Later generations say that the mind is like a demon.

Ye Chen felt that the gap in his understanding of the prehistoric world was about to be refreshed.

This black tiger spoke human words and asked about his background right away. Sure enough

, the demon beasts that have cultivated into spirits are not simple existences.

Although Ye Chen came out to hide his cultivation level at the Earth Immortal Stage.

The other party obviously felt that Ye Chen was not easy to mess with.

Otherwise, with the ferocious nature of the demon beast, he would have slapped him to death with one claw as soon as he came.

However, this black tiger demon beast occupied this area.

Could it be that he also found something unusual here?

But it was impossible. He felt that the innate restriction was still there.

If the other party got there first, the restriction would naturally disappear.

So he put a ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum in his hand into his arms. He said to the black tiger:"I am a casual cultivator who just came out to travel. I don't know that this area has an owner. Don't blame me."

The black demon tiger's dark pupils showed surprise.

Casual cultivator?

It is extremely rare for human two-legged sheep to cultivate Taoism.

In the eyes of the demon race, the human race is just the blood food of the lower demon race.

But at its level, it naturally knows things that the demons don't know.

The human race was created by the goddess of the demon race, and was born in accordance with the way of heaven.

Even though the human race is weak, it is still protected by the way of heaven.

But that's all, the demon race is the protagonist of heaven and earth.

How dare they enter their territory and pick the spiritual herbs in the valley while they are practicing.

A casual cultivator?

"If you steal my elixir, I will have a fight with you!"

Hearing that it was a casual cultivator, the black tiger immediately turned his face, revealing a bloody mouth, and spit out a ball of black light that shot at Ye Chen.

This black light was sharp and overbearing. It felt that once hit by this black light, the soul would be unable to resist. His body was strong, but it did not mean that his soul was strong. This black light actually had the power to eliminate the soul. Ye Chen did not take it head-on, and immediately dodged.


The black light shot out, and all the rocks and plants disappeared instantly wherever it went, piercing through thousands of feet of mountains and rivers, and the remaining rocks and plants still had The black flames burned, seeming to devour all matter.

Ye Chen's face darkened. There was nothing to talk about with this kind of monster.

The strength of the prehistoric world was respected, and there was no point in talking.

This late-stage earthly immortal monster was one level lower than himself.

But it had strange magical powers, and it should not be underestimated.

Seeing the opponent shoot out the black mysterious light again, Ye Chen controlled the Qingyun Sword and swung it out. The thousand-foot sword light flashed, and the terrifying sharp cutting seemed to cut into the void, shattering the black mysterious light, splitting it into two, and dissipating into the void.

""An acquired spiritual treasure of the highest grade!" As soon as he made a move, his true power emerged, and the black tiger was greatly shocked. This two-legged sheep of the human race actually had a magic weapon. And he was not an ordinary cultivator, but a person with strong mana and bones.

He also had an acquired spiritual treasure of the highest grade in his hand. Was he really a wandering immortal?

"Humph, take my attack again."

The black tiger roared.

The original three-meter body suddenly expanded, revealing its true form.

It became a black giant tiger of a hundred meters. Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was shocked. This monster was indeed unusual, and its true form was so huge.

This was not something that ordinary monsters could have. The fierce beast showed its true form and its strength increased dramatically.

Ye Chen did not dare to underestimate it and held the Qingyun Sword tightly. The sword light stretched and contracted, and the black tiger showed its true form, with demonic energy all over its body, rushing straight into the sky.

The terrifying pressure swept over, and he jumped over, pressing towards Ye Chen with one claw.

The fierce beast had long cultivated its true form claws into the power of a magic weapon. This claw, a thousand-foot-sized shadow, smashed down with the power of destruction, locking Ye Chen's opportunity.

There was no escape

"If it was the black mysterious light, I would still be afraid of it, but you are fighting with me in terms of mana and strength."

Ye Chen was full of fighting spirit, and he immediately drew his sword to take the tiger claw.

The sound of the sword resounded, and the weak figure burst out with terrifying mana fluctuations.

It stimulated a thousand-foot-long sword light that was like a real sword.

The moment the two touched, there was a roar like a landslide.

Under the collision of the two mana and strength, the huge body of the black tiger actually flew backwards.

It hit the stone wall of the valley, smashing the rocks and collapsing them.

"How is it possible that humans have such strength and powerful magic power!"

The black tiger crashed into the mountain wall and was knocked unconscious. When he saw a sword mark on his claws, he was immediately frightened.

What shocked him was Ye Chen's strength and magic power, which was completely unlike that of a human. The innate advantages of demon cultivators were obvious. Except for the perverts of the witch clan, the other creatures of the same realm were definitely not opponents. Moreover, it was the bloodline of an ancient demon beast, and its strength was far beyond that of ordinary demon cultivators. So he was unwilling to fight again.

"No more fighting." The black tiger retracted its Dharma image, restored its three-meter-long body, and roared at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen wanted to kill the black tiger, but when he heard that it didn't want to fight anymore, he hesitated in his heart. This black tiger has great magical powers, and its origin is worth pondering. Now the witches and liches are the protagonists of the world. It is not a good decision to rashly kill the demon cultivators. What if it attracts a big demon, it will be inconsistent with his plan.

But this time he came to search the witch clan altar, wanting to find an opportunity. If he retreated like this, it would be a wasted trip.

So he stood with a sword in his hand:"Your magical powers are extraordinary, and I think you are also an orthodox demon cultivator of the demon clan."

Hearing this, the Black Tiger thought about the reputation of his ancestor. He had never been bullied like this since he started practicing, and he was injured by a human cultivator.

He would take revenge and kill this person sooner or later, but he really couldn't beat him now.

He came here by chance, but found a witch clan altar, which contained an innate restriction and must have a treasure, so he was even more reluctant to conflict with others.

So he opened his bloody mouth and said coldly:"Of course, I am the blood of the ancient black tiger.

The elders of our clan have immortal status in the heaven, which is not comparable to ordinary monsters.

" He is indeed a monster cultivator with a background.

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun established the heaven and commanded all the transformed creatures in the prehistoric world. In name, the monster clan is the actual ruler of the prehistoric world today.

But this monster tiger lives alone here, occupying the mountain as king, why don't he have any other monsters under his command.

It seems that the other party should have discovered something.

Ye Chen turned and smiled kindly:"So that's the case, it's me who didn't recognize the great man."

Hei Hu looked at Ye Chen with fear.

He told Ye Chen about his background, so that he would retreat. He couldn't defeat such a powerful human race. He couldn't make enemies with him. Who knows if he has a big background?

"In that case, leave quickly." You are so anxious to let him leave.

Ye Chen was in a dilemma. He saw the treasure land.

If he returned empty-handed, he would be unwilling.

So Ye Chen tried:"I traveled around the prehistoric world and wanted to find a paradise for cultivation. This place seems good. Can you leave?"

This seemed to stimulate the black tiger's pain.

The other party was furious.

The tail was erected to the sky.

The black tiger showed a ferocious face:"You are so bold. It's okay to pick a few herbs, but you want to occupy my cave. It's too much to bully the monster!"

Ye Chen concluded that the tiger had discovered something.

The murderous intent in his heart gradually increased. The monster clan was cunning.

Since the cause and effect were taken, the other party would not let it go.

This place is also the altar of the witch clan. Even if something happened

, the witch clan would be suspected. What does it have to do with other people?

It's better to let this area fight with the witch clan and die.

With this thought, Ye Chen smiled and said:"The paradise is for the virtuous. This place is destined for me."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Chen attacked.

This time he did not hold back, a crushing of a great realm.

Although the black tiger had magical blood, it did not grow up.

It was not difficult to keep it, and when the black tiger saw Ye Chen's attack, it became more fierce than before.

It knew that the other party had the intention to kill, and the only reason was that it was probably attracted by the innate restrictions of this valley!

It has lived here for a long time and killed the monsters that originally lived here. It found the abnormality of this place and wanted to explore it to get an opportunity. Who knew that a human cultivator also found the abnormality of this place

"How dare you attack my demon race? Aren't you afraid that the Heavenly Court will be furious and exterminate you human ants?"

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