Driver Ouyang was not very interested in food.

He chose to stay just to catch up with Meng Haiyang.

They were college classmates and had a deep relationship. After graduation, they worked in different jobs and rarely saw each other.

Originally, he was not the leader's driver, but when he learned that he was going to meet Meng Haiyang, driver Ouyang took the initiative to volunteer. He was specially to accompany him!

He originally thought that they could have a good chat at the dinner, but who could have expected Meng Haiyang to do such a thing?

""Old Meng."

Following behind Meng Haiyang, driver Ouyang said,"I have to remind you that although Leader Huang is not a stingy person, the standard of your hospitality to him this time is really outrageous."

"Don't think that you have made great contributions and can do whatever you want in front of the leader. You must follow the rules."

Meng Haiyang said impatiently:"My good brother, when did you become so fussy?"

"Have I lied to you before,"110"? Is what I just said true or false? Just follow me."

"I promise you won't want to leave after you finish eating."

After listening to what Meng Haiyang said, driver Ouyang was a little bit expectant.

He knew his good brother's character very well. He was very cautious and careful not to let down at critical moments.

This was the first time he had encountered such a situation!

Could it be that... the chef in their prison was really awesome?

A few minutes later, the two of them came to the door of a private room. From a distance, driver Ouyang saw that many people in the police station were waiting anxiously.

They swallowed their saliva from time to time, as if they were particularly hungry.

Seeing Meng Haiyang coming, everyone rushed forward and surrounded the two of them.


Jiang Xue said in confusion,"What's going on? Why are you here alone today?"

"Didn’t you say that Leader Huang and several other directors would come over for dinner?"

"Chef Xiao Jiang had already prepared the meal and was just waiting for them.

Meng Haiyang said with emotion,"No need, let's eat first, they probably won't come over.""


Meng Haiyang smiled bitterly and said,"They both insisted on going to a nearby restaurant to eat, saying that the chef's skills there are better, and they think... the standards we hired are too low."

Driver Ouyang, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but sigh.

He could feel the displeasure in Meng Haiyang's words.

Obviously he was still complaining about Lao Huang!

He didn't understand why Meng Haiyang, who had been working in the police station for more than ten years, didn't even have this awareness?

When senior leaders come, even if you are short of funds and have to pay for it yourself, you have to take good care of them.

What's more, this time Meng Haiyang has made a contribution, and the people above are fully capable of controlling his life and death.

If he takes good care of him, the credit can be counted as a little bigger. If he doesn't take good care of him...

Of course there is still credit, but whether it will have a positive or negative impact on his future prospects is hard to say.

"Today, this big table of food is yours to enjoy."

He put his right hand on Ouyang's shoulder. The two came to the door of the private room. Meng Haiyang pushed it hard. When the door opened, the aroma that hit him stunned Ouyang.

Braised pork elbow, spicy chicken, preserved vegetable pork, fried potato chips, stir-fried pork, stir-fried cabbage, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, roasted fish, spicy crayfish, and a big roast duck.

They were neatly placed on the table. All the aromas were stitched together, but not conflicting. They smelled better than the other and looked more delicious.

This feeling

It's amazing, isn't it?! Is it really made by the chef in the prison?

The most important thing is that he feels that the dishes in front of him seem to be much more delicious than those in the hotel.

Driver Ouyang's breathing was a little rapid.

He couldn't help but rush forward and quickly picked up the chopsticks to pick up a piece of pork with preserved vegetables.

He especially likes to eat this dish, which is fresh, fragrant, tender, and extremely refreshing.

Carefully put the pork with preserved vegetables into his mouth, and the aroma of the preserved vegetables itself instantly filled his mouth, making his pores slightly open. The meat would melt with a slight pressure of the tongue.

Fatty but not greasy, but It was particularly fragrant and had an endless aftertaste, making people reluctant to stop eating.

After he finished one piece, he quickly picked up another one. In a blink of an eye, he had finished more than half of the seven or eight pieces of pork with preserved vegetables.

The aroma of the meat and the aroma of the preserved vegetables were perfectly integrated into one. It was hard to tell whether it was pork with preserved vegetables or pork with preserved vegetables.

The meat itself was soft, glutinous, and tender. It was so tender that you didn't even need to bite it with your teeth. Just a light touch of the tongue would melt in your mouth.

This pork with preserved vegetables was absolutely amazing!

It was much better than what he had eaten in a hotel before. How many times!

So refreshing!

How can it be so delicious?!

Then he took another bite of the spicy chicken. The moment he took a bite, he first tasted the spicy taste of green pepper, but it was not particularly strong. Then he tasted the deliciousness of the chicken.

The texture of ordinary chicken cooked into spicy chicken may become a bit tough, but the chicken cooked by Jiang Chen is different. The gravy is firmly locked inside. He could clearly feel the juice flowing out of the tender chicken and quickly filling his mouth. The spiciness of the chili and Sichuan pepper also worked perfectly together.....

Driver Ouyang had forgotten everything.

He quickly took the rice beside him and ate it without saying anything.

As for what Huang said before, he had already forgotten it. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Others were not polite either. Jiang Chen had already prepared a large table of rice. If they hadn't been thinking about waiting for the leaders above, they would never have waited so long before moving their chopsticks.

Every extra minute they had to wait for Jiang Chen's dishes was a little more torment for them!


In the restaurant,

Director Ma ordered a total of twelve dishes, including meat, vegetables, hot dishes, and cold dishes. It seemed that he had a good appetite.

In total, he spent only a few hundred yuan, which was not a lot.

Leader Huang drank a glass of wine and said,"Xiao Ma, you still have a good eye!"

"If you work hard, you might be promoted in a few years."

He smiled and said to Leader Huang:"Leader, everything depends on your cultivation."

"There are not many people that I, Lao Ma, admire from the bottom of my heart in my life, but you are definitely one of them."

"He is still strong and wise. Although he is old, he is still strong and most importantly, he is open-minded. He sees things more deeply than us young people."

"There are very few leaders like you nowadays. I really don't understand why Meng Haiyang is unwilling to treat you with a good meal."

"Why do you want him to let the chef in prison cook for you?"

"He is a bit arrogant. He must think that his contribution of 0.7 is very great this time, so he completely ignored you."

Leader Huang did not speak.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Meng Haiyang's behavior, he was not so stingy as to be fussy.

It was not a bad thing for him to save a little.

After all, Meng Haiyang was young, had a burden, and had to bear the pressure of the family.

It was normal not to invite him to the hotel for dinner?

"Forget it."

Leader Huang put down his glass and said,"It's not easy for Comrade Xiao Meng either. Give driver Ouyang a call and tell him that we should go back now."

"No problem."

Taking out his cell phone, Director Ma dialed the number of Ouyang's driver. As soon as the call was connected, he heard his excited voice.

"Leaders, where are you?"

"Come quickly, come quickly!"

"It’s so delicious...really delicious!"

"I guarantee that even the food cooked by the chefs of five-star hotels is not as delicious as his!".

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