It is indeed so!

No wonder the reward for marrying Yue'er is so amazing. After checking just now. Ye Chen discovered that Yue'er is actually a rare Taiyin body.

This kind of aptitude is placed in the future world of immortal cultivation, and they are all peerless monsters, and Qingxi and Qingyun are not bad either.

One is a pure water spiritual root, and the other is a fire spiritual root. Both are geniuses who can cultivate.

In this way, if Ye Chen marries a wife, he can't swallow it all in one go.

Otherwise, ordinary rewards are really useless.

It seems that he is lucky.

He actually found a wife with a genius bone at the beginning.

Otherwise, the Dinghai Divine Pearl would probably be out of the question.

Ye Chen said in surprise:"Yue'er, Xi'er, Yun'er, you are all geniuses who can cultivate"


"Great, my husband, can I also help you fight the witch clan?"

"This way we can also help our husbands."

The three wives all smiled happily.

That day when the witch tribe attacked, they could only hide behind the scenes.

Only their husbands fought alone, and there were dangers everywhere.

They could only worry, but fortunately their husbands killed the witch tribe without any danger.

But what about the next time the witch tribe masters come? If this happens in the future, can they only watch and do nothing?

As Ye Chen's wife, she naturally thought about helping her husband.

Looking at the three beautiful wives, Ye Chen was also a little moved.

With such a virtuous wife, what else can a husband ask for.

So he asked them to hold their breath and concentrate.

Ye Chen used the method of divine mind branding to pass on the Yin-Yang Hehuan Jue to them.

There was no writing in this period, and he still had this ability as a Xuanxian.

As for how much they can absorb and digest, it depends on their understanding.

The three women who got the magic formula came back to their senses.

They all blushed and flushed.

"My husband, this method of cultivation is so strange. There are 108 strange postures?"


"This is really a method of cultivation."

Looking at the expressions of the three women, Ye Chen also touched his nose unconsciously.

Well, he couldn't do anything about it, who asked the Gou system to reward this method of love.

So he said:"This is of course a method of cultivation. You must comprehend it well. Your husband wants to test whether you are practicing hard."

The first time is raw the second time is familiar.

After all, it is already Ye Chen's shape.

The three wives are just a little shy.

The three wives all said that they must learn the method well.

After all, they are practicing with their husbands, not with outsiders.

Cultivation is boring. Although Xier and Yuner are not in the best period, Ye Chen believes that hard work will be rewarded, and maybe the pregnancy will be good.

So he pulled the three wives to discuss the Kunyang method together and enjoy the blessing of having many wives.


The body of a beautiful woman in her twenties is like butter, and she carries a sword on her waist to kill the foolish man.

Although you don't see the head falling, you secretly teach your bones to dry.

Although Ye Chen is in the realm of Xuanxian, he has left the mortal body and has lived two lives as a human being, so his mind is still mature.

In addition, his heart of cultivation is strong, but he indulged in lust for several days.

Enjoying the resources, power, and wife's care in the tribe.

Feeling the emperor's enjoyment, he gradually became a little lazy.

He couldn't help but sigh that if ordinary human beings continued to consume like this, they would probably die young.

Power, beauty, and wealth are all his, and he has the power of life and death.

In just a thought, such power actually made his heart unstable.

Ye Chen also felt that he couldn't go on like this.

He had just gained a firm foothold, so he couldn't be so obsessed with beauty.

So for several days, Ye Chen instructed his wife to practice the Hehuan Jue.

Let them attack the practice of essence transformation and lead the qi into the body.

He pointed out some precautions in cultivation and left alone.

Ye Chen decided to go to the witch clan altar recorded on the Xiantian Xuan Iron.

This time he reached the realm of Xuanxian. Although he was not a powerful person in this prehistoric world, he was not a weak person who could be bullied by anyone.

He needed to find his own opportunity and could not slack off.

He had a feeling that the characteristics of the heavenly merits that improved his cultivation would weaken as his cultivation increased.

So he decided to go to the ancestor witch altar to see if there was an opportunity for him.


At this moment, it was thousands of feet high in the sky.

White clouds were floating, and cranes were singing.

A green escape light flashed by.

Ye Chen stood proudly on the Qingyun Sword. Although he was naked, his fairy posture was ethereal, and his black hair danced in the wind.

Flying is a kind of obsession and fantasy of people. In his previous life, Ye Chen also fantasized that he could fly when he was a child. In his dream, he took brisk steps. As long as he kept stepping, he could fly into the sky. That feeling made him very happy. But when he woke up, he realized that it was just a dream. But at this moment, he was really flying between heaven and earth, and he could see all the mountains. It felt so good.

Holding the Xiantian Xuantie map, Ye Chen paused in the void

"According to the map, the ancestral temple is here, why is there no trace of it?"

After flying millions of miles, Ye Chen used his spiritual sense to check the land and was puzzled.

This place is not far from the human tribe. It is not far for him. He can fly there in one day. The people of the Wu tribe must have something to do with this ancestral temple.

So Ye Chen judged that there must be something they care about here.

"Fortunately, I have the Eye of Breaking Illusions, otherwise it would be really hard to find any clues."

With ordinary divine sense, there is no clue at all.

Ye Chen immediately opened the Eye of Breaking Illusions, and his eyes glowed with purple light.

The world suddenly changed.

Ye Chen's comprehension was not high, but he also realized some mysteries from the Eye of Breaking Illusions.

The world has images, images are concrete bodies, images are obtained by numbers, images have numbers behind them, numbers have reason, reason has temperament roots, that is, laws, all things in the world are just like this, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are mutually generated and restrained, and as he breaks through the laws of origin,

"Got it!"

After observing a mountain below, he found that there was an innate restriction blocking it.

The innate restriction is integrated with nature, and ordinary creatures cannot detect it at all. Even if they are in front of them, they cannot figure out the mystery.

And there is an innate restriction here, which shows that there must be an opportunity.

He immediately fell from the clouds and landed in a lush valley.

The mountains here are endless, like a swimming dragon, and the resources are abundant.

The spiritual grass and fairy fungus are all over the ground, which are excellent materials for refining pills.

If placed in the later cultivation world, these are rare treasures of heaven and earth.

But here it is really like weeds, and Honghuang is worthy of being the supreme world.

After observing for a while, Ye Chen did not rush to search for the ancestral land of the witch clan.

Immediately plunder these treasures of heaven and earth, these are good treasures for improving cultivation.

Even if you can't use them yourself, it is also very good to use them to improve the cultivation of your wives.

So he began a crazy search mode, and all the herbs that looked old were put into his pocket.

"This is nine-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, which can prolong life and replenish essence, energy and blood!"

"Good, good, the Thousand-Year-Old Polygonum multiflorum, good stuff!"

"Three thousand years old ginseng, it's a little young, but it doesn't matter, collect it for me!"

Ye Chen tirelessly collected spiritual materials. He collected all the ones he knew and didn't know.

In order to avoid the two races of witches and liches, the human race did not choose a blessed land.

They didn't dare to migrate to such a place.

Along the way, Ye Chen also found that the monsters of the monster race lived.

Any monster that had not transformed could destroy the human race.

In such a place, the human race would be buried in the mouth of the monster.


Just as Ye Chen was happily collecting the elixir, a beast roar swept through the valley, shaking the rocks in the valley and the ground.

The next second, a black light flashed, and a black tiger was seen with fangs bared, roaring at Ye Chen!

""A late-stage earthly immortal demon beast!"

Looking at the black tiger realm, Ye Chen was secretly shocked.

There are two major differences in the demon clan. One is demon cultivation, which aims to cultivate into a human body and is closer to the Tao body. Nuwa created humans to imitate the body of the demon clan that has also transformed.

The other is to maintain the demon body and is unwilling to transform. The reason for doing so is naturally to maintain a higher combat power and ferocity.

But the future growth is not as good as that of demon cultivation, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The black tiger demon beast in the late stage of earthly immortal in front of him has the qualifications to transform, but he does not transform.

It can be seen that he is a demon beast.

Who knows that the black tiger uttered human words and shouted:"How dare you break into the territory of this ancestor, who are you from, so ignorant of the rules!"

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