The more Lao Qiang thought about it, the more excited he became.

He couldn't help but have his eyes light up, his expression excited, his body trembling slightly, and saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth.

The Bat Thief is no longer the boss to Lao Qiang.

He is a living meal ticket!

As long as he betrays him and tells the police the true identity of the Bat Thief, he can successfully increase his sentence and stay in prison for a few more years.

No longer have to eat coarse food, and can go to Prison No.

2 to enjoy delicious food every day!

Just thinking about it makes me happy!

He is such a clever little ghost.

What is the boss for? Of course not to be respected.

To be betrayed at the critical moment!

What a bullshit brotherhood, what is the most important thing when you are out there? Of course it is profit.

Since betraying the boss now can make him gain benefits, why should he be willing to kneel and lick him? Isn't this a brain disease? Great, great.

He can finally stay in prison for a few more years!



Don't blame your brothers for being ruthless.

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself.

Who made you so famous and did so many bad things? As long as they are policemen, they want to arrest you.

Seeing Lao Qiang's smile and a look of joy on his face, the fat man standing in front of him didn't understand and shook his right hand in front of him.

"Brother Qiang, what are you thinking about?"


Lao Qiang patted his shoulder, and the fat on the latter's body swayed like water. He quickly said,"I think you just thought of a good idea. I will go to the police now. I have important information to provide them."

"Don't worry, I will never forget you when I go to Prison No. 2. We are good brothers, and I will let you go with me."


Brother, since you really treat me as a good brother, you should find a way to reduce my sentence now, right?

The people in prison No. 2 have been in prison for longer than them.

You are crazy, but I am not?

Can you please not do such a wicked thing?

"Don't be moved."

Lao Qiang hugged the fat man, patted his shoulder and said:"Of course I can't forget you when I have good things, because we have such a close relationship."

I... stop talking, stop talking.

We have a close relationship, and you want me to stay with you for a few more years?

Isn't this a pure bad friend?

Lao Qiang put his hands behind his back and walked leisurely to the door of the dormitory. He pounded on the door with his hands and shouted:"Officer, I have important information to provide"


In the office.

It is already 9:30 in the evening.

The people in the Criminal Investigation Team 3 are still working overtime. They are all sitting in front of the computer, looking worried.

They haven't slept well in the past two days, and have been collecting clues everywhere.

But... the bat thief has been elusive for so many years, and the police have not been able to catch him. They don't know his name, where he lives, and don't know his personality and appearance.

They only know that he has a habit after stealing things.

His bat ring must be left at the scene.

Now even with his hair and DNA, there is no way to compare it, let alone looking for it aimlessly like finding a needle in a haystack.

They have watched the surveillance at the scene more than a dozen times, not missing any details, but even so, they still found nothing.

Of course, not being able to find clues is not their biggest headache.

The real headache is the attitude of the people above.

The leader clearly said that they must investigate the case thoroughly within half a month at most, and now there are only ten days left.

Ten days to catch a big thief?!

Isn't this just a joke?


Xiao Ma couldn't help but complain:"I can't find out anything at all. My eyes are almost blinded. I can't find anything useful in the surveillance."

"You're right, captain?"

Guo Mengmeng also raised her head and said,"It's not a good idea for us to continue investigating like this. We must think of a more appropriate way."

"Now that we know it was done by the Bat Thief, all we need to do next is to identify who the Bat Thief is."

Captain Wang glanced at Guo Mengmeng.

Wasn't what she just said nonsense?!

If they knew the true identity of the Bat Thief now, they wouldn't have to work so hard every day to visit and collect evidence.

"I have no other choice."

Captain Wang leaned back in his chair and said,"At present, apart from using this method to search, we have no other suitable clues."

"We can only look at the surveillance footage and study the traces he left at the scene."

"I really didn't expect it was done by the Bat Thief?"

"This guy is a big thief! If we can catch him, our group will be able to gain a firm foothold."

"The last time we investigated the case, there was a lot of luck involved. It wasn't us who did it. Chef Jiang deserved more credit."

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

Jiang Chen's temptation of delicious food was indeed quite effective, and it was easy to make the criminal confess.

But the premise is that they have to catch the criminal!

Now no one knows where the Bat Thief is?!

As for the interrogation, he was even more nonsense.


At this moment, Jiang Xue's stomach growled at an inopportune time. She smiled awkwardly, looking a little embarrassed and said:"It's so late, shouldn't we eat something?!"

"I think what Jiang Xue said makes sense."

Guo Mengmeng also said:"Why don't we go to the cafeteria and see what delicious dishes Chef Jiang has prepared for us today?"

"Only when we fill our stomachs will we have the time and energy to investigate the case?"

Captain Wang nodded and replied,"No problem, I am indeed a little hungry."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

When they thought of eating, everyone's mood became much better.

Thanks to Jiang Chen, who provided them with good food every day, they were more motivated to investigate the case, even if they were a little tired.

Five minutes later, they arrived at the door of the cafeteria of Prison No. 2.

Before they opened the door, they smelled the aroma of roast duck.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and their already hungry stomachs were like thunder again, the cries became louder and louder, and their stomachs began to churn.

I really didn't expect that Jiang Chen would prepare roast duck for them today?!

Everyone couldn't wait, and quickly pushed the door open and rushed in. Several roast ducks were placed on the table, with a ruddy and bright color, exuding bursts of fragrance.

The skin of the roast duck was roasted crispy, and under the light, it seemed to be reflecting light.

Just like a gem, perfect like a work of art, neatly placed on the plate, it looks particularly appetizing.

The fat on the skin of the roast duck has been completely baked out, slowly flowing down the skin, looking shiny.

"You have worked hard recently."

Jiang Chen said,"Our little rich woman paid for your meal today. Come and try this roast duck and see how it tastes."

Everyone rushed forward impatiently. Captain Wang quickly grabbed the roast duck in the middle, tore off a duck leg, and put it in his mouth.

The moment he bit it gently, the skin of the roast duck made a crisp sound, and then his teeth pierced the skin, and the duck meat, which had been roasted very soft and fragrant, exuded a rich aroma.

It floated back and forth in the mouth, allowing every taste bud nerve on the tongue cavity to be released to the extreme.

The meat in the roast duck is very tender and smooth, and the most important thing is that the juice is particularly abundant. The fat has been extracted, but the meat inside does not appear to be dry, and it tastes very moist.

The taste is simply amazing!

I thought the beggar chicken that Jiang Chen made last time was delicious enough, but compared with the roast duck, the difference between the two is... The difference is obvious.

Roast duck is still better!

Captain Wang has been to Longdu before and eaten Quanjude's roast duck several times. Although the taste is not bad, today he tasted Jiang Chen's craftsmanship.

I found that good things really can't be compared!

The gap between the two is too big. (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Jiang Chen's roast duck is not only tender and fragrant, but most importantly, it has enough rich juice. Although the outside looks roasted crispy, the meat inside is still fresh and tender.

Before long, everyone had eaten their own roast ducks clean, leaving only a pile of bones on the table.

After eating and drinking, they all felt a lot better. The melancholy caused by the lack of progress in the case has now dissipated a little.

""Chef Xiao Jiang!"

Captain Wang leaned back in his chair and couldn't help but sighed,"To be honest, our police station is really grateful to you!"

"You have worked hard during this period, and you reward us with delicious food every day."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have that much motivation to work.

Jiang Chen smiled and said,"I just���I have done what I can, and the one you should really thank is Jiang Xue, because she paid for all the money."

Patting her chest, Jiang Xue said,"Don't be polite, it's all my duty. We have investigated two major cases in a row, so we must reward ourselves well!"

"In fact, I didn't spend much money. The total amount I spent in the past few days was only 20,000 or 30,000 yuan."

Everyone had long been accustomed to what Jiang Xue said and didn't take it to heart.

After all, other people's fathers have an annual income of more than 10 billion yuan.

20,000 or 30,000 yuan is really a small amount of money for them?

"Still no clues?"

Jiang Chen asked as he sat on a chair,"Still don't know the whereabouts of the Bat Thief?""

"Most likely, we can’t find it."

Captain Wang said with emotion:"The Bat Thief is elusive and has traveled all over the country over the years, committing many crimes."

"If we could catch him, we would have caught him long ago. I guess I might lose my position as captain this time."

Jiang Chen frowned and said,"Have you tried to collect clues? For example, ask others, maybe someone knows the Bat Thief."

"How is it possible?"

Captain Wang immediately denied Jiang Chen's guess, shook his head without hesitation and said:"The Bat Thief is actually doing this business, so he must be extremely secretive from the people around him."

"No one will recognize him!"

"Even if we knew him, we wouldn't know he was the Bat Thief."

"Besides, this method requires too much manpower, so it should be impossible."

The atmosphere in the room became more solemn.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and said,"I can't help you with this matter, but don't worry, as long as Jiang Xue is willing to pay, I will prepare more delicious food for you three meals a day."

"It's hard for everyone to go out and catch thieves, so I can only do my bit to help them!"

Guo Mengmeng looked at Jiang Chen with stars in her eyes and said,"Chef Jiang, this is not even a bit of help. You prepare delicious food for us every day, which makes us very happy."

"You don’t know, if it weren’t for this delicious meal from you to support us, we wouldn’t be as motivated as we are today!"

After hearing this, the others nodded vigorously, obviously agreeing with Guo Mengmeng's statement.

Not only humans, but all animals in nature have an instinctive pursuit of food.

After a hard day's work, having a delicious meal is the greatest comfort.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Everyone was startled and stood up quickly. Before they could react, the door was pushed open.

Xiao Ma, who had just gone to the toilet, poked his head in and said,"Captain, hurry... hurry up!"

"Someone provided important intelligence clues?!"

"He said he knew who the Bat Thief was?"

"Do you know where he is?"


When they heard this, everyone perked up immediately. They looked at each other with horror in their eyes, obviously not believing it.

No, no?!

Is it really possible that what you think will happen?

It's such a coincidence.

That's the Bat Thief.

The police spent several years without knowing his identity.

Someone actually knows it.

Is that a joke?

"Who is the person who provided the information?"

No matter whether it is true or false, Captain Wang decided to go and take a look first. What if they are really lucky and the blind cat encounters a dead mouse, then wouldn't they have done a great deed?

Everyone hurried forward and followed Captain Wang. Xiao Ma said as he walked,"It's a prisoner in Prison No. 3, his name is Lao Qiang!"

"Lao Qiang?!"

Captain Wang said:"Why is it him?"

Jiang Xue asked in surprise:"Captain Wang, judging from the tone of your voice, do you know him?"


Captain Wang replied,"We have dealt with each other several times before. This is his second time in prison, and I arrested him both times."

"Even the reason for arresting him is the same. He usually has itchy hands and likes to steal things."

"The second time he stole something more valuable, he was sentenced to about three years, and he will be released in half a year."

Jiang Xue asked:"Can you believe what he said?"

"I'm not sure yet."

Captain Wang replied:"Let's go and have a look first."

When they arrived at the office and opened the door, they saw Lao Qiang rushing forward excitedly.

He grabbed Captain Wang's right hand and said loudly:"Captain Wang, I am willing to provide you with important information, but you must promise to increase my sentence!"

"If I am not given an additional sentence, I will definitely not make any contribution!".

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