What's going on?

He seemed to smell a particularly strong fragrance?

Was it his own hallucination?

How could the chef in the prison have such good cooking skills? How could the food he made smell so good?

He slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The strong aroma of beggar's chicken quickly awakened his internal organs and the taste buds on his tongue.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his breathing became rapid.

What a good smell!

The aroma of spices, after being roasted by the fire and wrapped in soil, has been completely integrated into the chicken, and it is completely integrated with it, and it is inseparable.

Fresh, tender and smooth, the taste is extraordinary, and the fragrance of lotus leaves mixed in it is definitely the finishing touch, which makes the taste of spices not too strong and pungent, and makes the tender fragrance of the chicken itself even more mouth-watering.

As the captain, Luo Yong has definitely seen a lot of the world and has eaten a lot of things.

Beggar's chicken is also often tasted, but... compared with the smell in front of him, it is not worth mentioning at all.

His eyes fell to the direction where the fragrance came from, which was the kitchen of the canteen of Prison No. 2.


Is what they said true?

That cook's cooking skills are great!

No, no, I can't help it.

I have to go over and take a look.

He rushed to the kitchen with great speed, his belly, which was bigger than a bucket, flickered up and down, swaying back and forth.

He pushed the door open, and the already strong fragrance became even stronger, smelling full of enjoyment. The beggar chicken that had been cooked long ago was neatly placed on the table. The color was fresh, smooth, and golden. It looked like a gem under the bright light, and it looked particularly appetizing. The skin of the chicken was roasted a little crispy, but it was still covered with a light layer of fat, shiny and smooth.

It smelled extremely fragrant!

He felt his abdomen twitching and trembling. He had just eaten a midnight snack not long ago, but when he saw such a beggar chicken, he suddenly felt that he was ready again.

At least ten in one breath!

"Captain, why are you here...hiss!"

Seeing Luo Yong coming, Captain Wang greeted him out of habit, but it was quite perfunctory. He didn't even look at him. His eyes were fixed on the beggar's chicken on the table.

If Jiang Chen hadn't said to wait a while before eating, he would have been impatient and picked up his own chicken to eat.

"You guys...……"

Luo Yong wanted to say a few polite words, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his saliva flowed uncontrollably, which made him tremble and he smiled a little awkwardly.

But the others didn't pay much attention to Luo Yong's performance and actions. Looking at the delicious beggar's chicken, everyone wanted to eat it.

I don't know what Jiang Chen is waiting for?

The beggar's chicken just out of the pot has not been in sufficient contact with the air, and the fragrance inside has not been fully released. It will take a while. At that time, the meat of the beggar's chicken is the most delicious and tastes the best.

"Hello comrades!"

""Well... everyone has worked very hard today. I'm afraid you'll be hungry tonight, so I want to come over to check on you and see how you're eating."

Luo Yong came to the table and looked like he wanted to swallow the chickens in front of him.

He, Luo Yong, can guarantee that he has never seen a more beautiful and tempting taste than the chicken on the table in his life.

"You don't have to worry about it, Captain. It's nothing. You can go back first."

Jiang Chen did it based on the number of people. Each of them only had one beggar chicken, and there was no extra resource to share with Luo Yong.

Luo Yong smiled awkwardly and said,"Well... I told you that I read an article not long ago. That article said that beggar chicken is actually very unhealthy."

"In the past, people were poorer and didn’t have enough seasonings or tools to cook chicken, so they made beggar’s chicken…hiss…so for your health……"

Captain Wang glanced at Luo Yong and said,"Don't say anything, Captain. The abacus beads are about to fall on my face."

"We can discuss other things, but each of our team members only has one beggar's chicken, so we really don't have any extra for you."

Luo Yong smiled awkwardly, came to Captain Wang, held his right hand and said,"Xiao Wang, listen to me, I think you have a bright future, and you are very respectful to the elderly and the young."

"Actually, I forgot to tell you something. My mother's health has been getting worse recently. I don't know how long she can live. What I just said is the truth."

"In less than 50 years, my mother will pass away. Last night she told me that she had a wish that she had lost."

"My biggest wish in this life is to eat beggar's chicken again.……"

Luo Yong wanted to play the emotional card, but Captain Wang and his team members did not give him a chance. It was too late. They each reached out their hands and grabbed a beggar chicken. They held it in front of them and ate it fiercely. The chicken was juicy and fragrant, and they ate it with relish.

The chicken was particularly fresh, tender, and smooth. Not only did it have the faint fragrance of lotus leaves, but most importantly, this special cooking method completely locked the juice of the chicken inside.

Therefore, it can ensure that the taste of the chicken is tender enough. Just a light bite, the rich juice will quickly bloom in the mouth, making people feel the ultimate enjoyment. It is so elastic that it doesn't feel like eating chicken at all. The aroma of spices has entered the inside of the chicken. Every inch and every centimeter of it is wrapped in this rich aroma.

It's delicious!

Seeing them eating with relish, Luo Yong was so anxious in his heart. He was like a 192-pound child, at a loss.

"Leave some for me!"

"No matter what... I am your captain after all!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You can't do this... Hiss! Leave some for me, please?!"

It would have been better if Luo Yong hadn't said it. His opening words only aroused everyone's fighting spirit and made them eat more vigorously than before.

One bite, two bites, three bites, four bites, and in a blink of an eye, several police officers with big appetites and fast speeds had only the bones left.

Even when there were only bones left, they all looked very happy and put them in their mouths to peck.

The taste was simply amazing!

I didn't expect that using my identity would not be able to suppress them.

Luo Yong's face sank. Since they were unwilling to give him face, don't blame him for being rude today.

Although Luo Yong was fat, he was very fast. Seeing that Captain Wang was about to feed the last chicken leg into his mouth, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed his arm.

"Please give me some face!"

Luo Yongqi said pantingly:"I haven't eaten beggar's chicken for many years, I just want to have a good meal for once?!"

"Captain... you can't do this! You said that if we miss this opportunity, we will miss this opportunity. We each only have one!"

"Have a bite, just let me have a bite!"

Neither of them was willing to spare the other, and they were both determined to get the chicken leg in the end.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue stayed aside and ate leisurely. No one dared to attack them. There was no other way, Jiang Chen was the chef. If anyone offended him and wanted to eat such delicious food in the future, it would be a daydream.

After taking a bite of the chicken leg, Jiang Chen looked at Luo Yong and said,"I didn't expect your captain to be so fat."

"That's right!"

Jiang Xue said seriously,"Last time it was raining heavily and he was walking on the road wearing a yellow raincoat, I thought it was a taxi."

The two of them wrestled with each other, neither of them was willing to give in, and when the chicken was about to be fed into their mouths, the other one suddenly increased his strength, and in the end he could only bite a mouthful of air.

"Captain, I have half a chicken leg for you."

Upon hearing this, Luo Yong immediately loosened his right hand. Captain Wang stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He rushed to Jiang Chen and quickly took the chicken leg.

Without saying a word, he quickly put it into his mouth!

He showed a satisfied and intoxicated look on his face, with a face full of enjoyment.

This chicken leg is really delicious!

Not only is it full of fragrance, the meat is firm and quite tender, and most importantly, every inch of meat is extremely fragrant. It is definitely the most delicious thing Luo Yong has ever eaten in his life.

No wonder each of them has to describe Jiang Chen's food in the closing report.

If he had tasted this cooking skill before, maybe he would be even more exaggerated than them?! It is simply impossible to describe the food made by Jiang Chen in words!

After he finished eating the chicken leg, the others were also satisfied. Several beggar chickens were eaten clean, leaving only bones on the table.

Captain Luo only ate half a chicken leg and felt particularly unsatisfied. He looked at everyone and said,"What's wrong with you?"

"Why didn't you let me know in advance? If I had known that Chef Xiao Jiang's cooking was so good, I would have definitely come earlier."


Captain Wang smiled bitterly and said,"Didn't we tell you this before?"

"But you just didn't believe it at the time, and even asked us to revise the closing report later."

Luo Yong seemed very unconvinced and said,"Your closing report was supposed to be revised, and I had to revise it again after I went back. It's just nonsense."

"Have you been police officers for so long and still don't know what the point is?"

Everyone looked serious and a little ashamed.

"Lao Wang, you actually wrote that spicy grilled fish goes well with rice. As for Guo Mengmeng, it's even more outrageous, saying that stir-fried beef goes best with rice."

"Which case report would say this? I think beggar's chicken is the best food to eat with rice!"

No way, who told him he had never eaten anything else..

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