Wu Clan?

The tribe Ye Chen belongs to is the smallest tribe among the human race.

According to existing memories, there are hundreds of tribes within tens of thousands of miles.

There are ten large tribes, more than twenty medium-sized tribes, and the rest are small tribes living in isolation.

Usually they don't interact with each other, in order to stay away from danger.

The acquired human race tries to stay away from areas with abundant spiritual energy and abundant resources to avoid being killed by the witch and monster tribes.

But even so, they can only barely survive, because for the witch tribe, the human race is very important.

The witches are cruel and most of them are ugly.

They covet the beauties of the human race because humans are very fertile.

The fertility rate of women in the witch tribe is not high, but humans do not have this restriction.

In addition, humans are more beautiful than witches, so many men in the witch tribe rape and enslave human women to allow them to continue their family line.

After tens of thousands of years of evolution, the blood of the witches and humans has combined to give birth to many half-blood witch tribes.

They regard themselves as witches, but they have the blood of the witch tribe in their bodies and have inherited the brutality of the witch tribe.

���On the other hand, the demons rarely appear, but if they do, their race will be wiped out.

"With this kind of thing, I still want to practice well and survive for a while. It seems that the human race is not peaceful either."

Ye Chen felt a sense of crisis.

It seems that there is indeed a certain danger when he found the traces of the witch clan.

But fortunately, he has just broken through the human immortal realm. If it is an ordinary witch clan, he is not afraid. But the human race is weak, and he doesn't know how strong this group of witch clan is.

After getting the merits of the heaven, the cause and effect will continue.

Leaving is not a solution, he still has to marry and have children to get more rewards.

So Ye Chen said calmly:"I already know, you order the good people in the clan to secretly investigate the traces of the witch clan, and report immediately when there is any intelligence."

""Yes, sir." The chief received the order and went to select elite human warriors.

The chief left.

Ye Chen thought, if the witch tribe really came here, given their brutal character, a fight would be inevitable.

It would be best to just fight and leave, after all, the witch tribe is powerful.

If he attracted the attention of the witch tribe masters, with his current strength, it would be difficult to resist.

"Husband……"Yue Er looked worried. The cruelty of the Wu Clan was known to all humans. There was a huge disparity in power between humans and Wu Clan. Even the strength of the mixed-blood Wu Clan tribe was far beyond theirs. This made her feel a little gloomy.

Noticing the worries of several people, Ye Chen also knew that women were born weak after all, and they were afraid of such cruel Wu Clan. The prehistoric world was vast and boundless. The real core Wu Clan settled in Buzhou Mountain and occupied the blessed land of the cave. In the ancestral temple, the mountains were high and the roads were long. Even if the Wu Clan came here, their strength might not be strong.

So she comforted him,"Don't worry, I just broke through the cultivation level. If ordinary Wu Clan came here, I would make sure that they would never come back."

Looking at her husband who seemed to have transformed into an immortal, Yue Er felt relieved and her beautiful eyes were full of tears.

Now Ye Chen has advanced to the realm of human immortals and shed his mortal body. He was like a banished immortal, handsome and extraordinary, and his appearance was even better than before.

For a while, she felt extremely safe, and even the two maids beside her had bright eyes, peeking at Ye Chen's handsome cheeks and the perfect abdominal muscle lines from time to time.

"With my husband here, I will be able to keep the tribe safe." Yue'er said very proudly.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, put his arm around her soft waist, and looked at Yue'er, who had just become a wife:"I haven't seen you for a few days, let me see if Yue'er has made any progress." Yue'er blushed

, her face was as red as a peach blossom. How could she not know what Ye Chen was going to do, but she was a little shy because her two younger sisters were still around, and the two maids showed strange smiles, and then consciously retreated.

Seeing that the two women left tactfully, Ye Chen pulled Yue'er into the room. After a while, the two women who were guarding outside the door blushed.

It took an hour to hear this. At the same time, the two women were shocked.

They thought to themselves that this time was too long, no wonder Sister Yue'er couldn't get out of bed that day


Three days passed.

The tribe remained the same, except that there was fire. Now the tribesmen only eat cooked food.

The complexion is obviously much better, and the children are more vigorous.

Men, women, old and weak are all grateful to Ye Chen.

In addition, Ye Chen has made great achievements in cultivation, and now he is worshipped like a god, with a transcendent status.

In the past few days, Ye Chen did not practice.

After all, cultivation also requires a combination of work and rest.

The most important thing is to make Yue'er pregnant.

So he tried his best to give Yue'er the nourishing spiritual liquid whenever he had time.

Sure enough, hard work pays off.

After the exercise that day.

The system prompt sounded

"Ding, congratulations to the host for his first wife's pregnancy, and a pregnancy gift pack will be given as a reward."

At this moment, Yue'er fell into a deep sleep, having had almost no rest time for several days.

Her body was almost unable to bear it, but Ye Chen was still as vigorous as ever.

After all, it was the Nine Revolutions of Xuanyuan Gong, which the physique of ordinary humans could not withstand.

Yue'er had been a little scared recently, but fortunately she was successfully pregnant this time. She can take a good rest for a while to prepare for pregnancy in the future.

Ye Chen was overjoyed, as expected, hard work pays off, and he did not forget his hard work these days!

"System, open the pregnancy gift pack"

""Open successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining the innate top-grade spiritual treasure, twelve Dinghai Shenzhu."

A metal mechanical sound rang out.

After Ye Chen heard the reward treasure clearly, his scalp trembled, and he was ecstatic!

Good guy, it's really good!

His pregnancy is too good. He actually got the twelfth-grade Dinghai Shenzhu!

It's also an innate top-grade spiritual treasure.

It is rumored that this Dinghai Shenzhu belonged to Zhao Gongming, and then fell into the hands of Randeng.

There were originally thirty-six Dinghai Shenzhu, but for some reason, only twenty-four were born.

Even if there are twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu, Liancheng will have the power of a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, which can evolve the heavens, and each bead can...

It is a self-contained space with a small world inside.

It can emit colorful divine light, and its killing power is terrifying.

It can cut off people's souls and flesh.

It is a killing treasure.

I didn't expect that I actually have twelve of them!

Each of them is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

If all twelve are refined, the power is unimaginable!

Ye Chen excitedly opened the system warehouse, and sure enough, he saw twelve blue and white beads connected together, with bright divine light entwined, as if the stars in the sky are deep, containing the mystery of creation, and the innate law restrictions emerge from time to time.

Looking at Ye Chen, his eyes were straight.

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