Flattery never gets worn out.

This has been the case since ancient times. Guo Mengmeng's words just now made Luo Yong praise her to the skies, and he was very happy.

He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, tapping the table lightly with his right index finger, and then said,"Xiao Guo, do you really think so?"

"Of course, Captain."

Guo Mengmeng knew very well that even if she asked other people in her team to come and revise the case report, the answers they would give would definitely be similar.

It would be better for her to find a way to solve the problem once and for all and just get rid of it.

She came to Luo Yong and said,"These people in our team are not as wise and brave as you."

"In my mind, it is because of your leadership that we were able to solve this case. Therefore, this report must be written by you. Only you know better how much effort we have put in this process."

"And how many hardships did you go through, and how did you make wise decisions?��You are worried about letting us, your subordinates, write reports, right?"

Luo Yong opened his eyes and sighed.

He said seriously:"To be honest, I am very happy that you young people can have such ideological awareness."

"I originally wanted you to write the report yourself, but since you insist on me writing it, I will have no choice but to do it."

"No problem, Captain Luo.

Guo Mengmeng said,"If there is nothing else, I will leave first. It will probably be no long before the midnight snack starts."

""Okay, okay, go down."

Guo Mengmeng left the room, and Luo Yong looked at her cheering figure, his eyes becoming more curious.

Could it be that everything was really as she said, that the chef's cooking skills in the prison were so good?

How about he write a report for a while and go over to take a look?!


Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue had already bought the chicken and returned to the prison cafeteria. As soon as they got off the car, the other members of the group rushed over and surrounded them.

Everyone was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to help Jiang Chen carry things.

"Chef Xiao Jiang, how can you do such rough work? Give me the half bottle of Coke in your hand. You are working so hard."

"Yes, yes, yes, how can you carry a pound of apples in one breath? What should I do if I get exhausted?"

"Come and let us help you!"

Jiang Xue, who was standing next to the car carrying a few chickens, a large bag of mud, and a lot of coal, looked like she had lost all hope.

Please, do you have to make it so obvious?

Even if you really need help, I should help, okay?

Almost all the things in the car were held by Jiang Xue. Jiang Chen didn't need to do anything at all, except for a bottle of Coke and two kilograms of apples for himself.

Look at the members of the team, how distressed they were?


Jiang Xue had never been so speechless before.

"No need."

Jiang Chen said:"Just go and help Jiang Xue."

"Okay, I'll follow Chef Jiang's instructions."

"No problem."

Everyone came to Jiang Xue's side, which relieved her of some of her burden.

The latter was panting with exhaustion, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and walked to Jiang Chen with some dissatisfaction.

"Old classmate."

Jiang Xue said angrily:"I tell you, you will never find a girlfriend if you are like this!"

"It's okay."

Jiang Chen said calmly:"Even if you can't find it, you don't need to worry about it?"

"Can you understand how to be gentle with women? Every time I go out to buy something heavy, I carry it."

Jiang Chen said seriously:"Little girl, you don't understand this, right? Young people like you should exercise well."

"Also, the division of labor between us is very clear, you provide money and labor, and I provide technology. If I do your work, wouldn't that be disrespectful to you?"

"Of course, I can also help you cook, what do you think?"

Jiang Xue immediately wilted.

Sure enough, if you want to control a woman, you must first control her stomach.

Now that she is used to eating the food cooked by Jiang Chen, Jiang Xue has long lost interest in other foods.

No matter what Jiang Chen asks for, as long as it is not too excessive... well... of course it doesn't matter if it is a little excessive in some aspects.

Jiang Xue will satisfy it.

Following Jiang Chen, Jiang Xue and the others entered the kitchen. Captain Wang and others were serious and ready to go. They stood quietly by the side, waiting for Jiang Chen's instructions.

"Except for Jiang Xue, everyone else went out."

Now that Jiang Chen has mastered the god-level cooking skills, he will concentrate on cooking any dish. If someone is watching, it is likely to disturb him while he is cooking.

""Okay, no problem!"

Everyone left the room, and only Jiang Xue and Jiang Chen were left.

Seeing Jiang Chen's special treatment, Jiang Xue felt happy and patted her chest again, shaking her body up and down.

"Old classmate, you left me here alone, do you think I am very reliable?"

Jiang Chen shook his head and said,"No, it's because you are obedient and don't need to think about things. I will arrange it for you."

Jiang Xue:"⊙⊙!"

I'm smart, okay?

I scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination. Who do you look down on?

Jiang Chen didn't talk to her anymore. He took out the prepared ingredients and prepared to cook beggar's chicken.

As a very famous dish, beggar's chicken has a long history in Longguo. As early as hundreds of years ago, this dish has existed.

It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, at the foot of Changshu Mountain, there was a beggar who had been hungry for several days and caught a chicken in the grass.

He had been hungry for several days in a row and wanted to fill his stomach with chicken, but he had no stove, no seasoning, and even couldn't find boiling water. He had no choice but to kill the chicken, take out the internal organs and wrap it with lotus leaves.

Wrap it with mud and pile some dead branches and leaves, light the fire, and then put the chicken on it to roast.

When the mud turns yellow and dries up, throw it on the ground. Unexpectedly, the chicken is still very delicious, and beggar's chicken got its name from this.

Of course, this is only the initial method of making beggar's chicken, and it is also the most primitive method.

If you really follow such simple steps to make beggar's chicken, the roasted chicken will be very tough, and most importantly, it may have a fishy smell, which is not delicious at all.

Therefore, with the help of the system, Jiang Chen improved the method of making beggar's chicken. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It ensures that the chicken made at that time is plump and tender, with delicate meat, fresh and delicious

"Put the seasonings we bought on the stove"

"No problem.

Jiang Xue put out the chicken, flour, cloves, thyme, lemongrass, sand ginger, galangal, and licorice.

As for other seasonings, such as cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, star anise, and cumin, they already had them in the kitchen and did not need to buy them extra.

"What to do next?"

"Give me the blender"


Jiang Chen took the blender from Jiang Xue, put the spices he bought into it, and then pressed the switch. A buzzing sound was heard, and the leaves inside were ground into powder.

It doesn't need to be too fine, just about right. If it becomes completely powder, it will easily become a paste when used to cook chicken, and it will not be easy to separate from the chicken body, and the taste will not be good.

Then Jiang Chen put the washed chicken on the chopping board, and the kitchen knife flew up and down, cutting even cuts on the chicken.

This is done to make it more flavorful, otherwise the taste of those seasonings can only remain on the surface of the chicken skin, and you can't feel the beauty of the meat inside when you eat it, and it will also weaken the taste of the beggar's chicken.

Add water to a large pot, put the prepared chicken in, and then put in the spices prepared in advance, as well as the necessary dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, chicken essence, and salt, and marinate for about half an hour.

"Mix the mud for me."

Jiang Xue said gloomily,"I am always asked to do these rough and heavy jobs. Do you know that I have never done these jobs at home?"


Are you thanking me?"???"

Jiang Chen continued,"Look, you have never had the chance to experience anything at home, but you have experienced everything here with me, shouldn't you thank me?"

"Of course you don't need to say it, just remember it in your heart, and transfer more money to me when you have nothing to do."


If it weren't for the fact that you look as handsome as a non-Lu reader, I really want to beat you up.

But seeing that you are so handsome, your cooking is delicious, and your voice is beautiful, I will just bear with it!

While Jiang Xue was mixing the mud, Jiang Chen had already burned the coal in the big stove next to him and washed the lotus leaves that he had bought in advance for later use.

Half an hour later, the chicken was marinated and the mud was made into a paste, but Jiang Xue's hands and face were covered with mud, and even her clothes were stained with mud.

""Okay, I'm done here."

Jiang Chen turned around and took a look. It looked pretty good.

He put the marinated chicken into the lotus leaf, wrapped it tightly, and then covered it with a thick layer of mud. Then he put the chicken into the coal and roasted it.

When the mud was completely dried, the fragrance of the lotus leaf could be smelled through the gaps outside, and the beggar's chicken was ready.

Jiang Xue stood by the stove, looking at the lumps of mud being roasted inside, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

The moment Jiang Chen took the chicken out of the marinade, she smelled the strong fragrance.

It was fresh and fragrant, long and thick, and had an endless aftertaste.

About half an hour later, one of the pieces of soil made a clear sound, and a crack visible to the naked eye appeared.

It has been Lotus leaves wrapped in the soil can be seen, and the aroma of chicken fills the air. In addition to the taste of the meat itself, there is also a strong fragrance of lotus leaves. It whets people's appetite. Jiang Xue, who has been working hard for a long time, makes a rumbling sound in her stomach. She stands next to the fire, her body stiff, almost forgetting to move.

It looks so delicious!

Can I finally taste the legendary beggar's chicken on May 4?

Not long after, several other clumps of soil also made clear cracking sounds one after another.

The fragrance becomes stronger and stronger, the aroma of lotus leaves, the tender fragrance of chicken, and the fresh fragrance of seasonings, fermenting and blending in the soil, forming a brand new fragrance.

It is irresistible.

"Is Chef Xiao Jiang getting better?"

"Chef Xiao Jiang, can we come in?"

"Hurry, hurry, I can't wait!"


It was late at night.

Luo Yong had already written the report. He rubbed his forehead, couldn't help stretching, and stood up from the chair a little tired.

This is the real case report!

In this report, he portrayed everyone they were alert to as brave, decisive, capable, and courageous.

The impact of the meal was minimized, and only mentioned it at the end!

He would never make the same mistake as Captain Wang and his team.

Looking at the time, it was already eleven o'clock. He was going to pack up and go home, but just after leaving the office, he remembered the abnormality of Lao Wang and others.

Otherwise... go to the prison cafeteria?! Is it as exaggerated as they say?!

Can there really be such a delicious midnight snack?

He walked quickly to the prison cafeteria. As soon as he came to the outside of the corridor, his slightly burly body froze there..

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