People were stunned.

What did they hear?

Was it an illusion?

Or... was there something wrong with Meng Haiyang's brain?

They had seen all kinds of cases, and had also seen many people who played important roles in the cases.

Some were security guards, some were auxiliary police officers, and some were new police officers who had just joined the job!

It was the first time they heard that a cook in the prison was pushed to such a high position?

They were all very puzzled.

Leader Huang's face sank and he said,"Director Meng, I hope you can be more careful. This kind of major case can't be used as a joke."


Meng Haiyang said:"Why would I lie to you? Besides, you know how timid I am. I have always been conscientious and diligent."

"If I dare to lie to you and cheat, can I still keep this hat?"

"How about you come with me and go see the Bat Thief first?"

Leader Huang nodded and said,"Okay, let's go first."

Ten minutes later.

Looking at the Bat Thief who was beaten black and blue and locked in the confinement room, Leader Huang and the others stared in surprise.

This, this, this... is this the notorious Bat Thief who has given many policemen a headache?

Are you kidding?

How come it's a teenage girl?

Who are you fooling here?

At this moment, Director Ma hurriedly stepped forward and said to Leader Huang,"Leader, some people are so bold nowadays that they actually caught a little girl to fool you."

"Lao Meng, I'm not criticizing you. After all, we have known each other for many years. I certainly hope you're well."

"But what you did this time was really a bit too much."

Meng Haiyang was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.


He stepped forward and said,"He is not a woman, but a real man, already in his thirties."

"We also took the hair left at the scene and compared it with his DNA, and it matched perfectly!"

"He is the Bat Thief, the Bat Thief is him!"

Wang Fugui still looked pitiful, squatting in the corner, feeling very aggrieved.

That bastard Lao Qiang was too cruel!

"Lao Meng!"

Director Ma said:"Why are you still lying to your leader at this time?"

"You tell me the truth,……"

"Shut up first!"

Before Director Ma finished speaking, Huang interrupted him and pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as he approached Wang Fugui, the latter shrank into the corner.

Looking at his throat, Huang saw an Adam's apple, which was not particularly prominent, but it was indeed there.

Is he really a man?

"You are the Bat Thief?"

Leader Huang touched his chin and said in disbelief,"You stole all those things?"

""No, that's right."

The Bat Thief admitted it very readily.

He really didn't have the courage to continue to talk back to them, otherwise, once Lao Qiang came, who knows how he would beat him?

"I have already confessed, why are you still asking me?"

Leader Huang didn't say anything.

He still had some doubts!


Meng Haiyang stepped forward and handed him the DNA test sheet that he had prepared in advance. The latter took it and looked at it carefully, and found that the overlap between the two was 99.99%.

It seemed that he was undoubtedly the Bat Thief.

With a wig and women's clothes, he looked like a little girl. Who would associate him with a rough man?

No wonder the Bat Thief did so many bad things, and they didn't find any clues in these years.

"Leader, I think this certificate……"

"Shut up!"

He interrupted Director Ma and said,"Isn't it your turn to interrupt here?"

"I know what I am doing?"

Director Ma stepped aside and said nothing.

After leaving the room, Leader Huang said with infinite sighs:"Very good, you guys really did a good job."

"I never thought that it would be so easy to catch the Bat Thief."

"Your police station has done a great job this time!"

"Tell me, what are your requests? I will try my best to satisfy you."

Meng Haiyang was waiting for this sentence.

He hurriedly stepped forward and said,"I want to apply for a third-class individual merit for the cook who cooks for our police station? Do you think it's okay?"

Leader Huang:"?(Д)?"

What are you talking about?

Why do you always talk about the cook in front of me?

No matter how well he cooks for the prisoners, it is not presentable after all.

Why should we apply for a third-class individual merit for him?

Isn't that just for nothing?


He is not a regular employee!

There is no need to apply for a third-class merit for him!

He will not be promoted in the future, and a third-class merit will not help his resume.

Cooking for prisoners in prison is just an ordinary job. It is completely different from the nature of their profession as police officers.

"Is this your first day as a police officer?"

Leader Huang said angrily,"Have you forgotten even the most basic rules?"

"Leader, please don't be angry?"

Meng Haiyang was also a little embarrassed.

"I know this is indeed against the rules, but rules are dead and people are alive. Besides, aren't these rules made by people?"

"Our chef has indeed played a significant role, which is why I am saying this in front of you. If he doesn't deserve the third-class merit award!"

"I'm sure I can't tell it!"

Director Ma couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard a very funny joke.

"Old Meng!"

He couldn't help but say,"It's a bit boring to make such a joke."

"You know how valuable our leader Huang's time is, right?"

"He finally came down for a spot check today, you must not cause him any trouble, right?"

"You can be happy if your police department is awarded a third-class collective merit. Many of us can't get it even if we want it."

"But you are still not satisfied. You even want to take advantage of the chefs who cook for the prisoners in your prison?"

"Do you really think our leader is so easy to talk to?" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Leader Huang didn't say anything, but it was obvious that what Director Ma just said coincided with his thoughts.

He also had the same idea.

"Leader Huang."

Meng Haiyang held his right hand and said,"This matter is very complicated, but... we really can't ignore this chef."

"I know that no matter how much I tell you now, I'm afraid you won't believe it."

"Only after you taste the food he cooks, you will know how rare our chef is."

"You guys have come down with great difficulty, so I asked him to prepare a big table of delicious food to entertain you?"

"I will make sure you enjoy your meal, and then you will understand why I did this."

Director Ma slapped his thigh.

"Old Meng!"

He seemed very angry and said,"I never thought that you would go too far."

"Who is Leader Huang? He took the trouble to come to see you, but now you actually let the prison cook entertain him?"

"Aren't you disgusting?"

"There are some things that Huang is not suitable to say, so let me tell you. First of all, it is not in accordance with the rules to apply for a third-class merit for your chef. The leader was very disappointed when he heard it."

"Secondly, although our leader Huang is frugal in his daily life, you can't treat him badly with food since he comes here to inspect!"

"I don't ask you to have any delicacies, but ordinary home-cooked meals should have"

"So you find a chef in the prison to cook for him?"

"What? Is the prison food here so delicious?"

The other two directors couldn't help laughing.

Now they are envious and jealous of Meng Haiyang. Although they can't say they hate him, they are really jealous. He has solved two major cases in a row!

He will probably be highly valued in the entire city in the future!

Except for the Beimen Public Security Bureau, it is estimated that no other branch can match their influence.

Meng Haiyang felt a little unhappy.

Really, if he hadn't seen the leader here, he would have had the urge to take action against Director Ma.

Damn, I'm talking to him here, why are you always butting in!

"Xiao Meng!"

Leader Huang said earnestly:"To be honest, I have always admired your overall level and ability."

"You did a good job on the case. I am not a person who likes extravagance, but I will not be happy if you save too much."

His words revealed dissatisfaction.

The two requests made by Meng Haiyang today were both unexpected to him.

Of course he had to give him some advice!

This is the art of leadership.

Besides, he didn't think what he just said was excessive.


Meng Haiyang said:"The food cooked by all the chefs in the hotels within dozens of miles is not as delicious as that cooked by our chef Xiao Jiang!"

"I didn’t believe what they said before, until I tasted the braised spareribs he made yesterday."

"I don't even know how to describe the taste to you. I tell you, you will definitely regret it if you don't try it once."

"The cooking skills of those chefs in the hotel are simply incomparable to his?"

Director Ma snorted coldly:"Meng Haiyang, Meng Haiyang! I feel disappointed for Director Meng!"

"Think about it, what is his purpose in coming to you after going through so much trouble and traveling so long?"

"The first thing is to make sure that you have really caught this thief."

"Secondly, I just want to see your work ability and attitude, and I will definitely promote you when the time comes."

"But look at you, you are really stingy. How much money can you afford to treat our leader Huang to a meal? Why are you unwilling to pay for it?"

"Young man, you can't be like this."

Leader Huang's impression of Meng Haiyang has also been reduced a lot.

There is no way.

Everything he does now is beyond his imagination and expectation.

It makes him a little unbelievable!

He doesn't ask for any luxury, just ordinary home-cooked meals with delicacies from mountains and seas, right?

"Leader Huang."

Meng Haiyang hesitated for a moment and said,"Are you sure you don't want to eat the food prepared by our prison chef!"

"Leader Huang can't refuse you, I'll refuse on his behalf."

Director Ma waved his hand and said,"Since our Director Meng is reluctant, I will take Leader Huang to eat now, so you don't have to spend money!"

"You should just do what you need to do. As for applying for the third-class merit from the cook, I'm afraid we can't agree to it for now."

"After all, it's too absurd. This has never happened before, and I hope you can understand."

Leader Huang said:"Yes, Comrade Xiao Meng performed very well, but he may need more experience in dealing with people."

"Don't worry, I'm a down-to-earth person, and I won't let you down for your contribution."

"But I'm sorry I can't do anything about the cook."

"Xiao Ma, we can just find a restaurant nearby and have a meal. I'm not the kind of person who likes to waste money."

"Don't order any big fish or meat!"

Director Ma smiled and nodded, saying,"Don't worry, I will not deviate from your central idea."

"That's good!"

Leader Huang said with emotion:"Shall we go first?"

Just as they were about to leave, Leader Huang's driver got out of the car. He smiled and said:"Leader, you guys go eat outside, I'll eat in the police station."

"Meng Haiyang and I are friends. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Today is a good time to catch up."

Leader Huang nodded, patted the driver on the shoulder and said,"Okay, if you have time in the future, teach your classmate more. I feel that he still has a lot to learn from you!"

""That's what the leader said, that's what he said!"

Leader Huang led the remaining directors to a nearby restaurant.

Driver Ouyang hurried forward, with some hatred.���Bu Chenggang said to Meng Haiyang:"Meng, what do you think? You have made a great contribution this time. As long as you perform well, Leader Huang will definitely promote you in the future."

"But look at what you are doing!"

"It is unrealistic to apply for a third-class merit for a cook. But the leader finally comes here with great difficulty, and you insist on using the cook in the prison to entertain him?"

"Aren't you embarrassing our leaders?"

As long as you are in the system, you have some social skills, so you must pay attention to it.

Meng Haiyang sighed.

"That's because our leader doesn't have the good fortune to eat."

He grabbed the driver Ouyang's hand and said,"Let's go. Today I'll let you taste what is the most delicious food in the world?!"

"I guarantee that after one bite, you will recite it for a month."

I'm a big shot:

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