Lao Qiang nodded with satisfaction.

He believed what the fat man said. The other party definitely didn't have the courage to betray him. Otherwise, if he knew, he would never let him go!

What's more, his eldest brother is the Bat Thief, who has a great influence in the underworld.

Anyone who dares to spread his name casually, unless he doesn't want to live.

Lao Qiang feels very proud. It is indeed his honor to know such a big boss.

But it's a pity that the Bat Thief can't form a society like other underworld figures, and he always fights alone.

Although knowing him is face-saving, that's all. Lao Qiang can't get any practical benefits from the Bat Thief.

Sometimes he has to be trembling with fear. He is afraid that people who have a grudge against the Bat Thief will come to him to make trouble if they know that he knows the latter.

If that's the case, he will suffer.

But overall,"Three, Four, Seven", it's better to choose to follow the Bat Thief.

He quietly came to the toilet in the workshop. Scarface from Prison No. 2 was waiting there in advance. When he saw Lao Qiang coming in, he hurried forward and closed the door.

After taking off his clothes and handing them to Lao Qiang, Scarface said,"Brother Qiang, you have to promise in front of me that you can only go over for this meal!"

"Also, when eating, you must strictly abide by the rules of our No. 2 prison and must queue up. No matter how delicious the food is, you cannot rush to eat. Also, do not make any noise when eating."

"The most important thing is to try not to talk if you can!"

Hearing the other party's tedious introduction, Lao Qiang showed some impatience.

He waved his right hand and said:"Isn't it just a meal? Look at your expression? Is it as exaggerated as you just said?"

"Brother Qiang."

The man swallowed his saliva, and his stomach made a rumbling sound like thunder. It seemed that he was very hungry now.

He said very seriously:"To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that we have a good relationship and you have connections outside, I really don't want to trade with you."

"Not to mention a whole meal, I don't even want to have half a meal. You haven't tasted the food in our prison, so you don't know how good it is."

"Do you know about the theft of cultural relics not long ago?"

He touched his nose with his hand and asked,"What's the problem?"

"A suspect was caught in the last cultural relic theft case. The criminal team 3 tortured him and tried all kinds of methods. Guess what the result was?"

"He just wouldn't talk, no matter how you talked to him. Finally, when it came to the critical moment, it was the prison cook who came up with the idea. It was said that he starved the suspect for a day or two."

"Then he placed the delicious food he made in front of the suspect. As a result, the suspect almost cried from hunger and confessed without thinking."

"The case was solved just now."

Lao Qiang was a little confused.

How could such an outrageous thing happen in the world?!

What a joke?

Just for a meal, he betrayed his good brother?

What qualifications does such a person have to mix in the underworld?

If he gets out, he will be beaten.

Lao Qiang would never betray his brother no matter what. Even if he died, even if he was electrocuted, even if he was beaten to a pulp, he would never betray his boss.


This is what a man should be like.

People like Wu Qiang are destined to be despised by others when they get out.

"That only proves that the guy named Wu Qiang has a weak willpower and can't even resist this little temptation? How dare he stay in the underworld?"

"I tell you he didn't touch me. If I had a younger brother like him, I would definitely beat him so hard that even his mother wouldn't recognize him."

Seeing Lao Qiang's performance, the latter couldn't help but sigh. He held his forehead with his hand and said,"Brother Qiang, you must not be too absolute when speaking."

"How can you guarantee that you won’t be like him?"

"I'm really worried. You ate a meal in our cafeteria and you want to increase your sentence. You don't even want to go out."

Lao Qiang looked at him in confusion and subconsciously put his right hand on Scarface's forehead. He tested it slightly and it seemed that he didn't have a fever.

Why did he just say such nonsense?

This guy's head was kicked by a donkey.

He only has six months left before he can be released from prison. Just because the food in prison is good, he wants to ask for an increase in his sentence?

It's impossible even if I kill him!

"I won’t tell you anymore."

Lao Qiang put on his clothes and said,"Don’t really think that I’m interested in the food in your prison cafeteria."

"I'm just curious and want to see what can make your prison so crazy."

"Now there are no prisoners every day, and they are reading books, queuing, and standing at attention. Those who know you are reforming, and those who don’t think you are evaluating moral models."

Scarface was unwilling to respond to what Lao Qiang said.

After all, he had encountered similar things more than once before. Many people patted their chests and promised that they would never eat the food in prison, even if they starved to death.....

The result?

Still couldn't escape the delicious taste!

"I just hope that after you finish your meal, you can return to your prison obediently. I won’t say anything else. Just go ahead."


Lao Qiang patted his chest and said,"Don't worry, I'm a loyal man. No matter how delicious the food in your cafeteria is, I will change my clothes back with you on time."


Watching Lao Qiang's back as he left, Scarface wanted to cry but had no tears. He had long been accustomed to the delicacies made by Jiang Chen, and today he had to go to Prison No. 3 to taste the dark cuisine, which was even more painful than killing him!

But fortunately, it was just a meal!

He didn't need to worry so much.

Even if he didn't eat this time, he could ask Jiang Chen to buy more to make up for it when he returned to Prison No. 2 for dinner next time.


The setting sun filled the sky. The evening glow was in full bloom.

Jiang Chen put the prepared dishes into the bowl, checked the time, and found that it was already 5:30 in the afternoon, but Jiang Xue and Captain Wang still hadn't come over to eat.

Even Captain Luo was nowhere to be seen.

This made Jiang Chen puzzled.

He could understand if other people didn't come over.

But Jiang Xue, this big foodie, couldn't live without him for a day, and had to eat every day!

Why... didn't she come over?

5.3 was very puzzled!

He took out his cell phone and dialed Jiang Xue's number. After a while, her slightly tired voice came from the other end.

"What happened? Why didn't you come to eat today?"

Jiang Xue said a little aggrievedly:"Old classmate, remember to leave some for each of us. Recently, a new case has occurred in our city, and the impact is extremely bad. The people above have stipulated that we must investigate it within half a month."

"If we can't find out the truth, we will most likely be held accountable!"

"We can't come over for the time being! Remember to leave some for us!"

"OK, no problem." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jiang Chen hung up the phone after agreeing, and then left their copy separately. They have been really hard-working recently. They just encountered a big case not long ago, and they just solved it, but before they could calm down, someone else was making trouble. It seems that being a policeman is not easy!.

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