He jumped down from the chair, walked carefully to the door, and gently lay on the peephole, secretly observing every move in the corridor.

The hurried footsteps just now suddenly disappeared at this moment.

The silence was a little weird.

The corridor was empty, with only the bright lights shining on the floor, which looked a little frightening.

What's going on?

Could it be... did he hear it wrong just now?

The Bat Thief did not dare to take it lightly. He came to the cabinet and opened the drawer, and took out a sharp dagger from it for self-defense.

He has been able to roam for more than ten years and steal things worth hundreds of millions without being discovered by others. His own methods and abilities must be not weak.

Otherwise, he would have been caught long ago.

He is particularly cautious. Once there is any slight disturbance, he will be nervous and immediately make a response.

Coming to the window, the Bat Thief opened it and jumped onto the counter.

Regardless of whether the people outside are police or not, he can't stay here tonight.

Just as the Bat Thief was about to act, there was a loud bang behind him, and the door was kicked open, and then several policemen broke in.

They all held guns in their hands and pointed them directly at the Bat Thief?!

"Stop, don't move!"

Captain Wang shouted,"You are now surrounded by our people. You'd better surrender and follow us back to the police station. Otherwise,……"

"Pig brain!"

The Bat Thief left a few words, leaped up, and jumped directly from the windowsill.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xue rushed to the cabinet and said anxiously:"Captain, what should we do? Let him run away?"

Captain Wang showed a mysterious smile

"Don't worry, he can't run away."

Captain Wang lit a cigarette and said,"Don't forget that I asked Xiao Ma and the others to wait downstairs before I came up, just in case this guy jumped out of the window and escaped."

"It seems that we don't need to take him to do any DNA testing. He is so guilty when he sees us. He is probably the one we are looking for."

The Bat Thief has been roaming the thief world for many years and has done a lot of bad things. I don't know how many policemen want to catch him, but they have never collected any useful clues.

That's why he is at large and has done a lot of bad things.

As a result, it only took a few days... and they caught him.

I am really proud when I think about it!

However, Captain Wang also understands that, just like last time, the biggest credit is definitely not them, but the cook in the prison, Jiang Chen!

If Lao Qiang hadn't coveted the food he cooked and wanted to make merit to increase his sentence, they really couldn't find the Bat Thief in a short time.

Who would have thought that the famous and shocking thief king who stole so many things looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl?


After jumping down from the building, the Bat Thief moved very flexibly, like an elf in the dark. He was very fast, running all the way and rushing directly towards his car.

As long as he got in the car, the group of police would not be able to catch him.

He was not just a Bat Thief for nothing!

However... there was one thing he didn't understand.

In the past few decades, he had stolen a lot of things, but he had never been discovered by others, let alone caught by them.

What's going on?!

How did they find him?

Did someone betray him?


There were not many people who knew his true identity, and most of them were in other places. They didn't interfere with each other, and they had a very close relationship, so they would never betray him.

If they really betrayed him, the Bat Thief could also reveal their dirty tricks, and then both sides would suffer losses, which would not benefit anyone.

Another one was Lao Qiang!

But he was sure that Lao Qiang would never betray him!

The two of them were like brothers, although they had no blood relationship, they were very good.

Lao Qiang was absolutely loyal to him and would never betray him no matter what.

If he really wanted to sell himself out, he would have spoken out years ago, and at that time he might have been able to get his sentence reduced by merit.

Now that Lao Qiang is about to be released from prison, there is no need for him to provide information to the police.

Never mind.

Let's get in the car first.

He opened the door, jumped in, and was about to start the car, when he suddenly heard a cold voice behind him.

"Sorry, you are under arrest!"

The Bat Thief's body shuddered. He didn't know when a policeman with a gun in his hand sat in the back seat of his car and pointed it at his shoulder.

A fine layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It's over.

Is he really going to be in trouble today?


He has been in power for more than ten years, how come he suddenly fell into the hands of the police?

What happened?

The Bat Thief tried to stay calm. He took a deep breath and was about to kick the side door open to escape, but he found that other policemen also rushed over.

Everyone had a gun in his hand.

It's over.

This time it's completely over.

The Bat Thief lowered his head silently, and no longer had the idea of resisting.

This was a very carefully planned pursuit. They had designed everything in advance. Even if he wanted to run, he couldn't.

A moment later, Captain Wang stepped forward, opened the car door, and grabbed him by the collar.

He pulled the Bat Thief out of the car

"Why are you running?"

Captain Wang scolded,"Tell me quickly whether you are the Bat Thief?"

The Bat Thief sighed.

"It has come to this point, and you still ask me if it is interesting?"

"I'm telling you now, I'm not the Bat Thief, will you believe it?"

When everyone heard his voice, they couldn't help but be shocked. They didn't expect that he looked weak, quiet and cute, but his voice was so rough. He is really a man!

If Lao Qiang hadn't betrayed him, where would they start to investigate?

No wonder he has been hiding for decades, and people have not found any useful clues.

Who would have thought that a little girl who looked fifteen or sixteen years old was actually a big thief?

After being surprised for a moment, Captain Wang handcuffed his hands without saying a word.

"Come on, follow us back to the police station!"

The Bat Thief gave up resistance.

The other side was outnumbered, with dozens of people in total, all armed with guns. If he went against them in this situation, he would be courting death.

It would be better to cooperate!

"By the way, Xiaoxue, Mengmeng, the two of you should search his house thoroughly and try to find the stolen goods for me?"


The Bat Thief sitting in the police car had no expression on his face, but he felt very upset.

He didn't expect that he would be arrested so quickly?

Are the police so awesome now?

They easily knew his identity, determined his location, and came directly to arrest him?

What was going on?

Could anyone tell him?

Half an hour later, they returned to the police station.

"You guys interrogate him first."

Captain Wang said to Xiao Ma and others,"I'll go tell the director and tell him the good news."


After Captain Wang left, the Bat Thief was handcuffed to a chair. Xiao Ma sat opposite him and took out the transcript.

Time was precious, and they didn't want to waste it, so they got straight to the point.

He asked,"Name?"

The Bat Thief replied lazily:"���Fugui!"




Wang Fugui pouted and said,"Can't you tell by the voice? I'm a man."

He was self-aware. If you want to judge his gender, you really have to use the voice. From his appearance, you really don't know whether he is a man or a woman.

A man who is short and thin, with smooth skin and a dull Adam's apple, looks like a girl with makeup, long hair, and women's clothes...

No one would doubt his gender. No wonder he has been at large for so many years and has not been caught.

"I can answer the questions you ask me next honestly."

Wang Fugui asked:"But I also have a question that I hope you can tell me?"

"What's the problem?!"

Wang Fugui crossed his legs and said,"How did you find out about me?"

"I am quite confident in my level and ability. You should not be able to find my location. In my eyes, the police are stupid, otherwise I would not have committed crimes in a row within a month."

"Hurry up and tell me what you did."

Xiao Ma replied,"Someone provided us with information, telling us your identity and location information."


Just as the Bat Thief expected, someone betrayed him.

Wang Fugui said in disbelief,"Impossible, if they betrayed me, wouldn't they be afraid that I would tell you their information?"

"None of us have clean bodies, I don't believe they are not afraid of coming in too."

"The person who provided the information has come in." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Already in?"

Wang Fugui's eyes widened and he said,"No way? You don't have the authority to handle cases across cities? How can you just bring criminals from other places to your police station?"

Even at this point, Wang Fugui never doubted Lao Qiang.

Lao Qiang was very loyal to him!

"Who told you that we are handling a case across cities?"

Xiao Ma said as he lit a cigarette,"He is from our police station. He said he knows you. Everyone habitually calls him Lao Qiang!"


The Bat Thief felt like he was struck by lightning!

His body trembled slightly, he was stunned, and he sat on the chair gasping for breath.

His mouth opened as wide as possible, feeling extremely incredible?!

What the hell?

Did Lao Qiang really betray him?


The two of them had no grudges and had a good relationship. The most important thing was... Lao Qiang was about to be released from prison. There was no benefit for him to be released?

If he had just come in to do meritorious service for the people above, he might have made up for his mistakes and had his sentence reduced. He had been in prison for several years. Could it be that he lost his integrity in the last six months?

He wouldn't do that, would he?

"No, it's impossible."

The Bat Thief said angrily,"You are just trying to drive a wedge between us two brothers."

"I don't believe that Lao Qiang did this."

"We have such a good relationship? Even if you use coercion, bribery, torture and torture to force a confession from him, he will never tell you."

"Besides, he is about to be released from prison, and betraying me will not reduce his sentence. Since he can't get any benefit, he will only hurt others and not benefit himself by doing this."

"He's not that stupid?!"

Xiao Ma couldn't help but laugh and replied,"You're right. He really didn't do it for a reduced sentence, but to stay in our prison for two more years?"

Bat Thief:"???!"

Do you think I'm an idiot?

Do you think I would believe such a thing?

Unless my head has been kicked by a donkey, caught by a door, and bombarded by a cannon, and there is as much water as the Pacific Ocean in it,

I will believe your nonsense!

Can this be any more outrageous!

In order to increase the sentence?

What's the benefit of increasing the sentence?

"Do you think you are funny? He wants to increase his sentence. Listen to what you say. Do you think I will believe it? Is it possible that he is addicted to prison food?"

Xiao Ma couldn't help but give a thumbs up.


He said to the Bat Thief,"No wonder Lao Qiang said you are his best boss. You two are really in sync. He just sold you out because he couldn't bear to see our chef go to jail."

"It's just to stay in jail for two more years. After all, the food out there isn't as delicious as the food cooked by our chef Xiao Jiang."

Hahahahahaha!!! Oh my God!

What kind of policeman did I encounter? Does he really think I'm an idiot?

How can I believe such nonsense?

"You don't believe it?"

713 Pony was not surprised by the Bat Thief's bold performance.

He leaned back in his chair and said,"It's okay if you don't believe it. I'll call their warden right away and ask Lao Qiang to come and confront you. Then you will know whether what I said is true or false."


Prison No. 2.

The people in the prison looked at Lao Qiang with confusion in their eyes. Since this afternoon, he has been sitting on the bed with his hands clasped together, quite pious, as if praying for something. He kept mumbling to himself.

The fat man didn't understand, so he carefully leaned in to listen. What Lao Qiang said made him even more puzzled.

"God bless you, please catch my boss! Please make my betrayal worthwhile!"

"I don’t want to eat instant noodles and sausage anymore!"

"Please, God! Catch my boss, the sooner the better!"

"I only have this one boss. If he is not caught, who should I betray?"

The information he provided to the police must not only be useful but also be implemented. Only if the Bat Thief catches him can he go to Prison No. 2.

With Lao Qiang's lazy and idle appearance, he can't do anything good and earn much money anyway. The food he eats three times a day is not very good!

He is much better in prison than outside.

The fat man was stunned.

What has Lao Qiang experienced recently?

Is there anyone who can tell him?

Not long ago, he kept patting his chest, saying that the most important thing for a gang is loyalty. Even if he was struck by lightning and cut into pieces, he would never betray his boss.

As a result, he sells out faster than anyone else, and he is afraid that the betrayal will not be successful.

Damn it!

Is brotherhood so worthless?

"Number 39."

Lao Qiang quickly jumped off the bed, rushed to the door and asked,"What's the matter, officer?"

"Come out quickly, someone wants to confront you!"

After opening the door, Lao Qiang followed the police officer, his eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

He didn't know what they wanted to do with him?

Could it be... his boss was arrested?


In the interrogation room.

The Bat Thief leaned on the chair, very confident. The relationship between them brothers could not be measured by anything.

If Lao Qiang was not beaten or scolded, and Lao Qiang was not tortured, would Lao Qiang betray him for a meal?

What kind of meal was that?

A full banquet?!

After a while, the door of the room was pushed open, and Lao Qiang stood at the door with a police officer.

Seeing this scene, he was about to stand up, and saw Lao Qiang was very excited, rushing towards him, and grabbed his right hand.

"Great! Boss!"

Lao Qiang hugged him tightly and patted his shoulders with his hands.

"You were finally caught!"

"Don't blame me, you won't be arrested for nothing. Once you are arrested, I will have to spend two more years in Prison No. 2!"


If I betray you , I will be sentenced to a heavier punishment!"

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