He planned to take some time to teach his three wives the Hehuan Jue, and then practice the method of fetal transformation.

With the method of illusion, he would be able to avoid unnecessary troubles when he traveled in the wild in the future.

Ye Chen always remembered that he could have the treatment he has now.

It was all because of his strong strength.

The arrival of the Wu clan made him feel the crisis at all times.

So he must ensure that he has strong strength, so that he can feel safe.

Time passed.

As a result, Ye Chen was numb.

Relying only on his own refining of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

And his own practice of taking peaches and merit golden light that day.

His current cultivation speed is as slow as a snail.

At this speed, it may take tens of thousands of years to reach the second transformation.

After experiencing the speed of riding a rocket, it is really uncomfortable to practice like this now.

Seeing that the speed could not be improved, Ye Chen had to learn the method of fetal transformation and had a lot of fun. He changed into a baby for a while, and then into an old man with twilight. After playing enough, Ye Chen came out to breathe.

It was dinner time, and the tribesmen had learned to make a fire.

The original raw meat could no longer be eaten.

A bonfire was lit, and the smoke from cooking rose. It was a peaceful scene. The tribesmen bowed to Ye Chen when he saw him taking a walk.

Ye Chen also smiled and greeted him, and saw the tribesmen making fire and cooking.

An idea suddenly came to his mind. In ancient times, Suiren made fire and gained merit.

He became one of the three emperors of the human race. It seems that there was also a man named Youchao who built houses and became the emperor of the human race. There was also Shennong who tasted hundreds of herbs, cultivated grains, and planted crops, which were all great merits. Why don't I do something for the human race? Isn't this a merit?

This merit is a good thing. Ye Chen became excited when he thought of this.

The human race now lives in dark and damp caves, and it is easy to get sick.

If there is a house that can shelter from the wind and rain to live in, the physique will be much better.

And it can also prevent the harassment of wild beasts.

Isn't this a merit?

Ye Chen did it as soon as he thought of it, and he left quickly.

Coming to a forest, building a house is relatively complicated compared to making fire.

Looking at the trees in front of him, Ye Chen began to think about how to build it.

Unlike the foundations of later generations, the house built by Youchao is a tree house.

Just like the nests seen by birds, hence the name.

So Ye Chen also thought of building a tree house.

Fortunately, the human race is smart and lives near water and grass.

The trees in the prehistoric world are tall and lush. Normally, a tree is dozens of meters high and has thick branches.

So he decided to imitate Youchao and build a tree house.

He immediately took out the Qingyun Sword and began to try to build it.

Under the sharpness of the acquired top-grade spiritual treasure, the thick branches were as smooth as cutting tofu.

After cutting the wood in proportion and setting it aside, Ye Chen began to carve out the bumps and grooves according to the mortise and tenon structure, and then began to build the house on the tree like playing with building blocks.

Soon, the tree house like a bird's nest was built.

He considered waterproofing and ventilated windows.

Because it was according to his own ideas, he also reserved a separate room for the stove, bedroom, living room, and washing, just like a small house.

But after completing it, he found an important problem, that is, the height.

He could easily jump up to the tree house.

But it is very inconvenient for ordinary children and women, so he installed a staircase, which made it perfect.

The only time you have to be careful is when using fire, but generally, you can cook on the ground.

"Husband, what is this?"

"Sir, what is this?"

""Strange, it's like a bird's nest."

Just when Ye Chen was fully devoted to building the bird's nest, the tribesmen around him had already gathered around curiously.

Only after the entire tree house was formed did Yue'er, Qingfeng, Qingyun and the elders come over to ask.

Ye Chen was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

So he explained to everyone:"This is called a tree house. I think living in a dark and damp cave is not good for the body, and it is not conducive to resisting the attacks of monsters, so I want to build a dry and comfortable residence for everyone to live in."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

The concept of a tree house was too shocking for them.

They had never thought of building such a clean residence.

Yue'er said happily:"My husband is so talented. He has such wonderful ideas. No wonder he is blessed by heaven!"

Ye Chen was very happy in his heart.

Seeing the curious expressions on everyone's faces.

He waved his hand and said:"Let's go up and take a look together."

Everyone has been curious for a long time.

After getting Ye Chen's permission, the elders, chiefs, and their wives and concubines went up to the tree house together.

When they arrived at the tree house, they looked here and there, touched here and there, and looked at it in amazement.

Ye Chen explained to them one by one:"This is the master bedroom, this is the second bedroom, and the stove and bathroom are built with stones."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it. This place was too novel for them.

After the explanation, they felt that although it was not big, it contained everything they needed for daily life.

After listening to the introduction, Chief Yunhe was shocked and bowed to Ye Chen and said:"If all the tribesmen lived in such an environment, they would be strong, have a regular daily life, and be able to avoid attacks by wild beasts. Your Excellency is truly a god."

""My husband, you have great merits and virtues, and you have brought great blessings to the human race."

All the tribesmen bowed together, including his wives.

This was sincere and unconditional admiration.

Blessing all the people of the human race, pulling away from barbarism and moving towards civilization.

Ye Chen deserved this merit.

Ye Chen accepted the worship of everyone calmly.

But he was surprised that there was no merit this time. Didn't he gain merit last time when he rubbed his hands to make fire ?

Although the house was a little rough this time, it already had a prototype.

Everything that should be there was already there, so why hadn't the merits come?

This made Ye Chen confused.

He had to put aside his doubts, and after teaching the tree house method, he ordered:"Yunhe, Shaogu, you two follow this method and order the tribesmen to build tree houses. In the future, the tribesmen will leave the caves and move into the tree houses."

Such a good residence, all the tribesmen want to move in.

And now is the hunting era, many tribesmen have nothing else to do.

There is a lot of free time, so it is natural for them to be happy to build tree houses

"Yes, sir, I will order the tribesmen to build the tree house."

Yunhe and Shaogu quickly organized the tribesmen to prepare to build the tree house. After the whole tribe visited the tree house, they were yearning for this novel, clean and tidy house.

They immediately started to work enthusiastically.

Ye Chen was still frowning, and he felt that he had missed something.

The first spiritual fire was born in the future, and the heaven was moved to give merit. Building a tree house is also a great merit.

There must be a reason for this. Looking at the tribesmen busy and enthusiastic, Ye Chen suddenly realized.

The Three Pure Ones established the teachings and gained great merits to become saints, so they need To educate the living beings, we must repay the cause and effect of heaven.

The acquired spiritual fire is the first ray of fire in the world. Heaven sensed its birth and therefore bestowed merit.

To build a tree house, one needs to make merit, establish virtue, and establish words to bless the human race.

With this thought, Ye Chen understood in his heart, and he became enlightened.

So he swore to the sky:"Heaven is above. I, Ye Chen, feel that the human race eats wind and drinks dew, lives in caves, and is poor and weak. Now I build a tree house to bless the creatures of the prehistoric human race, teach the human race how to live in peace, and not be blown by the wind, rain, frost, snow, or harassment by wild beasts. I hope Heaven will bear witness to it!"

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