The elder didn't know whether this strange phenomenon was a blessing or a curse, so he asked.

Facing the gazes of all the tribesmen, Ye Chen finally calmed down from his previous surprise.

He knew that for these uncivilized human races, such celestial phenomena were too bizarre.

If the explanation was not good, it might be regarded as the source of chaos.

Ye Chen didn't know how he could get such a great merit by drilling wood to make fire.

So he said to the elder:"It's like this, I drilled wood to make fire, and the way of heaven was moved and bestowed merit. From now on, the human race does not need to eat raw meat and drink blood. In the future, everyone can eat cooked food, improve their physical fitness, and strengthen their blood."

Drilling wood to remove fire, the merit of heaven!

These words made all the tribesmen confused.

The only elder who had some knowledge was struck by lightning when he heard it!

Drilling wood to remove fire, how is this possible!

Fire is born naturally, it is caused by thunder from the sky.

How can human power make fire?

"Are you telling the truth?" The elder looked incredulous.

But what if he didn't believe it? Heaven had bestowed merits.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Ye Chen didn't want to explain too much.

He waved his hand and said,"Everyone follow me and you will know at a glance!"

Everyone hesitated, and then rushed into the cave.

They saw a ball of golden flame in the void, dancing flexibly.

It burst out with scorching heat, and the temperature of the whole room rose.

Seeing the flying flames, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground. They all knelt on the ground and shouted for miracles.

Ye Chen frowned at this scene.

He was no longer surprised by the behavior of these human beings bowing down.

This is a world where gods, demons and monsters coexist. It is normal for uncivilized humans to see strange sights.

But he saw The flames flying in the room do give people a sense of intimacy.

The world has the natural power of wind, clouds, thunder and lightning, and this is caused by the laws of heaven.

And this acquired fire is the first flame in the world, created by Ye Chen.

Now it has also been transformed by the power of merit, and now it has become an acquired merit spiritual fire.

It is no longer an ordinary thing, it is definitely a treasure of human merit.

Moreover, this fire was created by Ye Chen, and there is a strange connection between the two.

Ye Chen felt something in his heart, raised his hand and waved, and this acquired merit spiritual fire automatically flew to Ye Chen's palm


The humans in the cave gasped.

Such a divine object, like a finger arm , is actually controlled by Ye Chen!

Suddenly, everyone looked at Ye Chen as if they were looking at a god.

And just now, Ye Chen's majestic image bathed in golden light.

Most of the tribesmen bowed to Ye Chen for a while.

Ye Chen ignored these tribesmen and felt the acquired merit spirit fire.

Just like a naughty elf, there was no burning feeling. Like a fellow creature, he felt in his heart that this fire was born with him.

He is the master of the acquired merit spirit fire, and no one can take it away.

A sense of clarity suddenly arose.

The mystery of creation and the great power of the prehistoric heavenly way made him, a person who knew nothing, also improve his understanding.

The power of merit made him realize that his way might be in the human race.

After all, the lich is in its heyday now, but it will eventually withdraw from the stage of history.

Although the human race is weak, there are fifty great ways, forty-nine heavenly derivatives, and one of them is human escape.

In the future, the human race will be the protagonist of heaven and earth.


"This is a great thing for our human race!"

The elder's eyes also changed when he looked at Ye Chen.

Drilling wood to make fire actually caused the heaven to bestow merit!

Perhaps this tribe member will bring hope and strength to the human race, and his future is limitless!

His eyes turned, and he shouted immediately:"You have brought the fire of hope to the human race. The tribe is proud of you. From now on, the tribe respects you!"

Do you think I am your superior?

But this is a good thing.

In this way, more resources and rights can be mobilized in the future.

Doesn't this mean that you have the right to choose your spouse first?

With the elders taking the lead in kneeling and worshipping, the tribesmen around them followed suit.

Ye Chen did not stop this. He kept it mysterious and powerful, so that these tribesmen would be more respectful to him.

If you are close, you will be inferior.

Ye Chen's mind moved, and this acquired merit spirit fire was introduced into the dantian.

The spirit fire sensed the merit golden light of the dantian and bathed in it with joy.

Ye Chen sensed the joy of the spirit fire and thought it was magical.

This thing is now one with him, and it is the first flame for the human race.

Its future growth is limitless, and it can be used as a thing to suppress the destiny of humanity.

It also gave Ye Chen a sense of security, as this thing can kill the enemy as he wishes!

Although he has no cultivation at the moment, he will continue to create blessings for the human race in the future.

The way of heaven will definitely continue to bestow merit, and sooner or later there will be a day to come out.


Outside the thirty-three heavens.

In the Snail Palace.

Nuwa slowly raised her eyes.

She calculated with her jade hands. Her white jade fingers flew.

After a few breaths.

Nuwa frowned.

"Humans are born with wisdom and are protected by the Way of Heaven. I can't figure out why the Way of Heaven has given them merits. But since the Way of Heaven has bestowed upon them, this person must have great luck or be the emperor of humanity."

Nuwa thought about it and called in her disciples.

Soon two women entered the palace.

The two women were Nuwa's two direct disciples.

One of them was wearing a fiery red flowing cloud gauze skirt and was the Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman.

The other disciple was the Nine Heavens Plain Woman.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman was a congenital ray of the Southern Lihuo Dao Body. The

Nine Heavens Plain Woman was a congenital piece of green jade Dao Body.

Nuwa always accepted disciples at random, and she also valued the roots.

The fact that the two women were able to catch her eye showed how deep their background was.

Not only were they highly skilled in magic, but their looks were also rare in the prehistoric world. Their skin was like cream, their bodies were exquisite, they were tall and graceful, and their beauty was beyond words.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman had a cold temperament, while the Nine Heavens Plain Woman had a gentle and demure temperament.

"Hello, Master."

The two disciples bowed and greeted Master Nuwa.

Nuwa was very satisfied with these two disciples. She chose them as her personal disciples, not only because they were born with the Dao body. She also valued their character. The two girls respected their teacher and practiced diligently.

They had been her disciples for only ten thousand years, but they had already reached the Golden Immortal realm.

She was very pleased. In fact, she didn't want her disciples to be born.

Now the fortune of the witches and liches is long, but the disaster is already determined.

After the heavenly way is determined and the human race rises, she will let the disciples be born. With the blessing of the human merit and fortune, it should be no problem to prove the Dao of the Golden Immortal.

But now the acquired merit spirit fire has been born, and a person with great fortune in the human race has been born in advance. She responded to the heavenly way saint Hongjun who molded the clay to create humans, and he had a cause and effect with the human race, so she decided to let one of the disciples go to the lower world to lay out in advance.

""Xuan Nu, Su Nu, your master has called you here. I want one of you to go to the lower world to protect the human race and find the emperor of the human race. Who of you wants to go to the lower world?"

Nuwa finished speaking and smiled at the two disciples.

Xuan Nu and Su Nu both changed color when they heard the words.

It would be fine if they were to protect the human race, but now the two races of witches and demons do not like the human race, like ants. It is understandable that the master ordered them to protect the human race. After all, the master created the human race in accordance with the will of heaven and Hongjun Daozu.

It is reasonable to protect them, but asking one of them to marry the emperor of the human race makes them a little hesitant.

Both women have innate Taoist bodies, and their future achievements are limitless. They marry and commit themselves to a human race.

This makes it difficult for them to understand.

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu stood quietly without saying a word.

Su Nu looked at the smiling master, stepped forward with lotus steps, bowed and said:"Master, Su Nu is willing to go."

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady and the Nine Heavens Su Nu live together day and night, and they are as close as sisters.

Seeing Su Nu take the initiative to accept the master's order and pull her sleeve, Nuwa saw the two sisters and shook her head helplessly.

This matter concerns the destiny of the human race.

The birth of merit and virtue is already an anomaly.

The human race should have been tempered by the way of heaven, but the anomaly has already occurred.

It concerns the destiny and merit of the human race, otherwise she would not let the two disciples go.

Nüwa opened her red lips slightly:"Okay, Xuan Nu, you can leave. I have something to explain to Su Nu."


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