The office was completely silent.


A strange silence.

The three of them could hear each other's breathing clearly.

What was Lao Wang saying just now?

Has Wu Qiang confessed?

Was it that easy?

They had spent a month or two threatening and tempting him, using every trick they could, but the latter was just defiant. His mouth was harder than iron, and he just wouldn't give in no matter what.

But after you locked him up and starved him for a day or two, he told you who his accomplices were.

This was a bit outrageous.

Lao Zhou naturally didn't believe it. He was extremely concerned about this case. Except for not forcing Wu Qiang to confess, they had used almost every method they could think of to force Wu Qiang.

In the end, they got nothing.

But in just one or two hours, he obediently told about all his accomplices.

It was incredible.

"Xiao Wang."

Luo Yong tightened the cup and said,"This is not the time to joke. You should also know how bad the case is. We must seek truth from facts and not make up for it."

���Captain, the news is reliable.

Captain Wang said quickly,"Everything was said by Wu Qiang himself. I have his recording here. Do you want me to play it for you?"

Without waiting for Luo Yong to respond, Captain Wang played the recording directly. It was indeed what he said, but... why did his voice sound strange?

Why was Wu Qiang drooling while he was talking?

What... happened?

"You, you really asked it?"

Captain Wang patted his chest and said,"Of course, I hope the captain didn't disappoint you?"

The shock was too great for Luo Yong to react in a short time. He stared at his phone blankly. After an unknown amount of time, he asked,"How did you do it?"

"I asked the prison chef to cook a delicious meal to tempt him. He was hungry for a day or two, wasn't he? He couldn't resist the delicious food."

"Captain, you don't know how delicious the food is. Especially the stir-fried beef, it is absolutely perfect with rice. One bite is full of fragrance, two bites are immortal, and three bites are better than a living god... Slurp!"

Luo Yong interrupted seriously and said,"Watch your saliva!"

Captain Wang smiled awkwardly and said,"I'm sorry, Captain, I can't help it when I think of the taste, it's really delicious"

"I feel like we can let Chef Xiao Jiang be the signature dish of our police station. I have never eaten anything so delicious."

"Let me tell you, the food he cooked……"

"I asked you to talk about business, why do you keep talking about cooking?"

In Luo Yong's opinion, everything Lao Wang said and did today was outrageous.

He was asked to talk about the case seriously, but he kept talking about food.

I never thought he was a foodie before.

Just starve him for two days and let the cook in the prison cook a meal to make him confess?

Is it that simple?

Isn't it a bit too trivial?

A cultural relic theft case worth tens of millions of yuan that caused a huge sensation was solved because of a cook in the prison?

Who would believe this if you told them? Do you really think he has a problem with his brain?

"Captain, I'm telling the truth."

He had just eaten not long ago, but now he wanted to eat again. Captain Wang remembered that Jiang Chen would help prepare supper in the evening, and his stomach couldn't help but churn.

No, he had to do business first.

He had to catch all the prisoners, so that he could eat the meal Jiang Chen prepared for him. Otherwise, he would not be worthy of Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

"I will tell you about the chef later. I came here to ask for your permission to send out police to arrest the criminal.

Although there are still many questions in it, Luo Yong has not figured it out, but as long as the case is solved now, he can give an explanation to the people above him.

"Okay, go quickly and come back soon!"

""Yes, Captain!"

Captain Wang quickly left the room, leaving only Luo Yong and Lao Zhou, who looked disheveled.

They still didn't understand why Wu Qiang, who had always been stubborn, suddenly gave in.

Could it be that the steamed buns that could be used as hammers would have such a fatal attraction after being hungry for a day or two?


Professor Miao played with the porcelain bottle in his hand, with a look of fanatical excitement in his eyes.

He spent a year or two carefully designing and finally got this batch of cultural relics to his home.

In Professor Miao's opinion, the people in the museum are not qualified to protect cultural relics.

They don't understand cultural relics at all!

They can only put them in the window like prostitutes, allowing others to point fingers at them. Most people who go to browse and watch them have no cultural background.

How can they understand the mysteries of these cultural relics?

It is a waste of natural resources to put them in the museum!

They must be placed in his home!

These cultural relics can only realize their due value when they are with people who understand them.

Professor Miao loves them very much!

Love them more than he loves himself.

The porcelain bottle in his hand is quite exquisite, with smooth lines and beautiful patterns. Professor Miao can feel the unusualness of every part of him. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But those tourists who have no knowledge and cultivation are vulgar and ordinary people. How can they discover these mysteries?

Therefore, he must bring these cultural relics back.

He loves them more than anyone else!

Professor Miao believed that with his intelligence and wisdom, the plan he designed was perfect. With Wu Qiang as a scapegoat, the police would not be able to find him.

He wrote Wu Qiang a blank check of tens of millions of yuan. That guy was simple-minded and well-developed. He would definitely not be able to resist such a huge temptation.

He really couldn't think of anything that could make Wu Qiang sell him out.

Now it's past the time to close the case!

The police haven't come to the door yet, which means that the case can only be hastily closed.

In the future, he can live with these cultural relics and spend the rest of his life together.

Professor Miao showed an intoxicated and excited smile on his face.


At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door. Just as Professor Miao was surprised and stunned, a large number of police suddenly rushed over and surrounded him with guns in their hands.

Professor Miao was a little confused when he saw this scene!

Obviously, he hasn't reacted yet?!

No... this, what's going on?

Could it be that Wu Qiang spoke and sold them out directly?

"Miao Tianlong, you are involved in a serious case of cultural relics theft. Today we are arresting you in the name of the Tianlong City Police."

He was about to open his mouth to refute, but the other party's handcuffs had already fallen coldly on his hands. Not long after, Professor Miao was taken away.

Professor Miao was still confused until he was locked up in the cold and dark interrogation room.

Wu Qiang betrayed him!!!

This shouldn't be the case! What happened


Before taking action, he conducted an in-depth and thorough study of Wu Qiang's character, and finally chose to take action until he ensured that the cultural relics were foolproof.

Wu Qiang's temper was very stubborn. Logically, he would not speak no matter what?!

Why was the plan different from what he imagined?

Not long after, several other accomplices were also arrested one after another. Their current state was the same as Professor Miao's, and they all felt particularly confused. The five of them discussed this plan for a long time in advance, and they all felt that Wu Qiang was extremely suitable as a scapegoat. Without torture, they could not make him confess to everyone.

Of course, if he was really tortured into confessing, those testimonies would be completely useless.

No matter from which level, their plan was foolproof.

But the reality was... they were slapped in the face!

"Miao Tianlong."

Captain Wang sat opposite Professor Miao and said,"Tell the truth about your crime. Confession will be treated leniently, while resistance will be treated severely. Of course, you can also remain silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence in court."

If they did not have enough evidence, they would definitely not do it.

Miao Tianlong was a man who accepted his fate. Since he had already been arrested, it was useless to continue to argue.

It was just a waste of time. It would be better to be decisive.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth

"It has come to this point, I don't want to say anything, but I have a question I don't understand"

"You tell me.

Miao Tianlong said,"Can you tell me how you got Wu Qiang to confess? I know his character very well. I conducted a six-month tracking study on him before the action."

"We would cooperate with him only if we were sure he would not betray us, but the current situation has exceeded our expectations.

Captain Wang smiled and showed a smug look.

"We have a chef in the prison who is very good at cooking. He cooked a few dishes. Let's use the food to seduce Wu Qiang and make him open his mouth. How about it? Do you feel surprised? Very pleasantly surprised? Very unexpected?!"

Miao Tianlong:"??????!"


What did I just hear?

A prison meal ruined my plan of several years.

Fuck... this, this, this... God... I didn't hear it wrong.


I must be hallucinating.

How can there be such a bizarre thing in the world?.

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