The human tribe in the lower world.

At this moment, the sky is full of the Milky Way, and the stars are shining.

Ye Chen in the tribe has been blessed by the merits of heaven.

And because of the means of driving the acquired merits of spiritual fire.

Now the people in the tribe respect him like a god.

His status has soared directly.

He also showed the spiritual fire and popularized the wonderful use of fire.

Let the tribesmen collect firewood, build their stone pots and stone slabs.

Teach the stewing and roasting methods. Facing the fragrant broth and the sizzling barbecued meat.

They have never tried this way of eating.

After the meat is stewed and roasted, they look at it eagerly, but dare not eat it.

But Ye Chen does not have this psychological barrier. He has been hungry for a long time.

Although he has been blessed with merits and fortune, his appetite has long been unbearable.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Ye Chen does not care about his image at all.

He picked up a piece of deer leg and took a big bite.

His appetite is amazing, and he swallowed ten kilograms of deer meat in a blink of an eye.

After drinking another large bowl of broth, he felt relaxed and alive.

He wiped the oil stains from the corners of his mouth without caring about his image.

The stewed meat was delicious and rich, and it was a rare primitive game.

In addition, the spiritual energy in this world was abundant and there was no pollution at all, so the taste was amazing.

It was just a little salty, which was a little regrettable.

At this moment, a lot of eyes were looking at Ye Chen.

Everyone was puzzled.

This swallowing without caring about the image, I'm afraid it was not from a monster.

Ye Chen was about to show off a deer leg, and saw countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

It felt weird, one person was eating, and hundreds of people were staring at him.

So he said unhappily:"What are you doing, eat it, this is roasted food, the nutritional value and taste are incomparable to what you eat raw, it has the effect of nourishing the body's qi and blood and strengthening the body."

These tribesmen had already smelled the aroma of roasted meat and broth without Ye Chen saying anything. They were already salivating and very greedy, but they had never eaten cooked food before, so they were a little hesitant.

Following Ye Chen's order, everyone began to share the roasted and stewed meat.

As soon as they took a bite, their mouths were filled with fragrance, and the firm and chewy meat aroma exploded on their taste buds.

"Wow, it’s delicious. So delicious!"

"It smells so good. I have never tasted anything so delicious."

"Unbelievable, the roasted meat has no fishy smell at all!"

The first few tribesmen who tasted it were amazed and satisfied.

Upon hearing this, the other tribesmen rushed forward without caring about their image, grabbed the roasted meat with their bare hands and ate it with relish.

For a moment, the whole tribe, young and old, rushed to grab it. For them, this kind of cooked food was so delicious.

Soon, the limited amount was consumed.

After a whirlwind, the elder wiped the grease from the corner of his mouth, and the last trace of hesitation in his heart dissipated.

This roasted cooked food really has the effect of replenishing qi and blood and strengthening the physical fitness.

At this moment, he was full of respect for Ye Chen, and at the same time a little fear

"Sir, this barbecue is so delicious. Can we ask the tribesmen to roast some more for the marriage party later?"The elder came forward and said flatteringly.

Ye Chen looked at the elder. This old guy knew some worldly ways. He was arrogant to him before, but he could drive the acquired merit spirit fire. His attitude immediately changed and he called him Sir.

However, human nature is that no matter what era, strength is the basis for maintaining dignity.

"You arrange it, and make me a pot of bone soup"

""Okay, sir."

The elder nodded, and then told the tribesmen to start cooking.

And set up a pile of firewood, each doing his own job.

For the first time in the tribe, fire was lit.

The fire in the dark has the power to heal people's hearts.

And dispelled the cold, the tribesmen were busy.

They were full of awe and joy for this mysterious fire.

After they were almost busy, the tribesmen spontaneously sang and danced around the fire.

Ye Chen was in a high position, with barbecue, a big pot of broth, and all kinds of fresh wild fruits in front of him.

He is now in a respected position, and the best food is given to him first.

This is the benefit brought by strength.

After all, before, the tribesmen avoided him as a sick person, treating him like a plague god, but now, the girl who was preparing to welcome the marriage age in the forest looked at him with a wrong look at this moment, as if looking at prey, throwing out teasing and shyness from time to time, and tonight is the marriage party.

As a woman of the tribe, who doesn't want to be attached to a powerful man? Once she becomes a couple with Ye Chen, her status will be noble, and she won't have to do some heavy work.

"No wonder, becoming an immortal and being an ancestor, just a wisp of acquired spiritual fire gives me the power to take whatever I want from these women, it's not bad to travel through time."

Ye Chen smiled, feeling a lot of emotions in his heart, looking directly at the woman's eyes without any consideration.

It's a pity that he was just an ordinary office worker in his previous life, working like a cow and a horse all his life, and couldn't afford to buy a house.

Even if he bought it with a loan, it would be too difficult to marry a wife with the expenses of decoration, furniture, and electrical appliances.

It's different now. As long as he wants, he can have as many women as he wants.

There is no monogamy restriction in this era. As long as you are strong enough, it's up to you to marry as many as you want.

"Sir, everything is ready for the party. You have brought the sacred fire to the tribe, so you should give priority to choosing a wife."The elder came up and said respectfully.

This old guy knows how to deal with things, and he is very smart.

This is not a privilege.

Ye Chen thought about the cause and effect between him and the human race, and the future of the human race is limitless.

If he wants to gain a foothold in the human race, it is not impossible to marry a wife.

"Well, you are good, let's start"

"Yes." The elder took a few steps back, then turned around and shouted to the tribesmen:"The marriage party has begun. Bring up all the girls of marriageable age in the tribe and let the adults choose their wives."


This marriage party is a big happy event in the tribe.

On this day, boys and girls of marriageable age can choose their own spouses.

So everyone is very excited, regardless of gender.

This era is not so pretentious, and marriages are arranged directly when the age is reached.

The adult boys howled and danced excitedly around the fire.

As for Ye Chen's choice, they had no objection at all.

After all, Ye Chen brought fire, and with the help of this elder, he became a god-like existence in the tribe.

Soon, all the young girls, led by an old woman, stepped into the bonfire.

These young girls have not married yet. , without the temper of time.

Their skin is white, and they are tall, short, fat and thin, but their basic body shape is graceful and tall, and each has its own characteristics.

Thanks to the nourishment of the spiritual energy of this world, the worst ones are better than the ordinary women in their previous lives.

They are either wearing animal skins or covering their bodies with plants, but without exception, they can't hide their beautiful figures, and their spring light is exposed. They are full of youthful vitality. They were arranged to be married off. Some beautiful girls either put flowers in their hair or made wreaths and tied them around their necks. The fragrance of flowers and their beautiful appearance made the newly adult human males breathe more heavily.

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