Leader Huang turned on the hands-free mode.

Everyone else in the room could clearly hear what driver Ouyang said.

He seemed very excited on the other end of the phone, and he ate very deliciously! He kept making satisfied sounds from his mouth.

Leader Huang froze.

What was going on?

He had known driver Ouyang for several years and knew his character very well.

Originally, his family was very well-off. He had traveled around in recent years, and had attended many banquets and eaten a lot of delicacies.

He was always picky about food.

It was difficult for ordinary five-star hotels to get his high recognition and evaluation.

But... now, the food cooked by a prison chef made him very excited.

This was particularly puzzling!

Leader Huang did not speak, and driver Ouyang's voice kept coming from the other end of the phone. It could be heard at once that he ate very deliciously.

This made everyone in the room a little greedy.

They had just ordered some home-cooked dishes, which cost about three or four hundred yuan.

Although the taste was okay, it was just barely enough to fill their stomachs.

What did driver Ouyang eat?


Leader Huang couldn't help but ask,"Where are you now?"

"Police station, the chef in their prison... is so awesome... simply amazing!"

"Leader, please come here quickly. If you don't come, there will be no more."

"It would be a pity to miss this part!"

""Hurry up, I'll try to save some for you!"

Before they could respond, driver Ouyang hung up the phone.

Leader Huang and the others sat in their chairs blankly.

They stared at each other with surprise and confusion!

This is a bit unbelievable!

What did driver Ouyang eat over there?

A full banquet?

Just by listening to the voice on the phone, their appetites were aroused and they felt a little greedy!


Director Ma smiled.

"Think about driver Ouyang and Meng Haiyang. They have a good relationship. Now that Meng Haiyang is too stingy and makes you unhappy, he must be thinking about improving his good friend's impression in your mind."

"I don't think what he said is credible!"

"No matter how delicious the food cooked by a chef in a police station is, it is definitely not as good as the chef in a five-star hotel."

"Besides, we have already eaten, so there is no need to go there again, don’t you think?"

Leader Huang did not speak.

He leaned back in his chair and thought seriously for a while.

"Let's go"

"Where are you going?"

Everyone looked at Leader Huang in disbelief.

"Let's go to the police station and check. It's okay to go back now. No matter it's true or not, I have to find out the truth."

"If driver Ouyang is really colluding with Meng Haiyang to deceive me, I will definitely criticize him when I get back."

Hearing this, Director Ma was immediately delighted.

No matter what, he would not believe that a chef who cooks for prisoners could have such superb cooking skills.

It was definitely a play that Meng Haiyang asked driver Ouyang to cooperate with him to perform for Leader Huang.

He must have thought that Leader Huang had already eaten in the hotel and there was no need to go to their police station.

Even if driver Ouyang invited him sincerely, Leader Huang would not be moved.

However... he pretended that the meal in the police station was delicious, which showed Meng Haiyang's sincerity to Leader Huang.

It could restore some of his impression in Leader Huang's mind.

Unfortunately, he did not expect that Leader Huang was a particularly serious person

"No problem, let's go!"

Director Ma came to Leader Huang and said,"We will go back to the city after we get to the police station."


After they paid the bill and left the hotel, they arrived at the police station about ten minutes later. Leader Huang took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Ouyang's driver.

"Where are you?"

Leader Huang said,"I'm already here, why don't you come out to greet us?"

"No problem, I'll be there right away."

Ouyang, the driver, hung up the phone, and Leader Huang and others were waiting in the hall.

Director Ma couldn't help but sigh.

"Leader, I am not criticizing Comrade Meng Haiyang intentionally. What he did was indeed a bit excessive. He knew we were coming but he did not come to greet us."

"He must have felt that he had done a great deed this time, and he was almost showing off in front of you, the leader."

Leader Huang said nothing, his expression serious.

Director Ma continued,"Only comrades who obey you are good comrades.……"

"Xiao Ma."

Leader Huang interrupted Director Ma and said,"Although I admire you very much, sometimes you talk too much."

"Meng Haiyang just didn't entertain us well, but he solved the case of the bat thief this time, so we should still give him credit."

"You don't need to worry about other things."

There was some displeasure in his words. Meng Haiyang's way of entertaining was indeed inappropriate.

But his leader Huang would never be so upset because of such a small matter, which would make Meng Haiyang, who had made great contributions in solving the case, feel disappointed!

Director Ma was slightly stunned, then smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

A moment later, driver Ouyang ran over from the door on the left side of the hall. He looked anxious and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

""Boss, you are finally here!"

Driver Ouyang patted his thigh.

He seemed to feel very sorry.

"It's a pity that you missed a feast today. If I hadn't worked so hard to save a roast duck leg for you, you probably wouldn't have been able to eat anything."


Seeing that driver Ouyang was full of excitement and kept exclaiming in admiration, people were a little curious.

Was it really as delicious as he said?

And he even saved a roast duck leg for Leader Huang?

That's not possible, right?

Director Ma said,"Little Ouyang, we just had roast duck in the hotel. It was very authentic roast duck. It was roasted by the chef from Quanjude."

"Don't bring a roast duck leg to upset your leader, just eat it yourself."

Driver Ouyang did not respond to what Director Ma said. He grabbed Leader Huang's hand and said,"Leader, let's go. I'll take you to see the skills of their prison chefs."

A group of people followed behind Driver Ouyang. They all looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

Could it be that... it's really as exaggerated as he just said?

After about three minutes, they finally came to the outside of the dining room. The door was now closed, but even so, people could still catch the strong fragrance from the air.

When the special fragrance came, both Director Ma and Leader Huang couldn't help but tremble, and their bodies were stiff there. They almost forgot to move, and some couldn't walk.

This... smells so good!

I ate it in the hotel not long ago, and the chef's skills there are not bad. Wrong, Leader Huang was enjoying the food with gusto. His stomach was already full.

However, when he smelled the aroma coming from the private room, he felt that his taste buds still had appetite, and they revived again, and he couldn't wait to eat two or three bowls of rice.

How could it be so fragrant?

Judging from the aroma, there should be more than one dish in it, but a mixture of the aromas of many dishes.

However, these aromas are not conflicting, and they blend together perfectly, with a long aftertaste, which makes people salivate.

Director Ma was a little confused!

Is this... really made by the prison chef?

At this moment, he couldn't wait to rush in before Leader Huang to taste it

"Leader, let's go in."

Driver Ouyang pushed the door open. Without the barrier of the door, the aroma inside was stronger and richer.

But the scene that came into view gave Leader Huang a blow.

The food on the table was almost eaten, leaving only some leftovers and piled on the plate.

But even so, the tempting aroma he exuded still made people's appetite doubled.

If they didn't eat the whole dish, I don't know how delicious it would be!

At this moment, Leader Huang really regretted it.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!

The cooking skills of their prison chefs are so good?

You don't need to taste the food yourself, just smell the aroma and you can feel that it is extraordinary.


He is regretting it now?

Why didn't he follow Meng Haiyang here at that time.

Even if the food was really not to his taste, the worst thing would be to take a look and leave.

As a result, now it's good, he missed a feast in vain.

He has been traveling all over the country for so many years, and never had a dinner party that could have the smell of food in front of him!

The most outrageous thing is that there are only some leftovers left on the plate.

Freshly baked... How delicious the food must be, it's unimaginable! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Seeing Leader Huang coming in, Meng Haiyang and other police officers also stood up and saluted him.

Leader Huang's stomach made a rumbling sound, but he remained calm on the surface.

Remember that you are a leader!

A leader must act like a leader.

Even if you want to eat now, you have to hold it back, even if your saliva is about to flow out... you have to hold it back!

Who told you not to come here by yourself before?

Is it okay now? There is only a table of leftovers!

No, no, no!

There are no leftovers on the table at all.

There are only some plates that have been used for food, and almost every dish has been eaten clean by them.


Why didn't you want to believe Meng Haiyang and follow him in to see?

Director Ma behind him was very greedy, but also very confused.

Can anyone tell him what is wrong with this world?

With such awesome cooking skills, he actually ran to the prison to be a cook?

Isn't this like using nuclear weapons to kill mosquitoes, a big waste of talent?


The driver, who had already eaten to his heart's content, grabbed the leader's sleeve and said,"I'm telling you, I've already left you a roast duck leg."

"This tastes absolutely great!"

When driver Ouyang told Leader Huang the news before, he didn't take it seriously and even felt a little unhappy.

He is a senior leader, and it's not like he hasn't eaten roast duck legs before.

Is it necessary for you to keep it?

It's different now.

He was touched!

As long as there is food, even if it is roast duck legs, it is better than not being able to taste it at all.

He quickly opened the plate and looked at the roast duck leg inside. Before Leader Huang spoke, Director Ma behind him was already drooling. The skin of the roast duck was sprinkled with a few white sesame seeds, with a faint oil on it, and the color was very delicious. Golden.

Against the backdrop of the sunlight outside the window, it seemed to be flickering with a faint light, and the rich fragrance was fragrant, making it very appetizing at the first sight.

Leader Huang couldn't help himself, and rushed forward and held the roast duck leg in his hand. He didn't eat it immediately, but took a deep breath greedily.

At this moment, the aroma of the roast duck completely awakened the glutton in his stomach, and he stood there quietly, feeling the infinite beauty of it.

It smells so good, so great!

There is such a fragrant roast duck in the world?

He was about to put it in his mouth, and Director Ma standing on the side couldn't help it.

""Leader, leader!"

Director Ma came close to Leader Huang, his eyes almost falling on the roast duck, his body did not move, his eyes did not blink.

His mouth was still open, and his saliva flowed uncontrollably.

This is the last roast duck leg!

"You, don't you think... for an older person, eating roast duck is not good for health?"

Leader Huang turned around and didn't want to pay attention.

Director Ma still has the nerve to say that?

If he really doesn't mention this matter, he won't be angry.

If it weren't for Director Ma, who repeatedly stopped him from following Meng Haiyang, he would have eaten those delicacies long ago!

As for holding a roast duck leg and chewing it here?

Just as he was about to put the roast duck leg into his mouth, Director Ma came forward again.

"Leader...hiss...I am absolutely loyal to you and have no ulterior motives!"

"I can do anything for you, even if it means risking your life!"

"As long as I can make my leader happy...hiss...I will definitely do my best!"

"It's just that, over the years, I have always followed your lead and obeyed your orders. No matter what you asked me to do, I never blinked an eye."

"But now...hiss...I have a small request, I hope you can agree to it"

"This request is not high...can you let me have a bite of this roast duck leg!"

"Just one bite at a time!"

Leader Huang said seriously.

"Xiao Ma, you should know how I treat you usually!"

"I have seen your loyalty to me. Don't worry, I will definitely promote you after I return."

"But I can’t let you taste this roast duck leg. I finally came across one like this, and I haven’t eaten enough myself?"

"You must understand!"

Director Ma regretted it!

Really, he now understood what it meant to harm others and not benefit oneself.

If he had known this, he would never have stopped Leader Huang from coming to Meng Haiyang Bureau for dinner!

No matter what, Leader Huang is still a leader, and everyone took his feelings into consideration and left him a little.

What about them?

They could only watch from the side!

Tears flowed from the corners of their mouths.

They all felt very uncomfortable.

It was so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable!

Seeing that the roast duck leg was about to fall into Leader Huang's mouth, Director Ma mustered up his courage and actually grabbed his right hand.

Leader Huang frowned slightly?

What was Director Ma doing?

"Comrade Xiao Ma, what do you mean? I hope you can pay attention to your words and actions."

He smiled awkwardly.

His eyes never left the roast duck leg. The other two directors stood by and said nothing. They also felt greedy, but they didn't have the courage like Lao Ma.

"Leader, I feel...I must be responsible for your health"

"Just let me eat a roast duck leg! Just consider it as a plea from you, okay?"

Leader Huang was a little dissatisfied and scolded:"Look at yourself, can you be a little more promising?"

"Look at the two of them again. Who is like you? I guess they……"

"Leader... we two actually want to eat too."

Before Leader Huang could finish his words, the other two slapped him in the face.

This made him feel very unhappy! He was extremely unhappy!

"Get out of my way, if you guys hadn't stopped me, I could only eat the roast duck leg once?"

After he finished speaking, he put the roast duck leg into his mouth at lightning speed.

Director Ma was struggling with himself. Should he stop it or not? That was the last roast duck leg at the banquet.

If he stopped it again, he would definitely offend Leader Huang, but if he didn't stop it... he wouldn't even have a bone left?

What to do?

The roast duck leg was only two centimeters away from Leader Huang's mouth.

Should he stop it or not?

There was only one centimeter left!

"Wait a minute, Mr. Huang, I have something important to tell you!"


This matter is very important, please wait before eating!".

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