When the two arrived at the market, most of the shops were closed. They had finished work around 5 or 6 in the afternoon.

Fortunately, the Little Black Chicken Shop was still open. The owner was standing at the door smoking. Seeing the two coming, he was overjoyed and hurried over to greet them.

"Little brother, here you come again!"

"How many do you want to buy this time?"

Beggar's chicken is delicious, tender and tasty. They have worked all afternoon, so they must have been looking forward to this late night snack.

With everyone's appetite, it's no problem to buy a whole chicken.

"Give me eight chickens"

"Why do you need so much?!"

"It must be for eating!"

The boss was a little curious, but he still turned around and opened the cage, took the chicken out, put it on the chopping board and chopped it directly, plucked the chicken feathers cleanly, and put it in the pocket next to him.

"Young man, you have good taste. How do you think? My chicken tastes good, right?"

The boss lit a cigarette, patted his chest, and said proudly,"I'm not bragging. The chickens raised by ordinary people can't compare to mine. Not only do I let them exercise every day, but I also let them listen to music to cultivate their sentiments."

"Boss, are you raising chickens?"

Jiang Xue, who was standing next to him, was confused. Her big watery eyes were filled with confusion.

Raising chickens was so complicated.

"Little girl, you don't understand this."

The boss said with a smile:"Raising chickens now is different from the past, so we can't use the old methods anymore."

"This is the new model of raising chickens in the future.

Jiang Xue really couldn't understand it.

She didn't understand what was the difference between this chicken and other chickens.

"I told you, the chickens are almost sold out, and it's time for me to get off work."

After buying the chickens, they got some mud and a proper amount of coal, loaded them into the trunk of Jiang Xue's luxury car, and drove all the way to the police station.

Jiang Xue curled her lips and said with a little dissatisfaction:"I really didn't expect that my car would be used only for food."

Since she met Jiang Chen, she had put pork, fish, beef... In short, she had never put anything else in her trunk except food.

"You don't like it?"

Jiang Xue quickly changed her expression and replied with a smile:"How is that possible? I like it, of course I like it!"

"Open it quickly. It takes a long time to make beggar's chicken. If we go back too late, they may not be able to eat it tonight."



Police station.

Luo Yong looked at the latest case report that was handed in. He was smoking with his brows tightly knitted, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

He touched his chin with his hand and confirmed it carefully over and over again.

This... is really a case report, not a food report!

Asked Lao Wang to write about the process of solving the case, but almost half of the words were describing how delicious the meal they had in the afternoon was.

This is a bit outrageous?!

This case has a great impact and has attracted a lot of attention. The case report must be written well, because reporters will come to interview in two days.

You... wrote so many feelings about eating delicious food in it, are you crazy?

"Lao Wang."

Luo Yong asked:"Send this report back for rewriting, and focus on how hard it was for you to solve the case, and portray your hardworking, diligent and conscientious image."

"Isn't it all about food?"

Captain Wang stared at his watch and said,"Captain Luo, can we wait until tomorrow to write it?"

"Write it tomorrow?"

Luo Yong leaned back in his chair and said,"Around nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the higher-ups may send reporters to interview us."

"You have to think it through. If you write a good report on this case, I can make you the headline of the news. Then you will become a role model for all the police in our city."

"Are you sure you don't want to reconsider it?"

Captain Wang smiled bitterly and said,"Captain, why don't you let someone else write this report?"

"I have to hurry to eat!"

Luo Yong:"???"

No, big brother... I asked you to write a report and you could win a news interview opportunity.

But you didn't cherish it at all. You just wanted to eat. Is your brain okay?

What are you thinking?

Luo Yong took a deep breath.

Auditory hallucination.

What just happened was definitely an auditory hallucination.

He forced a smile and said,"Old Wang, you have to think it through with me. If we pass by this village, this store will no longer exist, right?"

"I know, Captain, there really is no such store if you pass by the village, so I have to cherish it."

Since you understand this truth, why do you still refuse?

His next words made Luo Yong spurt out the water in his mouth.

Captain Wang said seriously:"Chef Xiao Jiang has made beggar's chicken with great difficulty. If I miss this opportunity, I will have nothing to eat in the future."

"As for being on the news, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future?!"

"Otherwise, Captain, why don’t you write the report yourself and then come over to be interviewed?"

"How is it?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Luo Yong remained silent.

He did not say a word.

What Lao Wang said just now was too outrageous. Anyway, as an undergraduate, he could not understand it. Is there any graduate student to help him study it?

What exactly did he mean?

It is not worth it to miss such an opportunity just for a meal.

Before he could speak, Captain Wang stood up, patted him on the shoulder and said,"The captain has decided. This is a rare opportunity. Don't waste it."

"I'll go to the prison cafeteria to line up first."

After Captain Wang left, Luo Yong was stunned.

Since when did a meal in prison become more valuable than a front-page headline of a news article?


It really puzzled him, right?

Then Luo Yong took out his phone and dialed Guo Mengmeng's number.

Since you, Old Wang, don't want to, then I'll give this opportunity to someone else.

About a few minutes later, Guo Mengmeng walked in. When she stepped into the office, she was also staring at her watch.

Sitting opposite Luo Yong, Guo Mengmeng smiled.

"Meet the captain!"

Luo Yong lit a cigarette and continued,"Comrade Xiao Guo, your performance this time was great."

"It is not easy for you to successfully complete a case with such a serious impact within the specified time. Our police station is very pleased."

"At the same time, this matter has also attracted a lot of attention. As long as you write this research report carefully, it won’t be long before people from above come to interview you."

"However, your captain is a bit unreliable. Why don’t you take a look at the research report he wrote?"

Guo Mengmeng nodded gently and took the research report. She looked at it carefully, and Luo Yong observed her every move.

At first, she had a blank expression and a calm look, but later her brows slightly frowned.

Luo Yong knew that she must have seen the latter part about food written by Captain Wang.

He knew it!

Anyone who reads the latter content will be unhappy.

What does the police's hard work to solve the case have to do with a meal?

Guo Mengmeng was a little angry after reading it. She threw the report on the table, slapped the table and said,"It's too much. Captain Wang is talking nonsense!"

"Don't excite Xiao Guo."

Luo Yong nodded with satisfaction and said,"I understand your thoughts now. Is it the second half of his report that makes you particularly dissatisfied?"

"That's right, Captain Luo."

Guo Mengmeng couldn't help but say,"He just wrote nonsense afterwards."

"Then tell me, what is the real situation? You can go back and revise this report. There may be reporters coming to interview you tomorrow morning."

Guo Mengmeng continued:"You don't need to revise it. I just don't understand why Captain Wang said that? It's obviously stir-fried beef that goes best with rice, but he insisted that it was grilled fish."

"When eating stir-fried beef, I feel like he enjoys it more than anyone else?"

"Then he turned around and said in the report that spicy grilled fish was good, and that was good. Isn’t he just writing nonsense?"

Luo Yong:"……"

Oh my god!

No, this... you... I...

He took a deep breath and asked,"You said the latter part of the content is written randomly, is this what you mean?"

"Yes! I think the rest is well written, but this part should be revised. Captain, don't listen to his nonsense. Stir-fried beef is really delicious."

"If you have a chance, you must go and have a good taste. I promise you will not regret it."

Hiss -

Captain Luo took a breath.

I thought Guo Mengmeng would give a different answer, but she was even worse than Lao Wang?

"Then your captain Wang said that the cook in the prison played a crucial role in solving the case. Do you think that's okay?"

Guo Mengmeng thought for a while and said,"What's the problem with that? I was telling the truth!"

"If it weren't for Chef Xiao Jiang, how could that stubborn Wu Qiang easily give out the group of people behind the scenes?"

"I tell you, he is a very stubborn person. It is hard to get him to speak."

"All thanks to Chef Xiao Jiang, he is truly a god in our eyes. The only thing I want to change about this report is the taste of the stir-fried beef and the spicy grilled fish."

"Captain Wang didn't describe it well enough!"

Luo Yong took a deep breath and then another deep breath.

"Xiao Guo, tomorrow the reporter will come to interview me. I can't just show this to him, right? You better take this report and revise it."

"The following content can be deleted directly. You must focus on your bravery, hard work, and the intelligence and wisdom you showed in solving the case, which establishes your image as glorious, noble and upright."


Xiao Guo interrupted Captain Luo and said,"If I revise it, it will take at least an hour? Doesn't that mean I won't be able to eat?"

"How about this, Captain Luo, you can change it yourself, whatever you want, and let you be the one for the news interview tomorrow! Anyway, it is under your wise leadership that we have been able to achieve such progress and results today."

"You are the eternal God in our hearts! Without you, how could we make breakthroughs and progress in our work?".

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