As police officers who are responsible for maintaining order in the cafeteria of Prison No. 2, Lao Zhang and Lao Li know everyone in the prison and have a deep impression of them.

After all, there are only more than a hundred people, and they have met each of them for a few years. It is difficult to forget them.

Therefore... they are sure that they have never seen Lao Qiang before.

I didn't expect that the prisoners nowadays have become so bold?

They dare to exchange clothes privately, fish in troubled waters, and come to their prison to cheat for food and drink?

Do you want to increase your sentence?!

"Hello, police officer!"

Lao Qiang smiled awkwardly and said,"Listen to me.……"

"Shut up."

Before he could finish his words, Lao Li interrupted him seriously. He pointed the electric baton at his nose and said,"Don't you know the rules of our prison?"

"How dare you sneak into the prison without permission? Who gave you the courage?"

"You don't want to go out every day, right?"

Lao Qiang wanted to cry but had no tears.

"I didn't mean it. I just heard from my friend in prison No. 2 that the food in their prison is very good. I was a little curious so I asked him……"

Lao Li said directly:"Stop talking nonsense to me, go back to your prison immediately and change your clothes with the people in our prison."

"I tell you this is the only time. If this happens again next time, you must be locked up for ten days or half a month!"

If he hadn't eaten Jiang Chen's cooking before, Lao Qiang would have stayed in his own prison, eating bran and vegetables for three meals a day, and fighting against dark cuisine. He wouldn't have thought it was a big deal.

But now that he has tasted Jiang Chen's cooking, how can he stay in Prison No. 3?

How does the saying go?

Once you have seen the sea, all other waters are but puddles. But once you have seen Mount Wushan, all other clouds are but puddles! He didn't have enough for lunch today, and when he returns to his own prison, he will have to eat steamed buns as hard as iron.

Who can understand that feeling?!

He really doesn't want to go back!


Lao Qiang smiled and said,"Can you make some concessions? Anyway, staying in Prison No. 2 is no different from Prison No. 3."

"You're just going to keep me in here? I really don't want to go back."

"I tell you, our prison is not a place for human beings to stay. The porridge we drink every morning is no different from boiled water."

"The rice I ate at noon was so bad that it almost knocked my teeth out. The most important thing was the dish. I don't even have the face to talk about it."

"Can you just keep me in Prison No. 2?"

"Consider it as a plea from me!"

If I had never seen the sun, I could have endured the darkness, but if I had touched the light, how could I allow myself to stay in the cave any longer?

I should not have exchanged with Scarface at that time.

But now he doesn't want to leave!

"What do you think this place is?"

Lao Li was a little angry and scolded:"I tell you, prison is not a place for you to bargain. Since you have made a mistake, you must pay the price."

"Also, what is the difference between Prison No. 2 and Prison No. 3, don’t you know?"

"The people in prison number 3 have short sentences, while those in prison number 2 have long sentences."

"What? Do you want to increase the sentence?"

Suddenly, when he heard this, his eyes lit up and showed excitement.

Lao Qiang said,"Is there such a good thing? Can you really increase the sentence and let me stay in Prison No. 2?"

To be honest, a man like him won't be able to do anything even if he gets out. If he can stay in Prison No. 2 and eat such delicious prison food every day, it would be a lucky thing.

After he gets out, he will have to work tiringly, and he might be scolded by his boss every day. He won't make much money a month, and the food is not very good.

The most important thing is that his life is irregular.

Thinking about it this way, staying in prison doesn't seem to be a bad thing?

Lao Li and Lao Zhang looked at each other.

The corners of their mouths twitched slightly.


It's not that they haven't thought that the other party would be weird, but what he just said was too fucking weird, right?

Who doesn't want to get out of prison as early as possible when they come to the prison to squat?

They all behave well and face it positively. Isn't their purpose to strive for a reduction in sentence and regain their freedom?

As a result, they encountered a strange thing today.

The first time a prisoner asked for an increase in sentence?

This is really beyond their understanding.

Lao Zhang was almost laughed at by him and said,"How long will it take for you to get out of prison?"

"I only have half a year left.."

Lao Qiang said with a sad face:"Comrade police, can you tell me how to increase the sentence?"

"How about if I make another mistake, you can lock me up for a longer period of time and let me go to Prison No. 2?"

"I really don't want to go out!"

Hearing this, the two men's faces suddenly became serious.

Lao Li knocked on the wall next to him with his baton and said:"I tell you, you'd better behave better. If you dare to continue to make mistakes in there, I will call you directly to Prison No. 1."

"I'll lock you up for eight or ten years, but... don't even think about eating the food in Prison No. 2."

"You'd better think it over and don't do anything weird to me."

Lao Qiang was dumbfounded.

He just wanted to come to Prison No. 2, why was it so difficult? He couldn't increase his sentence and couldn't make mistakes on his own initiative...

What should he do?

"Officer, I……"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Lao Li interrupted him and said,"Go quickly and go back to your original prison obediently."

"I tell you this is your last chance. If you dare to make such a mistake again, I will show you how I will deal with you."

Lao Qiang felt very aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say anything else. He could only listen to the police officer.

He wanted to cry but had no tears. He reluctantly left the cafeteria.

At this moment, he was in a very heavy mood and walked towards his own prison.

When he walked out of the door, he paused every two steps and looked back every three steps.

After tonight, he probably won't have the chance to eat in Prison No. 2 again. He will have to fight wits and courage with the chef's dark cuisine when he goes back.


What do you want me to increase my sentence?

Let me stay in Prison No. 2 for a while at the right time?

God, I don't want to go out!

I have no education, no ability, and no skills. I can't do anything after I go out?

He does have a boss called the Bat Thief, but what the other party does is not decent. He steals things. Xi's skills are indeed superb, but... he will never pass them on to me!

That is the foundation of the Bat Thief.

Even if he really passed them on to me, it would be useless!

He would never have the chance to use them?!

Not everyone has the talent of the Bat Thief, who can steal things to the point of being superb and unpredictable.

With Lao Qiang's IQ and means, he might have to go to jail again after stealing once or twice.

It's not worth it.

Very melancholy, very helpless!

Ten minutes later, Lao Qiang and Scarface changed their clothes back.

Lao Li, who was holding the electric baton, looked serious and very angry. He pointed at the two men's noses and cursed:"I tell you this won't happen again. If this happens again, you two will be in trouble."

Scarface agreed very readily.

He didn't want to agree to Lao Qiang in the first place, but the latter coaxed, threatened, and lured him with various methods, so he had no choice but to nod.

Lao Qiang had a sad face and nodded lightly with great reluctance.

"That's better."

Lao Li said,"Now go back to your respective prisons."


The two answered in unison.

Scarface was particularly happy, while Lao Qiang was in a sad mood, with a solemn face, and every step he took was quite exhausting.

Thinking back to the meal Jiang Chen had made, his mouth began to drool again, and his stomach started to growl. He had just eaten not long ago.

Now he was craving for food again?!

When he returned to the cell, Lao Qiang looked like he had lost all hope in life. He lay directly on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open.

"Brother Qiang."

The fat man was curious when he saw this scene, so he quickly stepped forward and asked,"What's going on?"

"Why do you look so unhappy?"

"Was he deceived by that bastard Scarface? The food in Prison No. 2 is not tasty at all?"

"It's okay, we brothers have instant noodles, we'll make you two packs tonight."

"Besides, you will be out in half a year, you should be happy."

Hearing this, Lao Qiang stood up suddenly, he was startled and almost cried. He buried his face in his hands and said:"Yes! How come I only have half a year and I have to go out!"

"It's so unfair!"

Seeing Lao Qiang's performance, the fat man was stunned for a while. He knew that this matter was particularly happy, but there was no need to be so excited, right?

He smiled and said to Lao Qiang:"Brother Qiang, this is indeed a happy thing. Look, you are so excited that you are about to cry."

"Shut up, old man!"

Lao Qiang yelled at the fat man��"I don't want to go out now. I want to increase my sentence. I want to stay in Prison No. 2."

"Can anyone tell me how to increase my sentence and go to Prison No. 2?"

The fat man:"???!"

What did I hear?

This, this, this... (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

How should I put it... I feel like my brain is not enough.

People in prison all want to behave well and strive for a reduction in sentence, but now you actually want to increase the sentence?

Do you have to be so outrageous, brother?

Your behavior is really puzzling!

Even if you are joking, you shouldn’t do it like this, right? It must be an auditory hallucination.

It must be that Lao Qiang was deceived by Scarface when he went there today, so he behaved abnormally after returning.

Apart from this, he couldn’t think of any other possibilities.

"Forget it, Brother Qiang."

The fat man came to Lao Qiang, patted his shoulder and said,"You don't need to be so sad now. I think... Isn't it just being cheated? I know that the people in Prison No. 2 are acting. What's so good about prison food?"

"Tonight we have instant noodles and ham sausage, which are all delicious!"

Lao Qiang really cried this time.


I just ate such delicious food, but you want to give me instant noodles and ham sausage for the next meal?

The treatment gap is too big!

Seeing that Lao Qiang was so moved that he was about to cry, the fat man hugged him and said:"Brother Qiang, don't be moved. This is what brothers should do. If there is anything delicious, I will definitely give it to you first."

I am so moved! I am crying with greed now.

I don't want to eat the prison food in Prison No. 3 anymore, and I don't want to eat instant noodles and ham sausage.

I want to eat boiled pork slices, I want to eat fried potato chips, and I want to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

It tastes so wonderful

"Let me go!"

Lao Qiang pushed the fat man away and said,"Don't talk to me from now on. Let me calm down alone."

"I have to find a way to add two more years. I have to spend a few days in Prison No. 2."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat such a delicious meal when I go out."


Lao Qiang, are you serious?!

It can't be that exaggerated, right?

He pinched his thigh hard, and the fat on it felt a clear pain.

This wasn't a dream!

So what happened?

Is there any kind-hearted person who can tell him?

Lao Qiang, who used to dream of getting out, was thinking about increasing his sentence just because he had a meal in Prison No. 3? It was very confusing and outrageous!

"Brother Qiang, I think……"

"I told you to shut up!"

Lao Qiang interrupted him unhappily.

The latter smiled awkwardly, and retreated to the side without saying anything.

What should he do?

He couldn't make a big mistake, otherwise he would go to Prison No. 1, and he couldn't just stay in Prison No. 3.

What method could be just right to make the people above agree to his conditions?


Night fell.

It was around 7:30 in the evening when Jiang Xue brought Captain Wang and others to the cafeteria.

They had been visiting and investigating outside this afternoon, but the clues they collected were very limited.

Everyone was exhausted and very hungry. Of course, they were quite rude to the delicious food made by Jiang Chen.

Today, they were visiting and investigating outside, and the biggest motivation for them was the food made by Jiang Chen.

Fortunately, there were these delicious foods every day to give them a boost, otherwise they would have no motivation to face the difficult case in front of them.

After the meal, the rest of the police officers went home one after another.

Jiang Chen, like before, took a ride home with Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue, who always liked to chatter a lot in the past, didn't say much after getting in the car today, with a solemn expression on her beautiful face.

"What's going on?"

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen said,"This case is very troublesome."

"It's very troublesome."

Jiang Xue nodded, and subconsciously followed Jiang Chen back to his house.

She sat on the sofa quite skillfully, crossed her legs and said with some melancholy:"Now we know roughly who the murderer is?"

"Then why don't we catch him?"

Jiang Chen handed Jiang Xue a can of Coke.

She opened it and took a sip (Ma Zhao's) and said:"It's not that we know who the murderer is, anyway, the situation at hand is very complicated."

"Why is it complicated?"

Jiang Xue said:"In fact, the suspect this time has been active for several years. He often steals on a large scale, and the things he steals each time are quite expensive, worth hundreds of millions."

"It was either diamonds or cultural relics collected by others. After stealing something, he would always leave a bat-shaped ring at the scene."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"You mean the Bat Thief?!"

"That's right."

Jiang Xue nodded and replied:"It's the Bat Thief. He is elusive and has a very good stealing skill."

"Even if he deliberately left some clues at the scene, our police are still helpless against him."

"The items he stole this time were worth hundreds of millions of yuan. There was a painting by Tang Bohu that was collected by a wealthy man. It was said that the market price had been hyped up to 15 million yuan. He took it away."

"The case attracted a lot of attention on the Internet, and the leaders above us also put a lot of pressure on us, stipulating that we must solve the case within half a month."

"But the Bat Thief has been out for so many years and he hasn’t been caught yet. How is it possible to solve the case within half a month?"

"The most important thing is that we don’t even know who the Bat Thief is and where he is?"

"How can we catch him?"

If we knew his identity, it would be easier to catch him.

The key problem is that the police only know the code name of the Bat Thief, but they have no idea of his name or where he lives.

"It doesn’t matter. Didn’t you solve the last cultural relic theft case at the last minute?"

"I believe it should work this time."

Jiang Xue said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry,"Don't you want to talk about the last case?"

"Last time���A big part of the reason why we were able to solve the case is because of you."

"It’s no exaggeration to say that the meal you cooked last time helped us catch several wanted criminals!"

"If only someone could provide a clue this time."

I'm a big shot:

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