire is too strong, the wine in it will evaporate quickly, and then there will be no wine aroma when the chicken is put in. Turn off the fire and wait for the marinade to cool down.

As the temperature gradually rises, the aroma of the marinade permeates the air, and the fragrance of Huadiao wine is so strong that it even makes people feel half drunk.

Mixing with other marinade ingredients, there is no conflict at all, but it makes the original wine aroma even better.

People can't help but exclaim in admiration.

The taste is simply amazing.

It smells so good!

Jiang Xue looked at the pot of marinade, swallowed her saliva repeatedly, and couldn't help asking,"When can we eat?"

"We have to wait a little longer."

Jiang Chen said,"Bring over the food boxes we bought this morning."

"" Okay!"

Jiang Chen put the food box on the table and poured the marinade into it, letting the marinade soak the chicken completely. He breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Okay!""

"Is this done?"

"Of course not."

He handed several boxes of food to Jiang Xue and said,"Put them in the refrigerator next to you and refrigerate them. You can eat them after about an hour or two." The marinade must be absolutely flavorful. Only in this way can the chicken nuggets taste truly fresh, fragrant, tender, smooth, rich and long-lasting.

Otherwise, if it is simply soaked, the chicken will taste bland. The flavors of the two cannot be integrated and it will not go well with rice at all.

"Can I eat now?"

Jiang Xue looked at the boxes of chicken and said,"I can't help it, I really can't help it!"

"I want it so much?!"

"Can you give it to me now?"

Jiang Chen held his forehead and said,"Please, eat it later. It doesn't taste good now."


Jiang Xue was unhappy and had no choice but to put the box in the refrigerator.

"Huadiao Drunk Chicken Please wait for me here for a while. Don't worry, I will never forget you. When you are mature, I will come and pamper you."

"I will definitely eat you up in one go!"

Jiang Xue was obviously speaking seriously, but for some reason Jiang Chen sounded weird.

"What should we make for the next dish?"

Jiang Xue ran to Jiang Chen and asked,"How about spicy crayfish?""

"Let's make the red grilled fish first!"

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