The Heavenly Dao was touched, and the roar was deafening.

The sky changed color, and golden clouds surged, covering thousands of miles in an instant.

Soon, the sky was full of flowers, and spiritual energy was like rain.

The overwhelming merits fell again.

All poured into Ye Chen's body.

Unlike last time, this time it was a full ten breaths of merit.

This time the merits were more than the last time he drilled wood to make fire.

Ye Chen was ecstatic, feeling the vast amount of merit and golden light in his body.

He knew he guessed right!

This time he built a tree house and made a promise to the Heavenly Dao.

With the recognition of the Heavenly Dao, the merits far exceeded the merits of making fire before.

So many merits not only improved his luck, but also greatly benefited his bones and cultivation. It was so full that it was about to overflow.

The Nine-Turn Profound Origin Attack was unconsciously running!

Crazy devouring these overwhelming merits, there was a sign of breaking through the middle stage of the human immortal realm.

Under such an opportunity, Ye Chen only left a word to practice.

Then he disappeared under the astonished eyes of everyone in the tribe.

The tribesmen were shocked.

"Your Excellency has received merit from Heaven again, it is unbelievable!"

"This is what adults deserve. Building tree houses allows us to live in peace without fear of attacks from wild beasts. May God bless the human race!"

"The human race should prosper!"


Back to the cave,

Ye Chen tried his best to refine the golden light of merit. He saved countless hard work.

His cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds!

He broke through to the late stage of human immortals! He broke through to the late stage of earth immortals!

On this day, Ye Chen broke through to the realm of Xuanxian.

His own strength had reached the limit of the law. His life level reached a new height.

All the spiritual power in his body was converted into the power of immortal spirits.

He could open up the immortal orifices and comprehend the power of the law.

The difference in strength between the Xuanxian who mastered the power of the law and the Xuanxian who could not comprehend the power of the law was huge.

Ye Chen was trying his best to break through the realm of Xuanxian, and there was no obstacle to his breakthrough this time.

The Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Gong was originally the supreme magic formula, and his path of law, without surprise, chose the law of force.

Among the three thousand laws, force is the strongest, and he must practice the strongest law.

Force is not an ordinary force. Gravity, gravity, devouring, mana, space, and time are all just a way of moving force. If simple strength is a law, then Pangu is underestimated. The reason why his avenue of force killed three thousand gods and demons is to comprehend the avenue of supreme eternal power.

"Many laws, all of which are based on strength, break through for me!"

Gather all the merits and golden light in the body, and run the Nine Revolutions of Xuanyuan Gong with all his strength.

Countless merits were devoured and transformed, and the blood, bones, flesh, and even cells in the body were devoured and regenerated crazily.

At the same time, it brought a painful tearing feeling, but Ye Chen, who had broken through the earthly immortal realm continuously, had begun to enjoy this kind of life level shock, and his Tao heart had become more and more firm.

Soon, the immortal orifice condensed in the Niwan Palace!

The physical body was transformed!

Everything went as it should!


As Ye Chen broke through the early stage of Xuanxian.

The spiritual energy in the radius of hundreds of thousands of miles poured in, causing thousands of creatures to look at this world in awe.

And these spiritual energies turned into a long river of spiritual energy, whistling towards where Ye Chen was.

The influx Inside Ye Chen's body, his body absorbed the spiritual energy crazily and greedily.

Then, like a tide, after the long river of spiritual energy in the sky dissipated.

Ye Chen in the stone cave opened his eyes.

Three feet of mysterious light shot out from his eyes, and it seemed that there were galaxies surging in his eyes, and a world was born and destroyed.

The Xuanxian realm was achieved!

It means that the Nine Revolutions Profound Art has also reached the level of the third revolution at the same time.

The physical body is extremely powerful, comparable to the acquired top-grade spiritual treasure!

Feeling the extremely violent power in the body.

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing!

This feeling of breaking through the level of life is too addictive.

Next, you only need to comprehend the law of power and continuously integrate it into yourself.

When one day you can prove the Tao with force, you will be eternally transcendent.

"It took a month to cultivate."

After consolidating his realm, Ye Chen counted with his fingers and was secretly shocked.

He could not feel the passage of time. He sighed that there was no time in cultivation. If there was no golden light of merit to bless his cultivation, he would have to be in seclusion for tens of thousands of years.

So he stood up and headed outside the tribe.

At this time, the tribesmen outside were already waiting outside.

With the experience of the last time, the tribesmen knew that Ye Chen had broken through the realm.

Together with his three wives, they were looking forward to it outside the cave.

And this time Ye Chen broke through, his fairy-like appearance was ethereal, not like a mortal.

The sense of oppression made everyone worship him.

"Congratulations on making further progress on your path to immortality!"

"Congratulations to my husband for making further progress on the path to immortality, and great things are in store for you."

Everyone congratulated in unison.

Ye Chen smiled and waved his hand, and a magical power lifted up the tribesmen.

Everyone was amazed at Ye Chen’s great power. The fact that he could break through so quickly was closely related to the human race. He also made a vow to the Heavenly Dao, that he would resolve the cause and effect.

To benefit the human race and save them from the suffering of eating raw meat and drinking blood and having no place to live.

So he said,"Shaogu, Yunhe, I made a vow to the Heavenly Dao that day to benefit the human race, and I ordered you two to pass on the method of drilling wood to make fire and building tree houses to other tribes."

""I will obey your orders."

The two looked solemn. The magical effect of fire allowed them to escape from the era of eating raw meat and drinking blood.

The tree house allowed them to live like human beings, not like wild beasts.

As human beings, they naturally hoped that human beings could share this blessing.

Soon the tribe took action.

Ye Chen took his three wives back to his residence.

Yue'er's belly is now bulging, full of loving radiance.

On the contrary, Qingxi and Qingyun are not pregnant yet.

This makes Ye Chen feel that he needs to work harder.

Recalling the physiological knowledge of the previous life, he knew that this kind of thing needs to be done at a specific time to have a higher chance of winning.

So he asked the two girls about the time before and after their menstruation, and the two girls shyly replied that it just ended a few days ago.

After Ye Chen calculated, he felt that it was indeed not possible to rush without thinking. If it was one week before the menstrual period, it would be the best time to conceive.

In this way, the probability will be maximized, so Ye Chen decided to teach his three wives the Kunyang Hehuan Jue.

Although Yue'er is pregnant, swallowing and refining spiritual energy will make her body stronger.

""I have a secret technique that I will teach you today. After learning it, you can be as powerful as me, and you can also achieve immortality and live as long as the heavens."

The three wives were extremely shocked when they heard this.

They could be as powerful as their husbands, and they could also learn this immortal technique.

It was human nature that made them stronger and able to resist the witch clan and the demon clan.

They could also achieve immortality!

It would be a lie to say that they were not moved.

"Husband, can we really do it?" Yue'er opened her mouth slightly, somewhat incredulous.

In the current period when the innate spiritual energy of the human race is dissipating, the human race can certainly practice.

But on the road of practice, bone structure, wisdom, opportunity, perseverance, and resources are all indispensable.

As for how far they can practice, it depends on themselves.

Ye Chen:"Of course, it's just right, let me test your bones and see your qualifications."

With the help of the Eye of Delusion, it is easy to observe the bone structure qualifications of the three women.

As the observation deepened, Ye Chen's face became more and more surprised.

After testing the bones of the three wives, he found an unexpected surprise.

"System, will the bone quality of the wife affect the reward?"Ye Chen did not tell his wife's bone quality immediately, but asked the system some questions.

"Ding, host, you are sensitive to the reward conditions. That's right, the better the female's physique, the richer the reward."

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