
The office was as quiet as death.

All the police officers present looked at each other, each with an incredible look on their face.

What did they just hear? ?

Don't most criminals report meritorious service in order to reduce their sentences?

So that they can get out earlier.

What's going on now? Why did such a weird thing pop up?

Are you kidding me?

Captain Wang didn't say anything. He was stunned for a while, stretched out his right hand, put it on Lao Qiang's forehead, and carefully tested it for a moment, and found that he didn't have a fever. It was very normal.

In this case... then can anyone tell him why Lao Qiang said such insane words?

"Xiao Ma."

Captain Wang waved his hand and said,"Lock him up first."

He has started to talk nonsense, and the information he provided is definitely of no value. It is better to let him go back to his prison as soon as possible and do what he needs to do.

So as not to waste their time?

"Yes, Captain."

Seeing this scene, Lao Qiang was a little confused. He quickly grabbed the corner of the table next to him and said loudly:"Captain Wang, what do you mean?"

"Don't you want to catch the Bat Thief?"

"He's a famous robber, right? If you catch him, you'll definitely be able to gain merit in the future, right?"

"My request is not high. You just need to sentence me to two more years and let me stay in prison for a while."

"We don’t have any other requests?!"

"I just want to stay in jail longer!"

People still didn't say anything.

They all looked at Lao Qiang as if he were an idiot.

Listen to what you said?

Are you still talking like a human being?

You worked so hard to make meritorious contributions, just to stay in jail?

And you said it so seriously.

You know, he only has half a year to be released from prison. Generally speaking, people would think that"227" should behave well, actively and seriously reform, so that they can start a new life after they get out.

But now he is... doing the opposite.

"Captain Wang, I swear I didn't lie to you?"

In order to show his sincerity, Lao Qiang almost knelt down.

He said sincerely:"If even a word of what I say next is false, then may God punish me with lightning!!!"

Seeing this scene, they became more and more confused.

What is wrong with this world?

Why are all the prisoners in the prison so weird?

No one plays according to normal thinking.

This is a prison, not a mental hospital!

Captain Wang lit a cigarette.

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, he gradually believed what he said, and couldn't help asking:"Don't be anxious, just talk slowly!"

"Why do you want to increase my sentence?"

He touched his head, smiled shyly, and then said,"Well...if I am sentenced to a longer sentence, I will be imprisoned in Prison No. 2 for a few years."

"The food in Prison No. 2 is great. I have never eaten such delicious food. Especially the boiled pork slices and tomato and egg."

"Really, I really don't understand how there are people in the world who can cook so well."

"They are just a few simple and ordinary dishes, but the way the chef makes them is so unforgettable!"

"Anyway, I won’t be able to eat anything good when I get out, and I’ll have to work really hard. If I’m locked up in Prison No. 2 for a few years, maybe I can live a good life!"

"But if I ask you to transfer me to another prison directly, you definitely won’t do it. So I have no choice but to provide information and report my boss!"

"Now that I have done meritorious service, you can increase my sentence, right?"


Oh my god... this this this this...

They couldn't find the right words to describe their inner feelings for a while.

In other words, the reason why Lao Qiang did this was to eat the food cooked by Jiang Chen?

But if you think about his cooking skills carefully, it doesn't seem so strange.

Jiang Chen has a pair of hands that can turn decay into magic. No matter how ordinary the ingredients are, as long as they fall into his hands, they will eventually become an ultimate delicacy.

Whether it's potatoes or cabbage, Jiang Chen can make them bring out a taste that far exceeds the original ingredients.

However, this still shocked them.

They knew that the food cooked by Jiang Chen was delicious, but they didn't expect it to be so attractive.

It actually made a criminal willing to make meritorious service and increase his sentence?!

How to say this... Anyway, it's quite shocking!

Seeing that they didn't speak, Lao Qiang was particularly worried. Is his performance sincere enough?

They were still unmoved. Are they going to reject his request?

Don't do that!

You must promise me!

I really like going to jail.

I don't know how long the silence lasted, Jiang Xue finally asked:"We can consider your proposal carefully, but there is a premise……"

"What is the premise?"

Lao Qiang suddenly opened his eyes wide, his expression full of expectation. As long as he could stay in Prison No. 2 for a year or so, no matter what the request was, as long as he could cooperate.

"You tell us who the Bat Thief is first. As long as we catch him, we can keep you in Prison No. 2. That's absolutely fine."

""Okay, okay, it's a deal!"

Lao Qiang said quickly:"You must promise in front of me, and you must not go back on your word. Don't let me go directly when the time comes, and don't reduce my sentence, understand?"

"If anyone dares to let me out early, I will definitely be angry with him."

It's still the same after getting out of prison. You have to work hard every day for a low salary, and you can't make much money. The food you eat probably doesn't taste very good. It's more comfortable to stay in Prison No. 2!

No wonder the prisoners in Prison No. 2 are actively cooperating with the reform and are so obedient?

If they don't behave well, they will not be worthy of Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

The corners of their mouths twitched slightly. Is this the first time they have encountered such a ridiculous situation?

If the clues and information provided by Lao Qiang are really effective, they can follow the clues and catch the mastermind behind the scenes. Then Jiang Chen will become the top hero in this case.

Last time, they solved the case because of the meal made by Jiang Chen.

Could it be that they have to rely on him again this time?!

To be honest...

Jiang Chen's role is probably stronger than that of their entire three groups.

You know, the Bat Thief is a veritable thief king. The value of the things he has stolen over the years is at least several hundred million.

The police have been searching for him and have no clues.

But now, just because of a meal, his little brother sold him out?!

It's exciting to think about it!

"I'll give you a reduced sentence, so you better tell me who the Bat Thief is."

"But please don't play any tricks in front of us?"

Seeing that Captain Wang finally gave in, Lao Qiang was relieved, and then he took off his shoes in front of everyone.

A strong stench filled the office, and everyone subconsciously took two steps back.

Lao Qiang noticed their subtle changes and smiled embarrassedly.

In a blink of an eye, he split the soles of the shoes into two halves. No one would have thought that there was a secret behind this pair of ordinary shoes.

The middle is empty!

There is a photo in the center of the shoes!

People were even more dumbfounded when they saw it?!

I really didn't expect Lao Qiang to have good equipment.

The photo was wrapped tightly, with a layer of black cloth on it. People didn't know what was inside, and then Lao Qiang took off the cloth again.

He held the photo in front of everyone

"He is the Bat Thief!"

Everyone came forward and was completely stunned when they saw the photo.


People couldn't believe what they had just seen.

No way?!

How could it be possible?

He is the Bat Thief.

Are you sure you are not kidding?

Seeing the shocked expressions on everyone's faces, Lao Qiang was a little proud.

"How is it?"

Lao Qiang said with a smile:"Do you feel very surprised?"

"Didn't you think he was the Bat Thief? I tell you, if I didn't tell you, you probably wouldn't be able to catch him in your lifetime."

"If I hadn't thought about the food in Prison No. 2, I wouldn't have betrayed my boss."

""Let you guys find it?"

In everyone's imagination, the Bat Thief was elusive and skilled, and must be a cunning and sly veteran.

But the person in the photo was a girl who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old.

It was really incredible.

The girl appeared at the crime scene several times, but because she was too young and looked harmless, no one suspected her of being the Bat Thief.

"Don't fool us here."

Captain Wang didn't believe what Lao Qiang said.

"A teenage girl, I don't believe he really has you���Is he that powerful? How could he steal those things?"

Lao Qiang quickly shook his head and said,"See, his appearance is so confusing and deceptive. I've shown you the photos and you still don't believe me."

"I tell you, he looks like he's only in his teens, but he's actually in his thirties. More importantly, he's not a girl at all, he's a boy."

"It’s just… her makeup skills are amazing. Is she what you commonly call a crossdresser?"


This is why he has been excluded. No one could have imagined that a teenage girl is the Bat Thief.

"Didn't he leave hair at the scene? If you don't believe it, we can do a DNA test."

"Anyway, everything I said is true!"

"I definitely didn't lie to you!"

Captain Wang took the photo, put it on the table and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At this moment, he finally understood what it meant to look for something in vain, but finally find it without any effort.

No matter what, Captain Wang didn't expect that in the end they actually collected clues indirectly through Jiang Chen.

They are not awesome at all!

Jiang Chen is awesome!

The first time they used food as bait, they were able to solve the case, and now it was because of the prison food that made Lao Qiang want to report it.....

But think about it, Jiang Chen's cooking skills are really strong!

At least they have never eaten a better meal than he cooks so far.

Even many wealthy people probably can't resist Jiang Chen's cooking skills! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What's more, Lao Qiang is a prisoner!

"That's fine."

Captain Wang said,"Let's go arrest him now and do a DNA comparison. If what you said is true, I will consider your request."

Lao Qiang was a little impatient. He was particularly excited when he thought that he could be locked up for a few more years and taste the food cooked by Jiang Chen. His stomach growled again.

"Captain Wang."

Lao Qiang said with a smile:"Then can you let me taste Chef Jiang's dishes now?"

"I can't wait any longer. Can you agree to my terms?"

"Don't bargain with us."

Captain Wang said,"I told you to wait until we finish the case."

"As long as the information you provide is reliable enough, we will never let you suffer any loss. Now you go back to your prison."

""Yes, yes, yes!"

Lao Qiang was very obedient and nodded in agreement very readily. He didn't have the courage to go against them.

About ten minutes later, Lao Qiang returned to the prison.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, his brothers came forward and surrounded him.

Lao Qiang whistled, his face full of joy and excitement.

He leaned on the bed next to him with his legs crossed, and said very proudly:"Brothers, I have just made a great contribution, and the people above are probably going to reward me!"

"What great achievement?"

The fat man couldn't help but said,"Brother, seeing you are so excited, the people above must have allowed you to go out early!"

""Don't talk nonsense, didn't you curse me?"

Lao Qiang was very unhappy and shouted at the fat man directly:"I tell you, if I am really released early, I will tear your mouth."

Everyone in the audience looked at each other in confusion.

What happened to Lao Qiang?

He used to be active in the past, wasn't it just to get out earlier, why is it that now... he suddenly changed his nature?

Tapping the table lightly with his fingers, Lao Qiang said:"I suddenly feel that it feels great to have made a contribution!"

"Boss, what merit have you made? How did you make it?"

Lao Qiang replied leisurely:"I betrayed you, and it won't be long before the Bat Thief is caught."

"Do you think I am mean, filthy and shameless?"

He said this with a happy smile.

The fat man stood there with his mouth wide open, not knowing how to answer.

He remembered that Lao Qiang had said not long ago that the most important thing for a gangster is loyalty!


Did you eat all your loyalty with a meal?

Didn't you say before that you would never betray your boss even if you were beaten to death?

Why are you selling him out so quickly now?

Aren't you a little too shameless?

The most important thing is that after you have made meritorious service, you can get 4 or 5 good sentences.

In the end, you still have to stay in prison for a few more years?

What are you trying to do?

They don't understand, they really don't understand!

Is it really for the sake of prison food?!

Is prison food so delicious? Is it so fragrant?

"Don't worry."

Lao Qiang patted the fat man on the shoulder and said,"In my mind, you are my best brother. No matter what happens, I will never forget you."

"I will definitely find a way to increase your sentence, and we can live a good life together then!"

The fat man wanted to cry but had no tears.

If you really say that, then don't let me be your good brother.

The risk is too high!

I don't want to do it.


It was late at night.

Looking at the spoils in the box, the Bat Thief smiled.

He had been in the underworld for decades, and no one could catch him.

No one knew his true identity.

Of course... except for one or two brothers he trusted.

There were not many people close to the Bat Thief, and the one he trusted the most was Lao Qiang.

In the eyes of the Bat Thief, Lao Qiang was particularly loyal and reliable, and would never betray him no matter what.

Therefore, even if Lao Qiang was put in prison, the Bat Thief never worried that he would report him.

I guess the police are busy and looking for him everywhere now?!

But... they can't find him.

If they could find him, why would he hide until now?

The Bat Thief stood up and was about to close the box. At this moment, he suddenly heard the urgent footsteps coming from the corridor.

His face changed slightly.

A fleeting panic appeared in his eyes.

His intuition told him that something was wrong!

It was so late, why did so many people suddenly appear in the corridor?.

I'm a big shot:

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