Instantly , the golden light of merit burst out and traveled through the body.

"Merit Golden Light, it is really a panacea!"

The Honghuang Merit Golden Light can not only improve cultivation, temper magic weapons, but also suppress luck. It is a waste for Ye Chen to use it to improve his cultivation.

But for his own safety, he decided to practice mechanical cultivation.

He wanted to complete the first turn and lay a foundation first.

So he did not stop the Merit Golden Light from replenishing his essence and spiritual power.

This Merit Golden Light is more powerful than the peaches.

It allows Ye Chen to turn into pure magic power without much refining, and quickly transform his body to strengthen his physique.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the realm of Lianxu Hedao, and rushed all the way to the realm of Renxian first turn!


On this day, a tide of spiritual energy suddenly appeared above the tribe.

A vortex of spiritual energy appeared in the sky where Ye Chen practiced.

The spiritual energy within a thousand miles was constantly engulfed, and infinite spiritual energy rushed towards where Ye Chen was.

All of them were added to Ye Chen's breakthrough to the human immortal.


With a roar, the sky was covered, and spiritual energy fell like rain.

Nourishing the surrounding forests, plants, birds and beasts, the people of the tribe also followed the spiritual energy and were nourished, rejoicing.

With this life-long laughter, the spiritual energy vortex in the sky dissipated in an instant.

Ye Chen successfully broke through to the early stage of the human immortal.

This breakthrough to the early stage of the human immortal not only consumed a six thousand year old peach, but also completely consumed the remaining merit and golden light in the body. Now only the acquired merit and spiritual fire stayed alone in the dantian, but it was all worth it. Now she has reached the realm of a human immortal and has become a fairy. As long as she doesn't commit suicide, she can live forever.

Counting with fingers, only three days have passed!

Ye Chen showed a satisfied smile. The peaches and the golden light of merit and virtue were a blessing. It saved countless years of practice. It was a real treasure!

Even if it was a congenital Taoist body, it might not be as fast as his cultivation.

This time, the Nine Revolutions of Xuanyuan Gong reached the first revolution.

The impurities in the body were emptied, and the original acquired dirt was completely driven away.

The body was surging with pure fairy spirit, and possessed powerful magic power, and the most powerful touched this flesh.

Most of the essence and spiritual energy were consumed on the flesh.

This terrible consumption made Ye Chen secretly shocked.

If there were no such precious treasures as peaches and golden light of merit and virtue to temper and provide cultivation in the future, he could not imagine how slow his cultivation speed would be.

However, the road was long and difficult, as long as he accelerated the speed of giving birth and strived to get rewards.


The divine consciousness moved.

The acquired Shangping Lingbao Qingyun Sword appeared in the void.

The sword is the king of all weapons and the main killing weapon.

This time, after breaking through the human immortal realm, he also wanted to sacrifice this treasure.

So he refined it and branded it with divine consciousness, and then put it into the Niwan Palace for nourishment.

Then he stood up. At this moment, the black impurities all over his body were like substance, adsorbed on his body.

All of them were caused by the degeneration of the upgraded life level, and the stench was endless.

Ye Chen was choked and uncomfortable, and hurriedly cast a spell to disperse the dirt.

Then he showed his crystal-like skin, beautiful muscle lines, long black hair to his waist, and eyes as bright as stars. His temperament changed greatly, his whole body was full of masculinity, and he was also elegant and light, not like an ordinary person.

Cultivation also made his appearance more handsome, with sharp corners as if carved by an axe or a knife.

"It feels so good to become stronger"

Ye Chen clenched his fists and felt the terrifying power in his body.

Only then did he know why the witch clan was so powerful. He only turned once. His physical body was no less powerful than the later world-class spiritual treasures.

No wonder some great witches can resist magic weapons with their physical bodies, so their combat power is amazing. Even if they are in the same realm, they are afraid that they can fight ten of them with one! However

, Ye Chen was not born a great witch. He practiced with the body of a human race, but even so, it should be no problem to fight three people in the same realm.

And this is the horror of the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Gong.

Ye Chen, who had achieved success in cultivation, walked out of the cave.

The world was the same in front of him. The spiritual energy that was there and not there echoed in the void, the dew on the leaves of the grass, the insects crawling underground, the birds singing happily, enjoying the joy brought by this spiritual tide, breaking through the realm of human immortals, and releasing his spiritual consciousness. Even if the earthworms hiding in the soil were wriggling, he could feel it. This feeling was very wonderful.

After experiencing it, Ye Chen returned to his residence with a sense of unsatisfaction.

As soon as he arrived at the place, he saw a large circle of tribesmen gathered together.

Ye Chen's breakthrough once again caused the celestial phenomena to descend, and these tribesmen were even more in awe of Ye Chen. He, who had already broken through the realm of human immortals, was even more ethereal and deep like the sea. The strong sense of oppression made them sweat profusely.

""Congratulations, sir, for achieving success on the path to immortality, and may you live a long and happy life!" Elder Shaogu knelt on the ground and shouted.

Then the tribesmen responded one after another, kneeling and shouting.

The voices were uniform and their expressions were pious.

Seeing the tribesmen sweating and trembling under the pressure of the breath that he had not yet controlled.

Ye Chen immediately restrained his outward breath, and everyone felt relieved.

Looking at these tribesmen kneeling devoutly, they were in awe.

Now their life and death are only a thought away, this right to control all living beings.

Let him know that from now on, immortals and mortals are separated, and mortals will eventually die and cannot escape the suffering of reincarnation.

So he generously said to everyone:"Get up, everyone, this seat has made a breakthrough in cultivation, it is time to congratulate, Shaogu will open up supplies and celebrate with the tribesmen."

The human tribe was overjoyed when they heard this. There were too many things involved, the most important of which was Ye Chen's improvement. Everyone knew that he was now extremely powerful, and with Ye Chen's protection, the stronger he was, the safer they would feel, and they would not be devoured by monsters. Secondly, they would not have to go out hunting, and everyone was happy, and naturally they were grateful to Ye Chen.

Shao Gu bowed:"Yes, I will obey your orders."

Ye Chen nodded, and let everyone go.

When he walked to the front of the residence, he saw the old father-in-law, the chief, and Yue'er kneeling together.

"Congratulations on your success, it is a blessing for our race."

"Congratulations to my husband for his success in cultivation. It is a blessing for our human race."

The father and daughter, as well as a pair of maids, congratulated him.

Seeing this, Ye Chen knew that the chieftain, his father-in-law, had come in person. He was afraid that he knew about his previous disrespectful behavior and was afraid that his daughter would be implicated.

However, as he had become an immortal at this moment, he did not care about these trivial matters at all. So he showed his skills, and the four of them were lifted up by an invisible force. They were extremely shocked by the immortal's skills.

Ye Chen stepped forward and lifted up Yue'er's jade hand:"You are my wife. You don't have to be like other people in the tribe in the future."

"Well, I will listen to my husband." Yue'er nodded, her voice flowing like a spring. She has grown from a young girl to a married woman. She has become more mature after being nurtured, more beautiful and charming than before, with an alluring charm between her eyebrows. Now that Ye Chen has achieved success in cultivation, she has also benefited from it. Even her father has become more polite to her, and all this was brought by Ye Chen.

So she took the initiative to say:"Husband, my father did not know the situation that day, please forgive me."

Ye Chen understood after hearing this.

Now the power of life and death of the tribe is in his hands.

If Ye Chen deliberately makes things difficult for him, this person will have a hard time.

Considering that this person has a relationship with Yue'er, Ye Chen nodded to the chief:"Ignorance is not a crime, you have made contributions to the tribe, continue to serve as the chief," the chief felt relieved after hearing this, and immediately bent down:"Thank you for your forgiveness, sir," and with Ye Chen's protection, plus his daughter as his wife.

He knew that he could keep his position.

The heart that was hanging in his heart was finally settled.

After all, Ye Chen's strength is now unfathomable, like a mountain, and he feels that he can easily crush him.

If he doesn't know his place, he will have been in vain in the position of chief for so long, especially when he knew that Elder Shaogu actually sent his two granddaughters to serve Ye Chen, Yunhe felt even more anxious.

However, there is one more thing he needs to report this time.

That day was the wedding day of Ye Chen and his daughter, so he didn't mention it, so he said,"Sir, I have something to report.


Ye Chen wanted to let him leave. After a few days of practice, he felt a little tired. To practice, one must combine work and rest.

Looking at Yue'er's graceful body, he felt that it was necessary to comfort her and make a baby as soon as possible.

But when he heard that there was something to report, he said,"What is it?"?"

Yunhe reported,"Sir, I led my people to hunt a few days ago and accidentally ran into traces of the Wu tribe. I am worried that they are nearby. Wherever the Wu tribe goes, they kill all the men and kidnap the women. I am worried that they will come here to find us. Please make a decision, sir."

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