Love me!

Love me?!

What kind of love is this?

You went through so much trouble, tried so hard, kept thinking about it, and couldn't forget to take me to the prison?

You also said that watching prisoners eat in prison is a particularly interesting date activity for couples?

We are far apart and rarely have the opportunity to meet each other on weekdays. I finally took time out from the company to accompany you. We didn't have a big party in the hotel, nor did we go to the cinema to be affectionate, but in the end you invited me to play in the prison?!

You call this love?!

"Did you hear that?"

Yaoyao on the other end of the phone raised her voice and said quickly,"I'm telling you, if I hadn't had a good relationship with my best friend and asked her boyfriend to help us, we wouldn't have had a chance to get in."

"He had to persuade the chef for a long time before he was willing to give in. If he missed this opportunity, it would be hard to have another chance."

Forget it."

They finally met each other, so Yaoyao could be a little willful. He would do as he said tomorrow. Anyway, he had searched the Internet for so long and couldn't find a more suitable date place.

"OK, OK, OK."

Tang Heping said,"I'll drive over to pick you up tomorrow morning."

"That's more like it."

Yaoyao said excitedly:"I tell you, you should be happy to have such an excellent girlfriend like me. I don't know how many people want to go to their prison, but they don't have such an opportunity."

"Fortunately, I have powerful connections, otherwise I would have nothing to do but sigh and watch the meal!"

Tang Heping didn't say anything.

His girlfriend's train of thought was too strange, and he had no idea how to answer her.

The next day.

The sky was clear and cloudless. When

Tang Heping got up in the morning, he saw that Yaoyao had sent him several messages, each of which urged him to pick her up downstairs at 290.

He pinched his thigh with his hand, and felt a clear pain.

It seemed that he was not dreaming.

It was real.

Never mind, let's go and take a look first.

He drove the car and arrived at the destination after about ten minutes. Yaoyao was dressed up carefully today. She was wearing a sky blue dress and a smile on her beautiful face, which made her look particularly moving.

"You are finally here."

Yaoyao ran forward, opened the car door, sat directly in it and said,"Follow my navigation, it is right at our local city public security bureau"

"My best friend's boyfriend is a prison guard. I called him after I arrived. He had already discussed with us and made an appointment with the prison's chef. He had reserved a meal for each of us today."

"I'm telling you, last time I ate their fish-flavored pork shreds, I was craving it for a few days, and then I ordered takeout online a few times"

"I tried all the famous fish-flavored pork shreds nearby, but no one's cooking skills could compare to that chef's."

"I really don’t know who will be so lucky to marry him in the future. I am guaranteed to have delicious food and spicy drinks all day long. Just thinking about it makes me feel happy."

Tang Heping remained silent.

He didn't speak!

He really didn't know how to respond?

It would be fine if Yaoyao talked about food every three sentences, but the most important thing was that the destination they were going to was so strange?

They had to make an appointment in the prison!

Never mind, never mind.

Anyway, it was Yaoyao who took the initiative to bring it up. Even if it was really boring inside and the food was particularly bad, it had nothing to do with him.

Tang Heping didn't speak a word all the way while driving.

The food in the prison was notoriously bad. At the beginning, he had a (cccc) friend who weighed two or three hundred pounds and wanted to lose weight, but he couldn't lose weight no matter what.

Later, he figured out a way and was arrested for the crime of disturbing social public order and was eventually sentenced to one and a half years in prison.

Guess what happened when he came out?

Others lost more than a hundred pounds in one breath!

Later, whenever he mentioned this, he was especially grateful to the chef in the prison. If it weren't for his dark cuisine, how could he lose weight so fast?

After arriving at the destination, Yaoyao got out of the car, took out her mobile phone and dialed Xiao Chen's number. After about a few minutes, Xiao Chen ran out of the house.

He looked at the time and said in surprise:"Why did you two come so early?"

"Dinner is not served until 12 o'clock, how come you are here at 10:30?"

Yaoyao smiled and said,"Aren't you worried that you will be late and miss the chance to get a table?"

"But since you guys are here so early, I can't ask you to wait in the cafeteria in advance? That would be too obvious, and it would have a bad influence if others knew about it."

"Our chef made boiled pork slices today. Rich lady Jiang Xue suddenly wanted to eat it. We can enjoy it too."

"But... maybe the prisoners in the prison won't have such a good meal in a few days."

Hearing this, Yaoyao was stunned for a while and asked,"Why? Is it because the chef is going to be transferred?"

"It is not certain yet."

Xiao Chen replied:"But it is highly likely that he will not cook in prison. Our captain ate what he cooked yesterday. You don't know that he didn't sleep all night."

"I waited in the cafeteria early this morning for lunch."

"He will probably be transferred to the police station cafeteria to cook for us.

Yaoyao's face was full of envy.

"Then you can eat his cooking every day, right?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xiao Chen nodded proudly.

"It seems that choosing to apply for the police academy was the right decision."

Hearing this, Yaoyao glanced at Tang Heping beside her with some displeasure and couldn't help saying:"Look at others, then look at yourself!"

Tang Heping smiled shyly and said nothing.

Seeing Yaoyao's performance, Xiao Chen quickly advised:"Yaoyao, it doesn't matter. Even if you are admitted to our police academy, you may not be able to come to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. You must have excellent grades. I think……"

Jiang Xue couldn't help but sighed:"Ling'er is so lucky to have found a boyfriend like you who is so good that she can eat well anytime. Unlike Tang Heping, besides having three or four companies under his control, making more than 100 million a year, and driving a car that costs three or four million, what else can he do?!"

"He is not a policeman like you, and I can’t even eat the delicious food there!"

Xiao Chen:"()"

In fact, if you can't speak, you really don't have to.

He was stunned for a long time, smiled awkwardly and said,"It's okay, it's okay, you guys wait a moment."


Tang Heping asked in confusion:"Are we really coming to the prison to eat today?"

"Yes! I just told you so much along the way, and you still think I'm joking?"

"That's not true!"

Tang Heping looked at the Public Security Bureau in front of him, and the suspicion and confusion in his eyes became more and more intense.

Any normal person would probably find this situation incredible.

"I was just thinking... Is the prison food edible? If you want to eat something delicious, I can buy it for you anytime!"

Yaoyao waved her hand and said,"Don't jump to conclusions if you haven't tasted it. I was the same as you at the beginning, but no one in this world can escape the law of true fragrance!"

"Only after you take a bite will you know how delicious it is!"

Tang Heping adjusted his glasses with his hand and stopped talking.

As a qualified boyfriend, the first thing he should learn is to listen to his girlfriend and do what she says.

There is no need to argue with her.


Inside the kitchen

""Chef Jiang!"

Luo Yong stood beside Jiang Chen, a layer of sweat on his slightly fat face. He kept swallowing his saliva and said impatiently,"When can we cook?"

"Can you be faster? Can't we have dinner earlier? Or can you cook a little something for me?"After eating half a bite of beggar's chicken last night, Luo Yong's saliva wet several sheets of paper when he went back to revise the report.

He couldn't sleep well that night, tossing and turning, feeling so regretful. Why didn't he listen to Captain Wang and the others?

If he had come earlier, wouldn't he have been able to eat the delicious food made by Jiang Chen?

"Dinner will be served at 12 noon on time."

Jiang Chen said calmly:"Don't worry, it won't be a minute early or late."

"Look at what you said. Why should you be so strict with yourself? Actually, I think it's okay to be a few minutes early."

"Also, I have applied to the people above, and you will be transferred to the police station in a while. How about cooking for us in the future?"

Jiang Chen took a sip of tea and said,"Have you noticed that the prisoners in Prison No. 2 have changed a lot recently?"

After Jiang Chen's reminder, Luo Yong thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the case. Not only did they become particularly disciplined, they were united and friendly with each other, and worked very hard.

The most important thing is... there are even people who took the initiative to report and expose, helping them solve some small cases.

Of course, most of the people in Prison No. 2 can't help with major cases.

After all, the prisoners here are all those who are guilty of minor crimes.���I didn't make any big mistakes at all.

"If you want to eat in the future, you can come anytime. There are only 70 or 80 people in the police station anyway, so there is enough food for everyone to come."

"It’s not my money anyway!"

"However, if I leave and the people in Prison No. 2 don't obey, it will probably increase your management costs, which is totally unnecessary."

"Besides, what if one day they provide some evidence to help you gain merit in order to eat the food I cook? Wouldn't that be killing two birds with one stone?"

"For example, like Wu Qiang?"

After listening carefully to Jiang Chen's analysis, it seems to be true and does make sense.

"Chef Xiao Jiang, I think what you said is right...but...can you just prepare something in advance and let me fill the gap?"

"I thought about it all night last night!"

"When I woke up in the morning, my saliva wet the sheets. My wife thought I had done something bad?"

"Yesterday I only ate half a chicken leg."

Then Luo Yong patted his big belly with his hand, and the fat on it swayed back and forth. He felt very aggrieved and said:"Look, I lost weight yesterday because of greed!"

"OK, it's time for me to cook, today's dish is boiled pork slices!".

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