Jiang Chen also wanted to help them, but he was just a cook. Even if he had such an idea, he was unable to do so. It was purely a coincidence that he was able to help them solve the cultural relic case last time.

The difficulty of this case should be even more difficult than last time. Jiang Chen still cooked peacefully.

If they were well fed, they would have the energy to catch the criminals, which could be regarded as indirect help to them.

He was considering whether to discuss with Jiang Xue and let the rich woman take more money and add more dishes to the criminal team 3.

Since the last major case was solved, their team has attracted great attention from the higher-ups. It is estimated that there will be more and more cases for them to investigate in the future.

Forget it.

Let's get some food first.


Lao Qiang, who was wearing the uniform of the No. 2 prison, lowered his head from beginning to end, and did not dare to meet the prison guards head-on. If they found out that he had secretly visited the prison, he would probably be put in solitary confinement.

He did not dare to communicate with other prisoners in the prison along the way, otherwise he would be exposed.

Even though he had noticed before that the people in the No. 2 prison were very well-educated.

When they were eating, the team was neat and orderly, just like the army.

But when he really became a part of them, the high self-discipline they showed still made Lao Qiang secretly amazed. Lao

Qiang had traveled all over the country and mixed in the underground world for more than ten years. This time he really broadened his horizons.

When they went to the cafeteria to eat, they marched in step. Not only did everyone line up neatly, but they also held their heads high and looked majestic.

This made Lao Qiang, the only one who lowered his head, feel a little embarrassed.

But he did not dare to raise his head.

Once he raised his head, it meant being exposed.

If he was exposed, he would be sent back the same way and would not be able to eat the food cooked by the chef of the No. 2 prison.

Recently, the prison has been talking about Jiang Chen's cooking skills. It's so good, so exaggerated, and so magical.

Today, he wants to see if it's really that exaggerated?

Wu Qiang actually betrayed his boss because of a meal.

As long as Wu Qiang keeps his mouth shut, the police can't do anything to him without abusing lynching.

Then... their boss can escape.

After Wu Qiang is in prison for more than ten years, he can eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks after he gets out.

Now that his boss has followed him in, it is estimated that Wu Qiang will suffer a lot in prison.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for him to betray his boss.

No matter how delicious Jiang Chen's food is, he can definitely restrain himself. He will never betray his brothers for a meal. The canteen is not far ahead.

After about two or three minutes, they came to a place about thirty or forty meters away from the canteen, and a strong aroma suddenly floated over.

It seems to be... the smell of boiled pork slices.

Lao Qiang's body stiffened slightly, and he stood there in a daze, a little at a loss.


This... is it true?!

The prisoners in the prison can actually eat boiled pork slices?

It's really a rare thing.

They are both prisons, why is there such a big difference in treatment between Prison No. 2 and Prison No. 3?

It's too outrageous.

No wonder the people in their prison are so obedient and sensible.

If it were me, I would definitely be honest and dutiful in Prison No. 2.

Every day, the higher-ups cook this delicious food for them. If I don't obey, I will be sorry for the meal.

The key is that this is much more fragrant than ordinary boiled pork slices, and it smells very appetizing.

Lao Qiang, who used to be in Prison No. 3, met chefs who were not as good as Lao Wang.

However, being able to be the head chef in the prison also means that they are all very good.

The food in Prison No. 3 is also a veritable dark cuisine.

He wants to pack it up and take it back to his dog. I guess even the dog will break up with him.

This smell... is really irresistible.


Lao Qiang couldn't help swallowing his saliva, his stomach churned and made a gurgling sound.

His appetite had been completely aroused.

I don't know what other dishes they have besides boiled pork slices?


Can you tell me why? They are all in prison.

Why is the difference in treatment between people so big?

He was anxious and impatient now. He wanted to rush out of the team and run to the front, but seeing that everyone else was in line, he really didn't dare to have such an idea.

I guess he would be stopped by them as soon as he stood up and before he could move forward, and he would be beaten to the ground.

The people in Prison No. 2 have really strong self-control.

They can still remain calm with such a fragrant thing.


Extraordinary awesome.

No wonder Scarface kept emphasizing in front of Lao Qiang that at most the two of them could only exchange once, and they must exchange back after tonight.

To be honest, who would be willing to taste dark cuisine if they could eat such meals every time?!

Seeing the team in front of him moving slowly, Lao Qiang couldn't help but want to urge them.

Faster, faster.

This speed is too slow.

He wants it.

Can it be played faster?

From time to time, he quietly tiptoed, breathing hard, greedily catching every scent in the air, his abdomen surging slightly.

The team moved forward step by step.

After about ten minutes, it was finally Lao Qiang's turn.

He stood in front of the canteen window, looking at the boiled pork slices in the basin. The red soup bottom was floating with green celery, white bean sprouts, and slightly pink meat slices. It looked perfect and delicate, like a work of art. It was still emitting hot steam.

It makes people's appetite doubled.

"More... more boiled pork slices!"

Lao Qiang pointed at the pot of meat with his right hand and said hesitantly,"I...hiss...thank you, chef."

Jiang Chen treated all the prisoners equally. After serving him a meal, he frowned and asked,"Why, are you new here?"

"Why haven't I seen you before?"

After all, there are more than a hundred people in Prison No. 2. If you eat with them every day, you will naturally become familiar with them after a long time.

But now Jiang Chen really has no impression of Lao Qiang.

Hearing this, Lao Qiang quickly lowered his head and smiled awkwardly. He didn't dare to show anything in front of Jiang Chen. Without saying a word, he stepped aside.

Fortunately, no one else noticed him.

Everyone was eating.

In fact, think about it, with such delicious food, who would care about other things?

Especially in prison, such delicious food is even more precious.

If Lao Qiang eats every day, he doesn't want to go out. What's wrong with staying in prison?

The daily life is quite regular, and there are delicious foods.

Anyway, he has nothing to do when he goes out.

If I stay in Prison No. 2, maybe I will find a way to add Add punishment!

There are three dishes for dinner today. The main dish is boiled pork slices. The remaining two home-cooked dishes are fried potato chips and tomato and egg. There is not much boiled pork slices. Although it is the most delicious, Lao Qiang decided to keep it first and taste it last.

He picked up a piece of tomato and egg with chopsticks. The egg was golden and was shaking and trembling slightly on the chopsticks. It was particularly tender and elastic. Ordinary tomato and egg would look a bit old and woody after being stir-fried over high heat.

There is no chewiness at all.

But this tomato and egg is very different. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

His egg is the same as the egg of the egg root, very tender and fresh. When he put the egg in his mouth, the first thing he tasted was the light fresh fragrance.

Then the sour taste of the tomato, which was completely integrated with the egg, came in waves.

The two flavors intertwined and blended perfectly without any conflict. It was impossible to tell which was the fragrance of the eggs or the light sourness of the tomatoes.

The two flavors were extremely appetizing.

His eyes lit up.

Delicious, so delicious.

Oh my god!

Why is it so unfair?

This is really ridiculously delicious.

Even the top chefs out there probably wouldn't be able to make it.

He tasted the fried potato chips next to it.

Each potato chip was placed quite evenly on the dish, and the thickness of the slices was consistent, not particularly thin.

Otherwise, in this case, the fried potato chips would easily become a mass because of the high starch content, making them difficult to separate and taste much worse.

He put it in his mouth and took a sip. The aroma of the potato instantly bloomed. The exterior was already a little dry and golden, and it tasted crispy, but the inside was... The potatoes on the surface were still soft and mellow, and they were fried to perfection.

Really, Lao Qiang was about to cry because of the delicious food.

If he could only see such dishes today but couldn't eat them, he would probably be so painful that he couldn't speak.

Now he remembered the method that the police officers used to torture Wu Qiang, and he suddenly felt a little chilled.

Let him starve for a day or two, and then even if he put a bundle of grass in front of him, he would be able to eat it with relish.

But... the group of people used to tempt Wu Qiang with the ultimate delicacy made by Jiang Chen.

If he could only look at it but not eat it, what's the difference between killing them?

It's simply the most extreme and terrifying torture in the world.

If it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

To be honest, if I could eat Jiang Chen's food every day. 087 wanted him to betray his boss, it didn't seem to be particularly difficult.

It didn't matter who he betrayed.

What's more, his boss was just a thief and didn't bring him any real benefits.

What are brothers for?

Sometimes brothers are there to stab you in the back, but at a critical moment you can also stab your brothers twice, as long as it can bring you benefits.

As a person, you must learn to be flexible.

After finishing the rice in the plate, Lao Qiang still felt unsatisfied. He often breathed a sigh of relief, stood up from the chair, and prepared to go to the kitchen window to get another meal.

But... the three large basins were empty.

Not even the last bit of soup was left.

Everyone was very enthusiastic about the meal made by Jiang Chen, how could there be more reserved for him.

Lao Qiang wanted to cry but had no tears.

Although he had eaten a lot just now, he still didn't fill his stomach. With such delicious food, it would be no problem for him to choose another six or seven bowls of rice.

I want to eat it, I really want to eat it.

But... there is no more.

Of course, this is not the most painful thing for Lao Qiang.

The key problem is that he will have to exchange it with someone else tonight.

Maybe he will never have the chance to eat this delicacy again.

What should I do?

He is about to cry.

"Why are you still here?"

The other prisoners in Prison No. 2 left the huge cafeteria one after another, leaving only Lao Qiang.

"I, I still want to eat."

Jiang Chen drank a cup of tea and said,"No more today, you can line up early tomorrow at noon."

Aren't you talking nonsense?

If I can still come to line up tomorrow at noon, why am I talking nonsense with you here.

The key is that I can't come here tomorrow at noon.

I feel so uncomfortable, so sad, so painful.


Why do you treat me like this?

How can I eat such delicious food again?

"Go away, don't bother me here."

Seeing Jiang Chen's impatience, Lao Li and Lao Zhang quickly stepped forward, pointed at Lao Qiang with electric batons and said,"What are you doing?"

"Why don't you leave now?"

When the two of them walked in, their pupils contracted and their eyes suddenly widened.

Damn! It turns out that this person is not from their No. 2 prison at all.

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