The next day, after sending the recovered Akimoto Aoi to the hospital, Bai Ziyu drove to the vicinity of Himeno's home.

Not long after editing a message, Himeno Yuri, dressed in a blue and white sailor suit, hurried out of the house and sat on the passenger seat.

Without Bai Ziyu saying much, she took the initiative to pay the fare.

After all, if you want to take a ride, you have to pay the fare, which is only natural. With a slight raise of his eyebrows, Bai Ziyu started the engine and drove away.

In front of Qingteng College, Himeno Yuri took out a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth and smiled faintly,"Thank you, driver, for taking me to school.""

"Miss Yuri has already paid, so no need to thank me!"

Hearing this, he rolled his eyes at Bai Ziyu, opened the car door, and drove away. From the baseball team of Majo High School, a handsome and sunny young man sat in front of Nanao Akane.

Looking at the sweaty girl all over her body, he handed her the water cup with a faint smile:"Nanao-senpai, you've worked hard, have some water!"

Reaching out to take it, Nanao Akane thanked her sweetly:"Thank you, Xiangjun!"

No one knows that a big part of the reason why she joined the baseball club was because of the boy in front of her.

Half a month ago, she couldn't help but be attracted to him when she saw him swinging a baseball bat in the sunset.

It's a pity that love is prohibited in the baseball club, so she can only bury this love deep in her heart.

Seeing the girl's sweet smile, the young man's heart beat fast, and he hurriedly opened his water cup and took a few gulps, then he suppressed the impulse.

Not far away, he glanced at the two of them who had already drunk the water. Dong Ganglizhang stuck out his tongue, pursed his lips lightly, and a hint of sadness appeared in his eyes.

Immediately, he came to the two of them with a firm face:"Manager Nanao, Katase-san, could you please tidy up the warehouse?"

"Of course!"

Hearing this, Akane Nanao smiled and nodded, after all, this was her duty as the manager of the baseball club.

Upon seeing this, the young man quickly agreed, he also wanted to spend more time alone with the girl.

Moreover, after spending some time together, he could feel that she had a good impression of him.

Taking this opportunity, maybe he could break this window paper.

Although dating is prohibited in the baseball club, as long as they don't show it in front of others, who would know?

If he could give his virginity to the other party, he would wake up laughing in his dreams!

"Thank you for your help then!"

Seeing that the two agreed, Dong Ganglizang said politely and turned to leave.

On the way to the warehouse, Nanao Akane's whole body began to gradually heat up.

But she thought it was because of her previous excessive exercise and did not pay much attention to it.

The young man behind her was in the same situation as her.

At this time, the young man looked at the wheel of Hunyuan in front of him, and a few streaks of blood red gradually appeared in his eyes.

When he came to the warehouse and looked at the messy sports equipment, Nanao Akane, who felt weak all over and dry mouth, barely supported her body and said in a trembling voice:"Katase-kun, let's start..."


The young man responded in a hoarse voice, shook his head violently and prepared to start.

But when he passed by Nanao Akane, he smelled the rich fragrance of her body, and the clarity that the young man had been struggling to maintain collapsed instantly.

Then, he saw his eyes red, and he rushed towards her with heavy breathing:"I can't stand it anymore, Nanao-senpai, I want..."

After this sudden incident, Nanao Akane's brain was dizzy and she stood there stupidly without any reaction.

Just when the young man was about to touch the exquisite and soft body, a tall figure suddenly stood between the two.

Looking at the feedback from the Eye of Exploration, Bai Ziyu curled his lips in disdain.

He thought it was someone else, but it turned out to be the top soft-shelled turtle man who was being raped by his girlfriend in turns, while he was hiding outside the door pretending to be an ostrich. He hated this guy as much as he wanted.

So, with the right foot raised, the other party flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the warehouse door was opened, and the angry Dong Gangli Zang walked in.

Then, the two of them bumped into each other.

? ? ? What happened?

According to his original plan, the two of them should have been under the effect of the drug at this time.

He took the opportunity to come in and catch the adultery, and then proposed to help Nanao Akane with treatment to relieve her desire for sex based on the rule that prohibits dating in the baseball club.

In order to stay in the baseball club, the other party will definitely agree, then he can take her virginity, and then step by step turn her into a rbq0 for him to relieve his sexual desire.....

But what is the situation now?!

At this time, the young man, who was almost crazy due to the effects of the drug, frantically tore off the clothes of Dong Ganglizang.

At this time, he just wanted to vent his desires in his body, whether it was a man or a woman, it didn't matter!

Dong Ganglizang, who had never thought that the effect of the drug was so strong, immediately roared:"Katase Shoya, get out of my way!"

Then he kicked himself down.

But the young man, who was under the effect of the drug, rolled on the ground for several rounds like a dog-skin plaster and rushed towards him again. He kicked him away again, and saw a strange man who had already hugged Nanao Akane in his arms and was driving a G-Class with his right hand not far away. Dong Ganglizang was instantly furious.

That was his prey!

""Damn you, bastard, go to hell!"

With a roar, Dong Gangli Zang rushed towards Bai Ziyu like an angry bull.

In response, Bai Ziyu sneered with disdain, and then kicked him away with his right leg like a whip. He was just a demon beast who was a little stronger than an ordinary person. He dared to fight with him, he was looking for death!


After hitting the wall heavily and hanging on it for nearly two seconds, Dong Gangli Zang slowly slid down.

He spat out a large mouthful of blood and stretched out his right hand tremblingly:"You..."

Before he could finish his words, 1.9 fainted.

The young man who had just gotten up from the ground not far away saw this scene and immediately pounced on him like a vicious dog, tearing his clothes.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly and temporarily gave up the idea of killing the other party, although the reward after killing him was very good.

【Mission requirements: Kill Dong Gangli Zang. Mission rewards: 1000 rescue points, Storm Wings (blue), Mission failure: no penalty. 】

Just then, Nanawei Akane, who was already in a state of panic, kept grabbing with her right hand.

Bai Ziyu, who was worried that his brain would burn out if he waited too long, hurriedly took out the space door.

The originally quiet villa gradually began to make strange noises.......

Not long after, Bai Ziyu finally experienced the feeling of driving a G-Class again. In one word - awesome!!!

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