"Jie Yijun, I am a cursed woman. If you stay with me, you will encounter misfortune!"

Looking at the beauty's tearful appearance, Bai Ziyu showed his attitude with practical actions.

Between the ice and snow, winter plum blossoms bloomed.

In the empty villa, the whimpering like a kitten gradually floated.

More than an hour later, looking at Akimoto Aoi curled up in his arms like a stray kitten, Bai Ziyu greeted the relatives of the stupid B Tiandao in his heart.

Such a beauty, he actually had the heart to hurt like this.

Tiandao: If it weren't for me, would you be able to drink her first soup?!

Bai Ziyu: Ha~, do I still have to thank you? Don't worry, I will definitely"thank" you well when I have the chance!


Near dusk, the beauty just woke up faintly.

Looking at the tranquil face in front of her, Aoi was stunned at first, and then the memory of death kept attacking.

Recalling everything that happened between the two, her face suddenly turned pale, and she slowly stretched her hand to Bai Ziyu's nose.

Just as he was about to arrive, Bai Ziyu suddenly opened his eyes��:""Aoi, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, the girl burst into tears of joy, and hurriedly hugged the strong waist tightly, fearing that the other party would disappear in the next moment:"Jie Yijun, you are okay! Really 827 okay!"

None of the people before could last an afternoon after confessing their love, and the other party really broke this curse.

Reaching out and gently stroking the emerald green hair, Bai Ziyu smiled faintly:"Of course I'm okay, didn't I say that I have a strong life, and God can't take me away."

As he said, his right hand slowly moved up, gently stroked the warm and delicate face and said softly:"Aoi, are you willing to be my woman in the future?" Hearing this, the girl's delicate body trembled violently, and the next moment tears flowed like a spring, and she nodded continuously:"Yes! I do!"

During the past few days of getting along, she had already fallen deeply in love with this gentle and elegant man with a little bit of badness.

She had been suppressing her feelings before because she was worried that her curse would hurt him.

But now, she just wants to be the little woman behind him quietly, doing housework for him, and giving birth to children for him.

After a moment, quietly enjoying the tenderness, Bai Ziyu suddenly said:"Kui, there is something I don't want to hide from you. In fact, I have other women."

Hearing this, the girl's body suddenly stiffened, and then whispered:"I know!"

She had known for a long time that the other party had other women, or even more than one.

She had already smelled three completely different perfumes on him, and found a few red hairs on the sofa.

Originally, she could convince herself that it was impossible for her to be with him, and that the other party had nothing to do with her, but now...

"Do you regret it then?"

"I don't regret it! I'm very happy that Yuichi-kun took the initiative to tell me this."

"A man as good as Jie Yijun will have many women around him in the future. I just hope that when Jie Yijun is free in the future, he can remember that there is a little nurse waiting for him silently. Aoi will be satisfied!"

As she said this, the girl smiled sweetly.

""Silly girl~"

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu felt a warm current in his heart, and his right hand could not help but tighten.

Feeling his movement, the girl's smile deepened.

The next moment, a faint white fluorescence emerged from the top of his head and shot into his body.

The originally silent"Goddess Record" suddenly became golden.

He turned the pages one by one, and finally stopped at the eleventh page.

Looking closely, he saw Aoi, who was wearing a light pink long skirt, with three thousand black hair scattered behind her head and a sweet smile on her face, jumping on it.

And next to the portrait, there was a detailed introduction to it.

At the same time, two system prompts came together:

【Congratulations to the host for successfully accepting the eleventh goddess, Akimoto Aoi."Goddess Record" feedback reward: Save points: 2000, skills: Divine Machine Hundred Refinement (Purple), Devil Fruit: Lord of Light (Purple), Space Marker】

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Help Akimoto Aoi remove the curse. Mission rewards: Devil Fruit: Sea King (Blue)*4, Save Points: 500. 】

Seeing that the Mangekyō Sharingan did not respond again, Bai Ziyu was extremely depressed.

Why didn't it come out?!

As if sensing his emotions, Akimoto Aoi in his arms raised his little head and looked puzzled:"Yuichi-kun, what's wrong?"

"It’s okay. Are you hungry? I’ll give you something to eat!"

"How can a man go to the kitchen? I'll go!"

As she said that, Akimoto was about to get up and leave.

But as soon as she moved, a tearing feeling came from under her genitals, causing the girl to gasp:"Hiss!"~"

"Okay, don't be so stubborn, drink this, and then have a good rest!"

Holding her in his arms with a little force, Bai Ziyu casually took out a bottle of healing potion.

Looking at the potion that was quietly flashing with a mysterious purple light under the soft light, the girl suddenly became curious:"What is this?"

"Good stuff that can heal your injuries!"

As he said that, he pulled out the cork and handed it to the other party's lips. He gently opened his cherry lips, and when the medicine entered his stomach, the girl's eyes immediately flashed with a brilliant light. It was so magical!

He leaned over and kissed the delicate jade forehead, and Bai Ziyu pulled away.

On the way to the kitchen, he also took a look at the rewards he had received:

"Name: Divine Machine Refining

Type: Skill

Level: Purple

Effect: Able to quickly manufacture complex machinery and mass-produce magical instruments

Introduction: One of the Eight Wonders in a certain world, with very powerful power."

To be honest, this skill is completely useless to Bai Ziyu. With the system in his possession, what kind of magical instruments can he want? Why should he make them himself?!

His time is very precious, so how can he be a blacksmith and swing a sledgehammer?

Shaking his head and throwing it into the corner to collect dust, Bai Ziyu immediately took out the devil fruit rewarded by the system and swallowed it into his stomach in no time.

With the alternation of gold and blue light, the introduction of the Sea King and the Lord of Light on the attribute panel also changed:

Sea King: With this ability, you can transform into the Sea King and drive all water sources between heaven and earth to your use (the current stage is blue level 4, which can be strengthened to the highest level of gold).

Skill 1, Water Waves : By stimulating superpowers, you can gather water elements within a radius of eighteen meters for your use.

Skill 2, Water Arrow: By stimulating superpowers, you can summon nine water arrows with a length of twenty centimeters to attack.

Monarch of Light: With this superpower, you can transform into the Monarch of Light and drive the light elements between heaven and earth to your use (the current stage is the purple two-level, and it can be strengthened to the highest colorful level).

Skill 1, Sword of Light: By stimulating superpowers, you can summon twelve lightsabers to attack the enemy.

Skill 2, Light and Shadow Clone: You can create a light and shadow with 60% of your own strength to cooperate in combat, which lasts for three minutes.

Skill 3, Laser: By stimulating superpowers, you can stimulate two lasers in your palms".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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