Everyone else was already full, after all, everyone had a beggar's chicken.

Of course, if Jiang Chen gave them more food now, everyone would definitely be able to eat more.

With his great cooking skills, no matter how long you eat, you will never get tired of it.

Luo Yong felt very upset. He had only eaten half a chicken leg just now and tasted the flavor. Before he had time to savor it carefully, only bones were left.

He was so regretful now! If he had known this earlier, why did he do it in the first place?!

If he had known from the beginning that Jiang Chen's cooking skills were so good, he would have come with everyone today.

Originally, Luo Yong thought that the things written in the report were completely false.

No matter what, he would not believe that a team spent several months interrogating a prisoner and got no results.

In the end, because of a meal, his accomplices were betrayed.

After all, this is very outrageous!

However, now that he has tasted Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

Luo Yong finally believes that they are not lying.

Not to mention that Wu Qiang was so hungry that he was dizzy and couldn't even stand. Even though he had just eaten a full meal not long ago, he had no resistance to this beggar chicken.

"Comrade Xiao Jiang!"

Luo Yong patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and said,"Well, how about you come to our police station cafeteria and cook for us?"

"With your current cooking skills, it is really not cost-effective to cook delicious food for the prisoners. Isn't it a waste of your talent?"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Jiang Xue ran forward and said,"Captain, this doesn't seem to be something you should be concerned about right now, right?"

"You should go back and write your report first. If you want to eat something delicious, I will bring it to you tomorrow!"

Then Jiang Xue pushed his body weighing more than 100 pounds and slowly pushed it out of the kitchen.

Jiang Chen looked at the time. It was already half past eleven. It was the first time for him to get off work so late. It was indeed very hard today. He stretched his body and said,"It's getting late. Everyone should go back and have a rest."

"no problem"

"Thank you for your hard work, Chef Xiao Jiang!"

"Can we come over for lunch tomorrow at noon?"


Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen sat in Jiang Xue's car, stretched his shoulders, yawned and said,"I'm really tired today."

"Old classmates."

Jiang Xue said:"Captain Luo just said that the case we solved has attracted the attention of the higher-ups. They attach great importance to it. It is very likely that a reporter will come to interview us tomorrow."

"I asked Captain Luo to let me do the interview with us?"

"Your team solved the case. Do I need to do an interview? It has nothing to do with me.."

Jiang Xue said seriously:"Old classmate, you can't say that. Think about it, if you hadn't made that delicious food this time, would Wu Qiang be willing to confess honestly?"

"In the eyes of our team members, you are the undisputed number one contributor!"

"We all certainly can't forget you. Of course, if you don't want to, that's okay, we won't force you!"

""Okay, got it."

After Jiang Chen got out of the car, Jiang Xue followed him as before, preparing to go to his house. The two stood at the door. Jiang Chen turned around and looked at

"What are you doing?"

He said in disbelief,"We just had supper at the police station not long ago, please don't tell me you are hungry again?"

"Still want me to give you a snack?"

Jiang Xue said with a grin,"No, it's already past twelve o'clock. It's dangerous for a girl like me to go home. You certainly won't send me off. How about I stay at your house for one night?""

"That's true."

Jiang Chen thought about it seriously and replied,"I am a little worried about you driving back home alone at around 12 o'clock."


Jiang Xue urged with a smile:"Can you let me in now?"

"Why are you going in? I'll drive you home."

Jiang Chen trotted to the car door, sat directly in the driver's seat and said to Jiang Xue:"What are you still doing there? Come on up? I'll take you home, and you won't be alone."

Jiang Xue's face was full of black lines

""I'm here."

After she got in the car, she sat next to the passenger seat, folded her hands in front of her chest, and looked out the window, looking quite angry.

Jiang Chen started the car, looking straight ahead, and drove with full concentration.

"How come you are moved by me? Right?"

Jiang Chen replied:"You have sent me home so many times, it is normal for me to send you home occasionally, you don't have to take it to heart."

I... took a deep breath, and then another deep breath.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xue opened the car door and said again:"Jiang Chen, sometimes I really doubt whether you can understand what people say?"

"Why do you say that?"

Jiang Xue was stunned for a moment, sighed, and without saying anything, she stomped her feet and turned away, returning to her home.

With his hands folded in front of his chest, Jiang Chen looked at the lights on in the villa and couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Jiang Xue must have been moved just now.

He had never seen a man as honest, hardworking, optimistic and brave as him, right? When he returned home that night, he slept very deeply, and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

There was no way, he was too tired during the day. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Tang Ping'an was lying on the bed in the hotel with his mobile phone, checking the information carefully.

It was not easy to meet his girlfriend Yaoyao, and he must leave her with beautiful and unforgettable memories.

He kept rolling back and forth on the bed, and looked at all the local popular attractions, but... there was nothing that really satisfied him.

Thinking of the scene of eating at a popular restaurant last time, he was furious.

A meal with two dishes cost a total of seven or eight hundred yuan. The most important thing was that the taste was not very good, the service attitude was particularly poor, and the dining environment was also average.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was all modified with lenses, and the actual situation on the scene was simply terrible.

This time, I must not step into the pit again!

But... where should I go to play?

Sometimes it is really troublesome to fall in love.

After a while, his mobile phone rang. He saw that it was Yaoyao calling. He quickly sat up from the bed and said excitedly:"Is there anything wrong? Yaoyao!"

"How is it? Have you found a suitable place to go?"

"Not yet."

When answering the question, Tang Heping's voice was a little lower.

Yaoyao said:"It doesn't matter, I found a restaurant that is very suitable for a date and the food is particularly good."

"The most important thing is that the price is affordable, and we can also visit and learn something for free, which is really killing two birds with one stone!"

"Going there can broaden your horizons, and you can also feel a different atmosphere, meet all kinds of people, and hear many stories!"

"The dining environment is also great?"

Tang Heping's eyes lit up.

"There is such a place?"

He said excitedly:"Yaoyao, where are you talking about? Why can't I find it on the Internet?"


The water in his mouth sprayed out, and Tang Heping fell on the bed. He suddenly felt something buzzing in his head.

The two words"girlfriend" kept echoing in his mind!



Such an advanced way was still a little incomprehensible to him with his current ability. He didn't understand why two people would go to prison for no reason?


This is really...

How to say it, this kind of dating method is still too avant-garde at present, and the more traditional Tang Heping can't accept it.

"Yaoyao, what’s fun in prison?"

Yaoyao said happily on the other end of the phone:"First of all, we can see a lot of prisoners in prison, right?" (Good Zhao Zhao)"And we can also learn why these prisoners went to prison, just like listening to stories, and the most important thing is...their prison food tastes great!"

"I guarantee that you will want to live there for a few days after eating it?"

"Come with me tomorrow! Let's not go to those internet-famous restaurants again."

"That's something only a fool would do?"

"Did you hear that?"

Tang Heping was confused.

Just because the internet celebrity restaurant he chose last time was not good enough and the two of them had a bad experience, his girlfriend was going to find a way to send him to jail?

Otherwise, he really couldn't figure out why the other party would make such an outrageous decision.

"Why don't you speak?"

Tang Heping hesitated for a while and said,"I……"

"Really, don't worry, the atmosphere in their prison is very good. The prisoners love each other, love life, are hardworking and brave, and abide by the law. Some prisoners even helped the police to solve cases!"

"It won't hurt us!"

It's not you... it's me... it's... do you have to eat this prison meal?!


I tell you , if I didn't love you so much, I wouldn't send you to jail!".

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