Although it takes a long time to make Huadiao drunken chicken, it is definitely not as good as grilled fish in terms of the method of making and the richness of ingredients.

If Huadiao drunken chicken does not need to be refrigerated, all the ingredients and food can be prepared in just over half an hour.

Grilled fish is different.

If you only eat fish, the taste and texture of grilled fish will lose its layers and richness, and it will not be so long-lasting and unforgettable.

This time Jiang Chen prepared two fish in total.

There are many other ingredients, including baby cabbage, green vegetables, lotus root, potatoes, corn, mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, wide noodles and various meatballs.

These side dishes are put in grilled fish, which can greatly increase the edibility of grilled fish. Otherwise, eating fish alone will make you feel sick, and the most important thing is that it is not very good for rice.

Put these side dishes in it, let them completely mix with the flavor of the seasoning, and add the fish after frying, the aroma is rich, complementing each other, and it is a must-have for rice. It is even better than stir-fried meat alone.

When Jiang Chen ate grilled fish before, he could at least eat six or seven bowls of rice with the side dishes inside.

"Wash these side dishes for me"

"No problem."

Jiang Xue nodded in a silly way. Although this girl is a foodie, she is indeed quite reliable as long as she works hard.

Originally, he thought that she was a novice and might not be able to do a good job if he asked her to help in the kitchen, but now Jiang Chen's stereotype of her has changed a lot.

Jiang Xue is not only able to endure hardships, but most importantly, she is not pretentious at all when doing work, and her movements are very quick. Jiang Chen only needs one word to learn many things, and she can learn them quickly.

Putting the fish on the chopping board, Jiang Chen's kitchen knife in his right hand flew up and down, flashing cold light.

He was like a martial arts master, and his knife skills were dizzying.

Jiang Xue, who was watching from the side, was stunned. His one hand was really flexible.

Then Jiang Chen used the knife to cut the sea bass along the bone, remembering not to use force. Don't make it too big, otherwise the fish will be completely cut in the middle.

After making a few cuts on the back, add a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of cumin powder, a spoonful of chili powder, a spoonful of bean paste, two spoonfuls of cooking oil, and a little salt and sugar.

These ingredients are very important and indispensable.

After mixing them evenly, marinate them for half an hour.

Then put it in the lower layer of the preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Each of the following dishes takes a long time to cook, which is why Jiang Chen asked to enter the kitchen in advance.

While Jiang Chen was preparing the fish and seasonings, the nimble Jiang Xue had already soaked the wide noodles in advance and washed and prepared various side dishes.

Jiang Chen looked at the food on the plate, touched his chin with his hand, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Why didn't I see it before? You are quite clever when you work sometimes."

Jiang Xue said with a smile:"Of course, when I took the college entrance examination, I scored more than 600 points. I am very smart."

"There are many things that I can do well as long as I am willing to do them."

"Including cooking?"

Jiang Xue was stunned by these few simple words. She didn't know how to answer Jiang Chen for a moment. She smiled awkwardly and said,"Can you just stop talking about things that are not related to the topic?"

After a while, Jiang Chen chopped the green onion, ginger, garlic and cilantro, and heated the oil in a pan again. When the oil temperature was about 80% hot, he put in the green onion, ginger, garlic, and chili peppers, and then added a spoonful of bean paste and a piece of hot pot base to stir-fry the red oil.

Now you can smell the rich aroma, spicy and fresh, with a long aftertaste, which can easily arouse your appetite.

The two most delicious cuisines are definitely cilantro and Sichuan cuisine. Spicy and spicy food is simply a perfect match for rice.

"Give me the side dishes quickly."

Jiang Xue nodded and started to work. He put the side dishes that need to be cooked for a long time, such as potatoes and various meatballs, into the pot in advance.

As for the dishes that do not need a long time to cook and can be eaten, such as baby cabbage, they can be put in later.

Add a spoonful of oyster sauce and a spoonful of light soy sauce and stir well, then add three bowls of water and boil.

After boiling, the side dishes are already wrapped in rich soup, bright red, uniform color, and look appetizing and delicious.

Jiang Xue, who stood beside Jiang Chen blankly, couldn't help but look at him, and her body didn't move for a long time.

Her eyes were full of anticipation and excitement!

That taste looks really good!

No, no, it's going to flow again...

My mouth is not at all lately Unable to control herself, she drooled from time to time.

After cooking the side dishes, Jiang Chen put them into the fish baking dish, and then baked them at a high temperature of 180 degrees for fifteen minutes.

Jiang Xue stood on tiptoe beside Jiang Chen blankly, her stomach growling, her eyes full of anticipation and excitement.

She couldn't help it now, and wanted to taste the delicious food.

Looking at the two fish in the oven, slightly curled, still bubbling, golden and crispy, with rich soup rolling inside, she couldn't wait.

Helping Jiang Chen in the kitchen is really a very torturous thing.

After all, his cooking skills are superb, and there is such a delicious food in front of you, but you can't eat it right away.

It's really uncomfortable in my heart.

"Old classmates."

Jiang Xue wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and said:"When can we... slurp... eat?"

"I can't help it anymore, I want it soon!"

Jiang Chen said seriously:"Why are you in such a hurry? There are two remaining dishes, whether it is Huadiao drunken chicken or grilled fish, they are not particularly good with rice."

"The next step is stir-fried beef, which is the most important thing. The most important thing is that it doesn’t take long to make this dish."

"I promise in front of you that I will give you a bowl of rice first after this dish is out of the pot so you can taste it. How about that?"


Jiang Xue said excitedly:"No problem, no problem, just tell me what you need me to do, and I will definitely handle it for you."

"That's fine."

Jiang Chen said calmly:"The preparation method of this dish is simpler than the other two dishes. There is nothing you need to help with. You can just watch from the side."


Jiang Xue nodded vigorously, then stood beside Jiang Chen, looking at him expectantly.

Watching Jiang Chen cook and cut vegetables was a great enjoyment. He cut the whole piece of beef tendon prepared in advance into thin slices vertically along the grain. Jiang

Chen's knife skills were excellent. The thin slices of beef lay on the chopping board the moment the island fell. Jiang Xue was surprised to find that the thickness of the beef was not much different from the blade.

After cutting a large piece of beef tenderloin, Jiang Chen put it in a large bowl, added an appropriate amount of clean water and washed it with his hands. After a while, the originally bright and clear water was slightly red.

Presumably there was still blood in the beef tenderloin, he drained the water again.

"Old classmate, can you tell me why you cut the beef in the opposite direction? Although I have not been in the kitchen much, I remember that when cutting meat, isn't it always cut in the same direction?"

"If you cut along the grain of the meat, it should be easier, right?"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said,"Have you ever heard of instant cutting of pork and reverse cutting of beef? The selling point of stir-fried beef is that the beef is tender, firm, and juicy."

"Beef has a lot of tendons, so only by cutting the meat horizontally can the tendons of the beef be cut, which will make it more tender, residue-free and easy to chew."

"The fundamental reason why many people fail to make this stir-fried beef dish is that they cut the meat in the wrong way."

"Cutting beef like pork will make it taste worse, and most importantly, it will not be tender enough, and there will be too many tendons when it is yang."

"The taste and texture are naturally not pleasant."

She showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

So that's what happened!

PS: I'm asking for another wave of flower evaluation votes! It will be on the shelves at 12 noon today. Thank you all readers for your support! I will definitely update it by then! One chapter is updated every hour, and each chapter is about 2,000 to 3,000 words! I'm asking for a first order!

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