Not only Professor Miao was in a mess.

His other accomplices were also confused, with their clear eyes filled with bewilderment and disbelief.

If Wu Qiang's character was not reliable enough, they would never choose him as a scapegoat. Not everyone is qualified to be their scapegoat. One must have a strong and stubborn character, and they even did a lot of preparation for this.

They thought everything was perfect, but now they have fallen into the hands of a meal?

Captain Wang supported his chin with his hand, swallowed his saliva and said,"I tell you, the meal we eat is not an ordinary meal. It is made by the chef of our No. 2 prison."

"There are spicy grilled fish, stir-fried beef, Huadiao drunken chicken, and spicy crayfish, which is a must for barbecue. You don’t know, I always thought that the cooking skills of prison food must be not very good."

"Until I ate the food cooked by Chef Xiao Jiang, I realized that if you haven't been to the Great Wall, you are not a true man. It would be a pity if you didn't eat the food cooked by Chef Xiao Jiang when you arrived at our police station. Maybe Wu Qiang didn't want to leave regrets in his life, so he cooperated with us obediently."

"Do you know that at noon today...hiss...the female police officer who usually doesn't like to eat, ate five or six bowls of rice in one go?"

"You don't know how spectacular the scene was!"

The prisoners on the scene didn't say anything, just stared at Captain Wang with their mouths wide open.

Did he make a mistake?

Brother, are you interrogating the prisoners now?

Didn't you talk about eating?

Also, you are a policeman after all, can you pay attention to your image?

The saliva almost wet his pants!

Captain Wang talked for more than ten minutes in one breath, from spicy crayfish to stir-fried beef, and then from stir-fried beef to grilled fish. Anyway, he didn't talk about the interrogation.

Professor Miao couldn't listen any more.


He interrupted the other party and said,"Why don't you interrogate us quickly?"

"210 Let's not waste time."

Why did Wu Qiang betray them? Professor Miao must find out the reason. He will never believe it is really as Captain Wang said.

It was just a simple meal.

The next handling work is very simple. Professor Miao and others confessed smoothly.

Originally, everyone thought that the plan was foolproof. Now that they have been arrested, they might as well admit it frankly.

After only one hour, all of them have completed the record.

After putting the documents away, Captain Wang couldn't wait to get up and rush out of the room. Now that he has finished his work with Luo Yong, he can go to the cafeteria to wait for Jiang Chen to eat.

Tonight, I can still eat the midnight snack he prepared!

It's really so happy!


Half an hour later, Professor Miao and six others were locked up with Wu Qiang.

When they entered the cell, Wu Qiang, feeling guilty, crouched in the corner with his head in his arms. His body was trembling slightly, and he didn't dare to look up at them.

Professor Miao had a gloomy face. He pulled a chair over, sat on it, crossed his legs, and stared at Wu Qiang with a cold gaze.

"Tell me? What's going on?"

Wu Qiang swallowed his saliva, thinking of the warning Professor Wu gave him before he came in, he was a little scared.

They said that as long as he strictly followed their requirements, he would be able to eat and drink well after he was released from prison, and even get 10 or 20 million.

But if he betrayed them, Professor Miao and others would never let him go after entering the cell!

Wu Qiang's face was full of grievances, and he drooled when he thought of the spicy crayfish and the delicious grilled fish.

"Professor Miao, listen to me, you can't blame me for this. Those police officers went too far. You don't know that what they did was simply inhumane!"

"I was starved for a day or two. I didn't eat anything for a day or two. I felt dizzy and couldn't even stand."

"Two days later, they hired a chef from somewhere. His cooking skills were very high and the food he cooked was very delicious. Especially the grilled fish. Although I only had one bite, I dare say it was the best grilled fish I have ever eaten in my life."

"The outside is golden and crispy, and the fish meat inside is very fresh and tender, and spicy. At that time, I thought, as long as I can eat a grilled fish, I am willing to do anything."

"I know I might……"


Professor Miao slapped the table, his whole body shaking with anger. He pointed at Wu Qiang's nose and cursed:"I'm asking you why you betrayed us, not discussing food with you?"

Really, he really wanted to doubt his life.

This prison he was in was so fucking abnormal!

The police who had just arrested them almost forgot about the business, and talked about food in front of them for more than ten minutes in a row with saliva flying. He kept describing to them how great and delicious the grilled fish tasted. If Professor Miao hadn't been unable to listen anymore and kindly reminded him, he would have talked for half an hour.

As a result, Wu Qiang... didn't care about betraying them at all, and kept talking about how delicious and tasty those dishes were in front of him.

What on earth is wrong with this world?

Wu Qiang trembled, obviously frightened by Professor Miao, he smiled a little embarrassedly.

"I'm so sorry, Professor Miao, I totally forgot about it. Anyway, in a nutshell, what those policemen did was really excessive, and I regret it now!"

"If I were given another chance, I would never trust them, and I would never do such a thing again. What I did not only hurt you, but also hurt myself. I regret it so much. I must let them feed me and then betray you!"

"Now, I have betrayed you, and I still haven’t had the chance to eat those delicious foods. This is such a big regret in my life!"Fuck you, you immortal board!!!

Professor Miao almost spit fire.

I was so angry just now, and I talked to you earnestly for a long time, just to remind you, you damned thing, that you shouldn’t betray us?

You have been repenting here for a long time, but what you regret is that you didn’t have the chance to eat those delicious foods!

He is so angry that he will explode! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What happened in this prison?

Is that chef really so awesome?

Can he cook such delicious meals?

Not really, isn’t it a bit exaggerated!

"Professor Miao."

Wu Qiang smiled awkwardly and said,"Don't be angry, okay? This prison is actually quite good, and the most important thing is that the food is good."

"Everyone in the prison is talented and speaks well. We can definitely have a happy and comfortable stay here together."

"I really feel that this prison is a big brand, and it is worthy of our trust!"


Professor Miao couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly rushed forward and slapped Wu Qiang in the face.

I trust you, trust!

He just didn't understand, could it be that being locked up in prison would lower a person's IQ?

I've been here for a long time, and I haven't seen you say sorry to us, but instead you're advertising the prison in front of us?

What's the matter, do you feel proud of being in prison?

"Forget it, Lao Miao."

Another person stepped forward and said,"Let's not cause trouble for him. Maybe there is something fishy about the food in the prison, otherwise it wouldn't make everyone so excited."

"Let's wait and see!"

Professor Miao calmed down his anger, pointed at Wu Qiang who was squatting on the ground and said,"I'm going to remind you now, don't talk about food in front of me again! Otherwise, I'll beat you up every time I hear you!"

"Okay, I understand, Professor Miao."


The evening breeze was blowing.

The moon was shining brightly, and the stars were shining brightly.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue were sitting in the car, speeding all the way to the vegetable market.

Jiang Xue just received a call from Captain Wang, saying that they had successfully completed the mission and arrested all the culprits who were reselling cultural relics.

Everyone was still staying in the police station, waiting for Jiang Chen's evening snack.

Everyone was looking forward to the midnight snack he was going to make.

"Old classmates, can you tell me what to do for them tonight?"

She couldn't help swallowing as she spoke

"What do you mean by cooking delicious food for them? Don't you want to eat it?"

Jiang Xue said with a smile:"Of course not, I'm just curious, how could I not eat the food you cook ?"

"Have you heard of beggar's chicken?"

"Beggar's chicken?"

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up, a little excited. She had often heard of this dish when she watched TV novels before, and it was said to taste delicious.

She didn't expect Jiang Chen to be able to cook such a complicated dish. He was really amazing!

"Of course I have heard of it."

Jiang Xue quickly asked:"But I heard that the steps of making beggar's chicken are rather complicated. Does it take a long time?"


It wo n’t take too long, maybe an hour or two will be enough.���It's about 7:30 now, or 9:30, and it's only about 10 o'clock when we get home after dinner.

Some time ago, everyone stayed up late to work overtime, working hard until 11 or 12 o'clock every day.

It's probably okay to let them wait for the food for an hour or two.

Jiang Xue nodded and said,"Okay, what ingredients do we need to buy?"

"The raw materials for beggar's chicken are not complicated. There are only a few things that are necessary. The first is the chicken, and the second is the clay model."

"Wait, what is a mud mold?"

Jiang Chen replied:"Don't you need to wrap the chicken with mud to make beggar's chicken? The mud that wraps it is called a mud mold, because it acts like a placenta, holding the chicken. Hence the name!"

"So that's what's going on."

Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said,"We need some more coal to bake the beggar's chicken, so the three essential things to make beggar's chicken are the chicken, the clay, and the coal!"

"It is called chicken clay briquette! Jiang Xue suddenly realized and said,"So that's it, chicken clay briquette is all you need to make roast chicken!"

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